Merative ™ Social Program Management

Merative ™ Social Program Management is now Cúram ™ by Merative™

Release Notes


Merative Social Program Management Release Notes


Important Note<u>Introduction</u><u>System Requirements</u><u>Download</u><u>Pre-Install Step</u><u>Installation</u><u>Improvements, Resolved Issues, Third Party Updates</u><u>Notes on Deprecation</u><u>Known Issues (unconfirmed)</u>Notices

Important Note

Merative Social Program Management is the Continuous Delivery (CD) release. Merative Social Program Management is the Long Term Support (LTS) release.


Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management release.

This release includes new functionality, for detailed information about these new features, see the What's new in Version topic in the product documentation.

For more information about, see the full product documentation in Product documentation and PDFs.

For the latest version of the release notes, see

A CSV file is attached at the end of this document, which summarizes these release notes.

System Requirements

For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.


See the download instructions for this release at /support/spm.

Pre-Install Step

WorkItem:277523 - Pre-Installation step for installations where Swedish is the intended locale


This release can be installed on top of the following Merative Social Program Management releases:

Before you run the installer, ensure that all files in your Merative Social Program Management installation are writable.

The installation steps are as follows:

Additional installation instructions can be found in the Development Environment Installation Guide.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper contains documentation and tools to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management. The Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Guide describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tools to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tools to provide information about database schema changes and tools to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.

To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at /support/spm.

Improvements, Resolved Issues, Third Party Updates


Look and Feel

Curam Enterprise Framework

Curam Modules


Product Documentation

Code Removal

Third Party Updates


PO08531, WorkItem:252881 - The screen reader does not announce the presence of disabled tabs in the tab navigation bar

Issue Description:

When a supported screen reader is used and a visually impaired user navigates to a navigation bar with disabled tabs it announces an incorrect number of tabs.

User Interface Impact: No


Use Edge Chrome browser.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Enable a screen reader.
  2. Log in as a Child Welfare intake worker.
  3. Create a new Child Protection Services Intake.
  4. Navigate to the Basics, Participants, and Relationships tabs.
  5. Issue: The screen reader announces an incorrect number of enabled tabs as it counts the disabled tabs as well as the enabled tabs.


When a screen reader user now navigates to a navigation bar with disabled tabs, it announces the correct number of enabled/disabled tabs including the naming of the disabled tabs.

PO08572, WorkItem:254153 - Asterisks for mandatory fields in modals are not visible when high contrast mode is enabled on Windows

Issue Description:

When high contrast mode is enabled on a Windows operating system, the asterisks that are used to indicate mandatory fields within a modal, such as a modal used to create new evidence, are not displayed.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Enable high contrast mode on a Windows operating system.
  2. Use the Edge Chromium browser.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Click the Evidence tab and use the New page action to create new evidence.
  4. In the New Evidence modal, select the Add row-level action for Addresses evidence.
  5. Issue: The asterisks for the fields Received Date, Type, and From are not displayed.


The asterisks are now visible in modals when high contrast mode is enabled on Windows.


The issue was resolved by updating the CSS code for the mandatory fields.

PO08594, WorkItem:254409 - The Photo and List view icons in the Income Support Application context panel are not visible

Issue Description:

When Windows high contrast mode with the High Contrast Black theme has been enabled, the Merative Social Program Management Income Support application context panel is not showing the icons to switch the context panel between Photo and List views. The same icons are displayed as small dots when Windows high contrast mode with the High Contrast Black theme is not enabled.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Enable high contrast mode on a Windows operating system with the High Contrast Black theme.
  2. Use Edge Chromium browser.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an Income Support caseworker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Create and submit an Income Support application for the person.
  4. Issue: The Photo and List view icons are not visible.
  5. Disable high contrast mode on a Windows operating system with the High Contrast Black theme.
  6. Issue: The Photo and List view icons are displayed as 3 small dots.


The Photo and List view icons can now be viewed as expected with Windows high contrast mode disabled or enabled. The issue was resolved by updating the CSS code for the view icons.

PO08597, WorkItem:254535 - Some icons are not displayed for Child Welfare intake when Windows high contrast mode is turned on

Issue Description:

When adding participants to a new Child Welfare Intake, step 2 of the New Participant wizard does not display some icons when Windows high contrast mode is turned on. The three missing icons are the toggle, which expands the page, the phone icon, and the email icon.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Use the Edge Chrome browser with Microsoft Windows high contrast mode turned on.
  2. Log in as a Child Welfare intake worker.
  3. Register a new Person.
  4. Create a new Intake
  5. Click the Participants tab.
  6. Select New Participant from the page actions menu.
  7. Enter the mandatory details on the first page of the New Participant wizard by using the same name and date of birth as the person you registered in an earlier step.
  8. Click Next.
  9. You will see a name in the Potential Matches list and the following issues are present.
  10. Issue 1: The toggle icon is not displayed.
  11. Issue 2: The phone icon is not displayed when a potential match is drilled into.
  12. Issue 3: The email icon is not displayed when a potential match is drilled into.


Now the three missing icons display on the Potential Matches page when high contrast mode is turned on. The CSS styling was updated for the icons to be visible when Windows high contrast mode is turned on.

PO08608, WorkItem:254994 - Close icons for tabs are not visible when high contrast mode is enabled on a Windows operating system

Issue Description:

The close icons for tabs are not displayed when Windows high contrast mode is used with either dark or white theme, instead, the text 'Close Tab' is displayed beside each tab.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. On the Windows operating system, search for the high contrast settings.
  2. Enable high contrast mode with either dark or white theme.
  3. Log in as a Child Welfare intake worker.
  4. Click New Intake on the shortcuts panel and create a new intake.
  5. Repeat step 4.
  6. View the Intake Assistant tabs for both intakes.
  7. Issue 1: The close icons for the tabs are not visible.
  8. Issue 2: The text 'Close Tab' is displayed beside each tab instead.


The close icons for tabs can now be viewed when high contrast mode is enabled. The CSS was updated to display the close icons for the tabs instead of the 'Close Tab' text.

WorkItem:273083 - Screen reader is not reading titles and content for Warning or Error pop-up modals displayed when the maximum tab limit is reached

Issue Description:

The screen reader is not reading the titles and content for Warning or Error pop-up modals that open when the maximum tab limit is reached.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Enable a screen reader.
  2. Use the Edge Chromium browser.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Open as many tabs as possible.
  3. Issue: The screen reader is not announcing the title or the content of the Warning pop-up modal when the maximum tab limit is reached.
  4. Open a further tab.
  5. Issue: The screen reader is not announcing the title or the content of the Error pop-up modal that is then displayed.


The Warning and Error pop-up modal titles and content are now announced by the screen reader.

PO09652, WorkItem:274531 - Images in the Income Support application home page missing alternative text

Issue Description:

Three icons on the Income Support application home page are missing alternative text. These icons are the Resolve Evidence green tick in the Application To Do section and the orange and red timer icons in the Alerts and Timers section. The missing 'alt' text causes accessibility-related failures.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an Income Support caseworker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Create an Income Support application for Cash Assistance for this person.
  4. Submit the application.
  5. Open the Income Support application.
  6. Move the system date forward from today's date by more than 30 days.
  7. Refresh the application and log in as an Income Support caseworker.
  8. Navigate back to the Cash Assistance application home page.
  9. Issue 1: Note the green tick icon beside Resolve Evidence and the red timer icon in the Alerts and Timers section, both of which are missing alt text upon inspection.
  10. To produce the orange timer icon, move the server date forward by between 25 and 30 days from today’s date.
  11. Again, refresh the application and log in as an Income Support caseworker.
  12. Navigate back to the Cash Assistance application home page.
  13. Issue 2: Note the orange timer icon in the Alerts and Timers section is missing alt text upon inspection.


The alternative text has been added to the three icons to display the alt text upon inspection to improve the context for accessibility software.

WorkItem:277810 - Focus is lost during keyboard navigation on drop-downs that extend beyond the visible area of the screen

Issue Description:

The browser focus is lost when using keyboard navigation to scroll through drop-down menus that extend beyond the visible area of the screen.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Select Person under Registration in the shortcuts panel to open the Register Person wizard.
  3. Click Next to open step 2 of the wizard.
  4. Navigate to Private Address and select the State input field. The drop-down list of States extends beyond the visible area.
  5. Use the down arrow key to navigate through the options.
  6. Issue: When a user navigates through the list of states with the keyboard, after a point the focus is lost and the user cannot see which option is selected.


Keyboard navigation can now be used on a drop-down menu that extends beyond the visible area of the screen and focus is retained as the hidden content scrolls into view.

Look and Feel

PO08318, WorkItem:248187 - Additional light blue color layer appears after enabling the optional header in the definition of an application

Issue Description:

An additional light blue color layer, which is not consistent with the current theme, appears in the application banner after the optional header in the definition of an application is enabled. For more information about optional headers, see

User Interface Impact: No

**Prerequisite(s): **Enable the optional header in the definition of an application, such as the one Income Support caseworkers use.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an Income Support caseworker.
  2. Issue: Old v6-theme background image is visible in the application banner.


Background colors are now consistent with the current theme.


This issue was resolved by updating the CSS files.

WorkItem:274692 - The Modify Meeting Details modal shows an incorrect time after a custom time was used to create the meeting

Issue Description:

When a meeting is created using a custom time value, an incorrect time is displayed when editing the details of the meeting.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Navigate to the Calendar.
  3. Select New Meeting from the tab action menu.
  4. Fill in the mandatory fields and manually enter a time value that is not listed as an option. For example, set the Start time to 10:12 and save the meeting.
  5. Navigate to the List view of the Calendar and select Edit from the row-level action of the meeting created above.
  6. Issue: The Start time displayed in the Modify Meeting Details modal is not the custom time entered.


The correct custom time now displays on the Modify Meeting Details modal.

WorkItem:274693 - Duplicate data-testid on Register Person modal address fields

Issue Description:

When accessing the Register Person modal, a duplicate data-testid can be seen in the Document Object Model (DOM). The data-testid can be referenced in automation and must be unique.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Click Person under Registration in the Shortcuts panel.
  3. Click Next on the Register Person wizard.
  4. Issue: Both the Private Address and Mailing Address clusters have more than one data-testid in their own fields.


All data-testid attributes on the Register Person modal are unique.


These address fields use the ADDRESS_DATA domain, which consists of a single UIM field that generates six fields on the screen that share the root label. When these fields are generated, they are checked to see whether the label is the same. If so, a counter is added to the data-testid. An issue arose because the label prefix, such as text input or drop-down, was also checked and when they were different, the counter would reset. This particular case has a mixture of text inputs and drop-downs. When the screen was building and changed from a text input to a drop-down, the counter reset and the next field would contain a duplicate data-testid. To resolve this issue, the comparison no longer checks the prefix and now checks only the label. The counter is no longer reset and a data-testid is not duplicated.

WorkItem:276468 - Modals in Social Program Management application modules are now sized based on their content

Issue Description:

The standardization of modal sizing that was started in version 8 has now been applied to Social Program Management application modules. Modals with improved drop-downs, date interactions, and buttons with increased click space are now easier to use. These updates address the following issues:

  1. Some modals were too large, and the contents too spread out causing an increase in eye movement and cognitive load.
  2. Some modals were too small and hard to read.

For more information about the standardization of modal sizing, see WorkItem:271924 in the Social Program Management 8.0.0 release notes: /support/spm/release-notes/8-0-0.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

Scenario 1: Income Support module

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Click Person under Registration in the Shortcuts panel.
  3. Register a new Person.
  4. Select New Application from the tab actions menu on the Person home page.
  5. Populate the mandatory fields and submit the application.
    • An Insurance affordability application is created with an application reference number.
  6. Open the Insurance Affordability application and navigate to the Evidence tab.
  7. From the side navigation panel, select Verification.
  8. Issue: The Verify Evidence modal seems too wide for the content.

Scenario 2: Child Welfare module

  1. Log in as a Child Welfare intake worker.
  2. Create a Child Protection Services intake.
  3. Navigate to the Participants tab on the intake assistant and select New Participant.
  4. Enter the details for a Participant. For example, Name, Role, and Primary Client.
  5. Navigate to the Assessment tab in the intake assistant.
  6. Complete the Assessment.
  7. Navigate to the Allegations tab on the intake assistant and select New.
  8. Enter the Allegation details, for example, Alleged Victim, Alleged Maltreater, Date & Time, Type, and Description.
  9. Issue: On editing an Allegation, the modal that is displayed seems too wide for the content.

Scenario 3: Provider management module

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Expand the Provider Management section in the shortcuts menu and select Services.
  3. Click a service, for example, Child Care to navigate to its home page or Select New Service to create a new service (preferred).
  4. Navigate to the Evaluation criteria tab and click the New action button.
  5. Add a Criterion name and leave response type as is.
  6. Click New Scores from the row-level action on the newly created Criterion.
  7. Issue: The modal that is displayed seems too narrow for the content.

Scenario 4: Outcome management module

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Click Person under Registration in the Shortcuts panel.
  3. Register a new Person.
  4. Select New Outcome Plan from the Outcome Plans section in the Shortcuts panel.
  5. Search for the registered user.
  6. Select the user.
  7. The Outcome plan modal is displayed.
  8. Issue: The modal that is displayed seems too wide for the content.


The open-source Social Program Management UI Upgrade Helper has been updated with an improved Modal Sizing Tool to resize modals based on their content and the modal's width. This improved Modal Sizing Tool has been run on the Social Program Management application modules. Based on the results, case management and person management modals, such as the verification modal, have been updated.

To obtain the benefits of optimum modal sizing, customers can run the tool on their own codebase. For more information about the UI Upgrade Helper and to download the tool, see

PO09779, WorkItem:276824 - Form control labels are not displayed when a nested LABEL child element is used

Issue Description:

A form control's label is not displayed on a page or modal if the associated FIELD element in UIM has a nested LABEL child element. For example, the Show Nicknames label is not displayed for a checkbox form control on the Person Search page if the label is nested.

User Interface Impact: No


<FIELD LABEL="Field.Label.Nickname">
<SOURCE NAME="DISPLAY" PROPERTY="result$dtls$searchWithNicknamesInd" />
<TARGET NAME="ACTION" PROPERTY="personSearchKey$nicknameInd" />

<SOURCE NAME="TEXT" PROPERTY="Field.Label.Nickname" />
<SOURCE NAME="DISPLAY" PROPERTY="result$dtls$searchWithNicknamesInd" />
<TARGET NAME="ACTION" PROPERTY="personSearchKey$nicknameInd" />

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Click Person under Searches in the Shortcuts panel.
  3. Issue: The Show Nicknames label for the checkbox on the Person Search page is not displayed.


The JSP generator has been updated. A label that is associated with a form control on an application page or modal is now correctly displayed when a FIELD element has a nested LABEL child element in UIM.

WorkItem:276965 - Selecting the Waiver Requests or Details in-page navigation tabs on the Milestone modal displays an extra Close button

Issue Description:

An extra Close button is displayed on the Milestone modal when either the Waiver Requests or the Details in-page navigation tab is selected.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an eligibility worker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Submit an Income Support application for the person, for example, Cash, Food, or Medical Assistance.
  4. From the Person home page, select the Income Support case.
  5. Navigate to the Income Support case Events tab.
  6. Open the Milestone modal by selecting the Milestone link from the Events Calendar view.
  7. Navigate within the modal by selecting the Waiver Requests and Details tabs.
  8. Issue: A new Close button gets displayed each time a navigation tab is selected.


Just one Close button is displayed when navigating tabs in the Milestone modal.

PO09806, WorkItem:277235 - The Graphical View tab of a task randomly displays an application error when refreshing the tab

Issue Description:

The Graphical View tab of a task randomly displays an application error. The behavior is inconsistent and refreshing the tab will randomly alternate between the graphical view and the application error message.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Navigate to Inbox and select My Tasks.
  4. From the action menu, select New Task.
  5. Associate the new task with the newly created person and select the option 'Add to My Tasks'.
  6. Open the newly created task and go to the Graphical View tab.
  7. Use the page-level refresh to refresh the tab until the error appears.
  8. Issue: The Graphical View tab displays: 'An Application Error Has Occurred'.


Refreshing the Graphical View tab of a task now always displays the graphical view, regardless of the number of times the tab is refreshed.

PO09812, WorkItem:277284 - Date picker content is partially hidden making it difficult to select a date value

Issue Description:

When a user opens a date picker that is positioned at the end of a modal window, the calendar expands but the dates at the end of the modal are not displayed.

Scrolling is required to select the hidden dates but the calendar in the date picker closes when the user clicks the scroll bar. To select a date, one must scroll down by using the trackpad or the wheel on the mouse, or tab into the widget and use the arrow keys.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Register a Person.
  3. Create a Social Assistance case.
  4. Navigate to the Evidence tab and add new Dividends evidence.
  5. Select the date widget on the New Dividends Evidence modal.
  6. Issue: The date picker expands but the content is partially hidden. Scrolling is required to select some of the dates but the date picker closes when the scroll bar is clicked.


Now, when the calendar in the date picker opens, all the days from that month are visible and available to be selected without the need to scroll.

WorkItem:277374 - The Preferences menu item has a dark background when navigated to from the Person Search page

Issue Description:

The Preferences menu item on the application menu has a dark background color when viewed from the Person Search page with results displayed. This background color is inconsistent with the color of other menu options.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Search for a person.
  3. Navigate to the application menu and hover over the Preferences menu item.
  4. Issue: Observe that the Preferences menu item has a dark background color.


This issue is now resolved. The Preferences menu item on the application menu no longer has a dark background color and is consistent with the other menu options.


Updated the JavaScript code to remove old styling.

Curam Enterprise Framework

<u>Technical Services</u>

<u>Integrated Case Management</u>

<u>Administration Suite</u>

<u>Application Development Environment</u>

<u>Business Services</u>

PO07831, WorkItem:232643 - External login mechanism called incorrectly for internal system users like SYSTEM, WEBSVCS, and Public Citizen

Issue Description:

The system property '' allows an external authentication system to be used. When this property is enabled, the external login mechanism PublicAccessSecurity.getRegisteredUsername is called for all users, including internal system users such as SYSTEM, WEBSVCS, and Public Citizen. This behavior is incorrect. The external login mechanism should not be called for internal system users.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Set the '' property to true.
  2. Implement a class that extends the core class ''.
  3. Update the property 'curam.custom.externalaccess.implementation' to point to the new class.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in to the application as an internal user and observe the execution in the new class.
  2. Issue: The external login implementation class is called for internal users.


This is now resolved by adding a check that prevents the call to the alternative login mechanism for a configured set of internal system users. A list of the names for these users is defined in a new system property ''.

PO09459, WorkItem:272186 - Evidence broker incorrectly shares evidence to cases when a case member is end dated

Issue Description:

The evidence broker incorrectly shares evidence to cases when a case member is end-dated but also has another active case participant role on the case such as 'Verification Provider'.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Configure evidence sharing from an integrated case to the same integrated case.
  2. Select an evidence type that has verifications configured for that type.
  3. For the evidence select Share Verifications = Never, Trusted Source = No.
  4. Also configure another evidence type as listed in step 3. This evidence does not need to have verifications configured.

Steps to Reproduce (Generic):

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Register Person One and Person Two.
  3. Using the integrated case type configured in Prerequisites, create a new integrated case for Person One who should be added as a case participant. Add Person Two to the integrated case so that Person Two is also a case participant.
  4. On the integrated case, navigate to the Evidence tab and create new evidence for the first evidence configured in the Prerequisites (the evidence has verifications configured). The evidence can be added for either person.
  5. Verify the evidence by selecting the second person as the case participant who is verifying the evidence.
  6. Based on the appropriate evidence for your integrated case type, end date Person Two so that they are no longer active on the case.
  7. Apply evidence changes.
  8. Create a new integrated case of the same type for Person Two.
  9. Navigate to the Evidence tab and create new evidence based on the second evidence configured in Prerequisites (evidence with no verifications configured for it).
  10. Apply evidence changes.
  11. Navigate back to the first integrated case. Navigate to the Evidence tab then to Incoming Evidence.
  12. Issue: Observe that incoming evidence is shared from the second case to the first case. The second participant is no longer a member of the first case so there should not be incoming evidence.


Evidence is no longer shared to a case participant on a case if the case participant is not an active case member of the case. The issue was resolved by updating the code to check whether the case participant has an active and un-end dated case participant role of either ‘Primary Client’ or ‘Case Member’ on the target case when brokering evidence.

PO09820, WorkItem:274691 - An error is displayed when saving updates to user preferences

Issue Description:

The user preferences modal that is available in the web client allows each user of the application to update certain user settings, such as their time zone. When a user tries to make any changes to the User Preferences, an 'Error 500 - internal server error' message is displayed.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Open the Application menu and select the Preferences option.
  3. Modify a setting on the Preferences modal. For example, set Enhanced mode to Yes, and click Save.
  4. Issue: An 'Error 500 - internal server error' message is displayed.


Users can now save updates to their user preferences without any errors being displayed.

PO09678, WorkItem:274773 - Modal windows do not launch after JavaScript error occurs in console

Issue Description:

Sometimes a JavaScript error occurs in the console which results in modal windows not opening. This error can be caused by a variety of user actions including deleting existing evidence. After this error occurs, the user must perform the extra step of refreshing the browser to open modal windows.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

Scenario 1:

  1. Log in as a caseworker and register a new person.
  2. Create a new social assistance case on the Care & Protection tab and then close the tab.
  3. Delete the address evidence in the person page, and select the 'No' option.
  4. Attempt to add new evidence by selecting the New page action.
  5. Issue: The New evidence modal does not open.

Scenario 2:

  1. Log in as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Register a new person.
  3. Select New Application from the tab action menu on the person page.
  4. Enter only the mandatory information.
  5. For Household income, choose Yes and enter Income of 5000 yearly for Wages and Salaries.
  6. Submit the application.
  7. Open the application and authorize it from the action menu.
  8. Return to the person tab and refresh.
  9. Open the Insurance Affordability integrated case.
  10. Go to the Evidence tab and then select Verifications.
  11. Add proof for the Income Type.
  12. Open the All tab under Verifications and the verified income records are displayed.
  13. Close all other tabs except the integrated case that is open.
  14. Click the person's name in the context panel under their image.
  15. Close the person tab that just opened.
  16. Now back on the Verifications (All) tab, expand the Income Type record that was verified.
  17. Scroll down and under Verification Items Received, select the action menu and select Yes.
  18. Close the modal.
  19. Click the action menu and select Apply Changes on In Edit Evidence page
  20. Issue: The window does not open.


The JavaScript focus error that was causing the problem has been fixed. The modal window now opens when the user creates new evidence and applies changes without having to refresh the browser.

PO09703, WorkItem:275193 - Third-party address lookup services cannot access information from drop-downs in address fields

Issue Description:

Incorrect address evidence can be created where custom screens that use a third-party address lookup service cannot access data from drop-downs in address fields.

User Interface Impact: No


A third-party address lookup service and an Merative Social Program Management custom person registration screen that calls the lookup service and populates the results.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Click Person under Registration in the Shortcuts panel.
  3. Use the address lookup service to collect the address to be populated.
  4. Issue: The address fields are not populated on the person registration screen when the address is selected.


Two functions are now available in the 'curam.util.Dropdown' JavaScript module to support an update to the selected value of an address drop-down by a third-party address lookup service.

WorkItem:275317 - The build installapp target fails on a Windows system with WebSphere installed

Issue Description:

Running the 'build installapp' command fails on a Microsoft Windows system with Merative SPM WebSphere Application Server installed. This prevents SPM software from being installed.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

build installapp -Dear.file=%SERVER_DIR%/ear/WAS/Curam.ear


The 'build installapp' command now results in a successful build on a Microsoft Windows system and the SPM software can be successfully installed.

PO09766, WorkItem:276650 - Merative SPM REST infrastructure accepts invalid dates

Issue Description:

When calling REST APIs that accept dates as parameters, the dates passed in are not validated to be in the correct ISO-8601 format. This results in incorrect dates being accepted by the application.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

{ "specialCautionType":
{ "tableName" : "SpecialCautionType",
"value" : "SCSC12",
"description" : "Escape Threat",
"parentCodeTable" : "SpecialCautionCategory"
}, "startDate": "9999-99-99",
{ "tableName" : "SpecialCautionCategory",
"value" : "SCC03",
"description" : "Behavioral Alert"
"special_caution_id": "100",
"versionNo": 0,
"endDate": "2022-01-19",
"concern_role_id": "101"


This is now resolved by validating that the dates passed to REST APIs are strictly in ISO-8601 format.

WorkItem:277245 - Hook point to support drag-able modals

Issue Description:

Currently, in Merative Social Program Management Version 8, the Carbon Design System does not allow the modal windows to be moveable.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce: N/A


A new JavaScript file called webclient/components/core/WebContent/CDEJ/jscript/curam/application/modal/ModalHooks.js is available to allow the implementation of custom functionality to make modal windows moveable. The function enableDraggableModals(modalRoot) can be implemented within the custom component copy of this file. The modalRoot node of the modal is available within this function and can be updated to implement the required behavior. One of the most common ways to do this is to use event listeners that listen for users dragging the modals and update the position of the node using the style attribute.

Technical Services

WorkItem:277027 - Disable HTTP/2 protocol on WebLogic 14c

HTTP requests were observed sporadically dropping between Chromium-based browsers and WebLogic 14c application server instances by using Oracle JDK 1.8_251 or higher when traffic was tunneled through a VPN. Oracle Support provided a flag in the Oracle WebLogic October 2021 Patch Set Update as a workaround for this issue that reverts the HTTP protocol used by the application server from HTTP/2 to HTTP/1.1.

This flag is now set when the 'configure' target is run to build out any Oracle WebLogic 14c application server instances reverting the HTTP protocol from HTTP/2 to HTTP/1.1 by default.

As part of this change the following file is updated:

Integrated Case Management

<u>Eligibility & Entitlement</u>


WorkItem:173679 - Automatically detect and terminate CER calculations that have exceeded the transaction timeout

Issue Description:

A lengthy CER calculation that exceeds the XA transaction timeout will not be detected until it attempts to access the database. This is inefficient because processing resources are wasted due to the delay in detecting the timed-out condition.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Execute a CER ruleset in an application server that takes longer than the XA timeout for the application server and which does not access the database during this time.
  2. When the XA transaction timeout is reached, the transaction will be marked for rollback but the CER calculations will continue executing.
  3. Once the CER calculations have been completed, the application server will attempt to commit the transaction at which point a runtime exception will be thrown because a timed-out transaction cannot be committed.


A timed-out XA transaction is now detected immediately by CER rules calculations instead of waiting until the database is accessed.

WorkItem:190838 - Optimizations to Dependency Manager deferred processing

Issue Description:

The Dependency Manager deferred process includes separate queries for (a) counting and (b) fetching records affected by a precedent changeset. The former determines whether the number of affected records exceeds the limit at which dependency manager calculations should be switched from deferred processing to batch processing and this can be incorporated into the latter. The deferred process is typically run frequently and these queries scan a high volume of data. Therefore, running them as two separate queries can put a high load on the database.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Create an integrated case.
  3. Add a piece of evidence to the case.
  4. Activate the evidence.
  5. Download the JMX statistics for the application.
  6. Issue: The JMX statistics report shows that the query to count affected records:


is run as often, or almost as often, as the query to fetch the affected records:



Instead of running the count query, the size information is inferred from the fetch query. The fetch query searches for matching records and stops if the dependency manager batch limit is exceeded, at which point the precedent changeset is queued for batch processing as before.

If a custom implementation of the interface PrecedentChangeSetToBatchNotification is used to detect when a precedent changeset is deferred, the dependentCount parameter is -1 because the expensive dependent count query is not called. For an implementation that looks for how many dependents were affected by a changeset that exceeded the deferred processing threshold, the count query can be enabled by setting the application property 'curam.dependency.monitor.dependency.count' to 'true'.

Administration Suite

<u>Case Audits</u>


PO09795 , WorkItem:276957 - Action buttons disappear from the modal dialog when an audit coordinator tries to assign a case audit

Issue Description:

When an audit coordinator tries to assign a case audit by selecting the New Auditor or New Audit Team buttons, all the available buttons disappear from the Assign Case Audits modal dialog.

User Interface Impact: Yes


  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Create a Case Audit configuration from the Case Audits menu item on the shortcuts panel.
  3. Select the following values on the modal dialog:
    • Case audit type as Integrated Case.
    • Default Algorithm.
    • Check 'Allow Audit Coordinator to specify cases for audit'.
    • Integrated Case Dynamic Query.
    • Any available Focus Area.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an audit coordinator.
  2. Create an Audit Plan from the New Audit Plan shortcuts menu item.
  3. Select any of the available mandatory values.
  4. Navigate to the My Audit Plans list page and select the audit plan.
  5. Add a Schedule to the Audit Plan by using the Add Schedule tab-level action menu.
  6. On the modal dialog, select any End Date in the future.
  7. Open the page actions menu from the Home tab of the Case Audit Plan and Generate Random Case Sample.
  8. On the Criteria screen of the Generate Random Case Sample modal, select a Start Date From value that is a year in the past.
  9. Enter 100 as the value for the Percentage field on the next screen, use defaults for the rest of the wizard and click Finish.
  10. Navigate to the Case Audits Tab and click on the Assign Case Audits Link to open the Assign Case Audits dialog.
  11. Click the New Auditor or New Audit Team button.
  12. Issue: All the buttons disappear from the modal dialog.


The New Auditor and New Audit Team buttons do not disappear from the modal dialog and the audit coordinator can now successfully assign a case audit to a new auditor or audit team.


PO09802, WorkItem:276948 - An unhandled server exception on Edit User page when editing

Issue Description:

In Merative SPM version 8.0.0, the new Carbon design user interface introduced an 'x' button to clear the value in input fields. Using that 'x' button in the User Default Locale field on the Edit User page and then trying to save the value causes an unhandled server exception.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to New User under Users in the shortcuts panel.
  3. Create a new user and Save.
  4. Search for the newly created user and open that user in a new tab.
  5. Select the Edit page action.
  6. Click the 'x' button to clear the value in the User Default Locale field.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Issue: An unhandled server exception occurs.


The User Default Locale field is now a mandatory field on the Edit User page. A validation message is displayed if a User Default Locale value is not entered when editing.

Application Development Environment

<u>Client Development Environment</u><u></u><u>Server Development Environment</u>

WorkItem:277341 - Preferences modal title and buttons not translating

Issue Description:

When there is a language pack installed, the title and buttons on the Preferences modal do not translate.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Search for a user.
  3. Update the default locale of the selected user to a value different from the default system locale.
  4. Log in as the updated user.
  5. Navigate to the Application menu and select Preferences.
  6. Issue: View that the title and buttons have not translated to the new language.


The title and buttons now display as translated on the Preferences modal. The modal JSPX file has been updated to render the modal in the user's default locale.


WorkItem:274885 - [Security] Session timeout is not logging out user correctly under certain conditions

Issue Description:

The user is not correctly logged out when a modal such as Register Person is displayed without a tab open in its background. The user is not logged out when the user clicks Logout from the session timeout modal or when the countdown on the session timeout modal runs out.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Close any open tabs.
  3. Open the Register Person modal.
  4. Wait for the session to time out and for the session timeout modal to appear.
  5. Click Logout.
  6. Issue: The user is not logged out and remains logged in.


The user is now logged out when the user clicks Logout from the session timeout modal or the countdown on the session timeout modal runs out.


The session timeout JavaScript was updated to ensure that a user is always logged out when the user selects Logout from the session timeout modal and the countdown on the session timeout modal runs out.


DT036250, WorkItem:277969 - Some labels are not displayed on the person home page

Issue Description:

When a user navigates to the person home page, the 'Date of Birth Verified' and 'Date of Death Verified' labels are not being displayed. The user has no context for the Yes or No information displayed on the page.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a claim worker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Issue: On the person home page, the 'Date of Birth Verified' and 'Date of Death Verified' labels are not displayed.


All the field labels are now displayed correctly on the person home page.


The infrastructure that generates Java Server Pages from UIM/VIM has been updated. A label that is associated with a form control on an application page or modal is now correctly rendered when a FIELD element has a nested LABEL child element in UIM.


<u>Batch Processing</u>


PO09249, WorkItem:268777 - AssignTaskForwardBatch, TaskForwardBatch, and CaseReassignmentBatch create a log file with the name of the batch process omitted

Issue Description:

The log file generated from running the AssignTaskForwardBatch, TaskForwardBatch, and CaseReassignmentBatch processes, is missing part of the log file name. In particular, the log file name is missing the name of the batch that it was generated for.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a system administrator.
  2. Click Processes under Batch in the shortcuts panel.
  3. Enter the name of the batch process into the Name / Description field and click Search.
  4. Find the batch process in the Results section and select Execute from the row-level actions.
  5. Do not enter values in the instanceID and processingDate fields on the pop-up modal and click Execute.
  6. From the command line, go to the EJBServer location and execute 'build runbatch'.
  7. Issue: When the batch execution is complete, the name of the log file produced at the EJBServer/buildlogs location does not include the batch process name. For example, the expected name of the log file produced for TaskForwardBatch is TaskForwardBatch_08022021_151356.log, but the actual name is _08022021_151356.log.


The name of the log file produced at the EJBServer/buildlogs location now includes the name of the batch process that was executed.


There is an outputFileID parameter that is used to generate a log file name for the batch process that was executed. This parameter was never populated for the AssignTaskForwardBatch, TaskForwardBatch, or CaseReassignmentBatch processes. The issue was resolved by adding a missing message entry to relevant message files, and then these entries are used to populate the outputFileID for the affected batch processes.

Business Services

<u>Word Integration</u>


WorkItem:270821 - Word Integration Assistant installer does not mandate selection of JRE location

Issue Description:

The Word Integration Assistant Installer, when run in non-silent mode, prompts the user to specify the location of a Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE). The installer allows the user to proceed to the next screen without selecting a JRE location.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install Microsoft Word.
  2. Install an IBM Java™ Runtime Environment version 8, either 32 or 64 bit.
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Install and enable the Merative SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge extension from the Chrome Web Store <u> </u> for at least one Google Chrome browser profile.
  5. Run the WordIntegrationAssistant.msi in non-silent mode.
  6. The first screen is a Welcome screen. Click Next.
  7. The next screen is a prompt to select the install location for the Word Integration Assistant. Accept the default and click Next.
  8. The next screen is a prompt to select the JRE location that the Word Integration Assistant will use. If the JRE was installed using an MSI or EXE, then the default location will be pre-populated and valid. If an alternative means was used to install the JRE on the Windows machine, the JRE location can be selected on this screen.
  9. To test this behavior, select a location where the JRE is not installed and click Next.
  10. The following screen is the browser checks screen. Check the checkbox for Google Chrome and uncheck the checkbox for Microsoft Edge. Click Next.
  11. The last screen is the Install prompt screen. Click Install.
  12. Issue: If the remaining prompts are followed the install process begins; however, it fails at the end reporting that a valid Java location cannot be found.


A check was introduced to the non-silent install flow when the user clicks the Next button on this screen that validates the specified location. It checks that there is a java.exe in a bin subdirectory of the selected location and it also launches the java.exe and verifies that it exists with the correct exit code. If these conditions are not met, then the user cannot proceed to the next screen. The screen honors the SKIP_PREREQ_CHECK install property when it is specified when the MSI is launched. That is, when SKIP_PREREQ_CHECK is specified with a value of 1, the new check on that install screen is bypassed.

PO09746, WorkItem:276144 - Editing a Word document on Google Chrome browser displays 'X' error randomly

Issue Description:

Caseworkers are able to edit the contents of Word documents using the Word Integration Assistant. An intermittent issue occurs after a caseworker edits a document and then shuts down the Word Integration Assistant when the Google Chrome browser is used. When the caseworker then tries to edit another document, a red X icon is displayed in the File Edit Control Panel in the browser window.

**User Interface Impact: **No


  1. Install Microsoft Word.
  2. Install a supported (supported for Social Program Management Word Integration) Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Install and enable the Merative SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge Extension for Google Chrome. This is available on the Chrome Web Store.
  5. Install the Social Program Management Word Integration Assistant. This is distributed with the Merative SPM Client Development Environment.
  6. Log in as a system administrator.
  7. Navigate to Microsoft Word Templates under Communications in the shortcuts panel.
  8. Select the New page action to create a new Microsoft Word template.
  9. Enter a name and template document ID for the template and upload a file to be used as the template.
  10. Select a suitable category and sub-category. To allow the template to be used for any communication, set the category to All Communication and the subcategory to All Communications. Click Save.

Steps to Reproduce:

Note that this is an intermittent issue, there is no known method to force this.

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Navigate to a Person home page.
  3. Go to the Client Contact tab and choose Communications.
  4. Click the page-level menu to create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  5. On the New Microsoft Word Communication modal, specify a Correspondent and click Next.
  6. Enter the Subject and Address. Choose the Template Name that was configured previously. Click Save.
  7. The Word File Edit Screen is loaded in the Tab Content page and the File Edit Control Panel modal is shown.
  8. Microsoft Word opens.
  9. Make an edit to the Word document.
  10. Close the Word editor.
  11. The document will be saved and the File Edit Control Panel will close.
  12. In the same browser window, try editing another Word document.
  13. Issue: A red X icon appears in the File Edit Control Panel.


A caseworker is now able to edit multiple Word documents without seeing the red X icon.


This issue was caused by the improper handling of an initial exception that occurs when the user attempts to shut down the Word Integration Assistant Java process. The Java process is prevented from exiting correctly after the Word editor is closed. The red X icon is the result of starting a second Word Editing session in an inconsistent state.

The fix also contains changes to ensure the problem state data that was previously long-lived is now short-lived.

PO09745, WorkItem:276157 - Edits to Word document on Google Chrome browser are not saved when the Word editing session is closed and user delays in confirming the edits

Issue Description:

Using the Microsoft Word Integration feature in the Google Chrome browser, when a user makes an update to a Word document they can choose to save their changes. Saving can be done either by closing the Word Editing session and confirming in a pop-up modal that is displayed or by selecting the commit changes button on the File Edit Control Panel. When users select to save changes by closing the Word editing session, if they wait more than 5 seconds before confirming in the pop-up dialog that appears in the browser (asking if they want to save their edits to the Merative SPM server), the edits are not saved.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Install Microsoft Word.
  2. Install a supported (supported for Social Program Management Word Integration) Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Install and enable the Merative SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge Extension for Google Chrome. This is available on the Chrome Web Store.
  5. Install the Social Program Management Word Integration Assistant. This is distributed with the Merative SPM Client Development Environment.
  6. Log in as a system administrator.
  7. Navigate to Microsoft Word Templates under Communications in the shortcuts panel.
  8. Select the New page action to create a new Microsoft Word template.
  9. Enter a name and template document ID for the template and upload a file to be used as the template.
  10. Select a suitable category and sub-category. To allow the template to be used for any communication, set the category to All Communication and the subcategory to All Communications. Click Save.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Navigate to a Person homepage.
  3. Go to the Client Contact tab and choose Communications.
  4. Click the page-level menu to create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  5. On the New Microsoft Word Communication modal, specify a Correspondent and click Next.
  6. Enter the Subject and Address. Choose the Template Name that was configured previously. Click Save.
  7. The Word File Edit Screen is loaded in the Tab Content page and the File Edit Control Panel modal is shown.
  8. Microsoft Word opens.
  9. Make an edit to the Word document.
  10. Close the Word editor.
  11. The pop-up dialog appears in the browser window asking if you want to save your edit to the Merative SPM server. Wait 5 seconds, then press OK.
  12. Issue: The file changes are not saved to the Merative SPM server.


When a user closes the Word Editing session, the changes are now saved.

The Word Integration Assistant no longer deletes the Word file from the local file system before the browser code can attempt to save the changes to the Merative SPM server. The delete of the local file now only happens after the operation to save the document to the Merative SPM server has finished.

PO09747, WorkItem:276234 - File Edit Control Panel is closed on Google Chrome without informing the user that an error has occurred

Issue Description:

Caseworkers are able to edit the contents of Word documents using the Word Integration Assistant. When the Word Integration Assistant is used through a Google Chrome browser and a user chooses to save changes by closing the Word Editing session, if an error is encountered the File Control Panel closes. In this instance, the caseworker is unable to see that an error has occurred. This is in contrast to when a user uses the commit changes button on the File Control Panel to save periodically to the Merative SPM server, where the same error is visible in the File Edit Control Panel.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Install Microsoft Word.
  2. Install a supported (supported for Social Program Management Word Integration) Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Install and enable the Merative SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge Extension for Google Chrome. This is available on the Chrome Web Store.
  5. Install the Social Program Management Word Integration Assistant. This is distributed with the Merative SPM Client Development Environment.
  6. Log in as a system administrator.
  7. Navigate to Microsoft Word Templates under Communications in the shortcuts panel.
  8. Select the New page action to create a new Microsoft Word template.
  9. Enter a name and template document ID for the template and upload a file to be used as the template.
  10. Select a suitable category and sub-category. To allow the template to be used for any communication, set the category to All Communication and the subcategory to All Communications. Click Save.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Navigate to a Person homepage.
  3. Go to the Client Contact tab and choose Communications.
  4. Click on the page-level menu to create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  5. On the New Microsoft Word Communication modal, specify a Correspondent and click Next.
  6. Enter the Subject and Address. Choose the Template Name that was configured previously. Click Save.
  7. The Word File Edit Screen is loaded in the Tab Content page and the File Edit Control Panel modal is shown.
  8. Microsoft Word is launched.
  9. Copy and paste the content of a 1MB text file into the Word document. The resulting Word document will be too large to be saved by the Merative SPM server and will cause an error.
  10. Close the Word editor.
  11. The File Edit servlet responds with a 500 HTTP response code indicating an error and the document is not saved.
  12. Issue: The File Edit Control Panel closes. It should remain open and display an error message to the user. Having reviewed the error message, the user should be able to close the File Edit Control Panel.


The FIle Edit Control Panel modal now stays open so the error is visible to the user. The user can then close the modal after they have been shown the error message.


The issue has been resolved by updating the functionality so that the browser does not close the File Edit Control Panel modal if there are any errors during the saving of the document. The user will be able to close the modal manually.

PO09782, WorkItem:276754 - Microsoft Word closes unexpectedly in Google Chrome if an unrelated Chrome browser is also open and is closed

Issue Description:

When using the Microsoft Word Integration feature through the Google Chrome browser, if a separate Chrome browser window is also open and a user closes this browser, Microsoft Word closes unexpectedly in the other browser.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Install Microsoft Word.
  2. Install a supported (supported for Social Program Management Word Integration) Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Install and enable the Merative SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge Extension for Google Chrome. This is available on the Chrome Web Store.
  5. Install the Social Program Management Word Integration Assistant. This is distributed with the Merative SPM Client Development Environment.
  6. Log in as a system administrator.
  7. Navigate to Microsoft Word Templates under Communications in the shortcuts panel.
  8. Select the New page action to create a new Microsoft Word template.
  9. Enter a name and template document ID for the template and upload a file to be used as the template.
  10. Select a suitable category and sub-category. To allow the template to be used for any communication, set the category to All Communication and the subcategory to All Communications. Click Save.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In Google Chrome, go to 'chrome: settings/system' and enable 'Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed.'
  2. Open a second browser tab and move it out to be its own window.
  3. In the first window, log in as a caseworker.
  4. Navigate to a Person homepage.
  5. Go to the Client Contact tab and choose Communications.
  6. Click the page-level menu to create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  7. On the New Microsoft Word Communication modal, specify a Correspondent and click Next.
  8. Enter the Subject and Address. Choose the Template Name that was configured previously. Click Save.
  9. The Word File Edit screen is loaded in the Tab Content page and the File Edit Control Panel modal is shown.
  10. Microsoft Word opens.
  11. Close the second browser window (the one that did not open the Word editing session).
  12. Issue: Microsoft Word closes after the browser window is closed.


When an unrelated Chrome browser window is closed, the browser window in which the Word editing session opened is no longer closed.


The code executing in the browser mistakes the event of closing an unrelated Chrome browser window as the closing of the browser window that started the Word editing session. Therefore, a message is sent in error by the browser to the Word Integration Assistant instructing it to close Word and then itself. The Word Integration Assistant now ignores these events from other Chrome browser windows. Changes were also made to bring the actual behavior in line with the preferred behavior described here [[]]. If the user chooses to leave the page, the editing session is terminated and the document or Microsoft Word (if it was the only document open) closes along with the browser.

WorkItem:277473 - Microsoft Word integration feature in Google Chrome fails to save changes when the application is in the background

Issue Description:

When using the Microsoft Word Integration feature in a Google Chrome browser tab, if users close the Word editing session on a tab that is not the active tab or if the browser window is covered by another application window, no pop-up modal is displayed asking if they want to save their edits. The File Edit Control Panel closes and any edits made to the document are not saved.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Install Microsoft Word.
  2. Install a supported (supported for Social Program Management Word Integration) Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Install and enable the Merative SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge Extension for Google Chrome. This is available on the Chrome Web Store.
  5. Install the Social Program Management Word Integration Assistant. This is distributed with the Merative SPM Client Development Environment.
  6. Log in as a system administrator.
  7. Navigate to Microsoft Word Templates under Communications in the shortcuts panel.
  8. Select the New page action to create a new Microsoft Word template.
  9. Enter a name and template document ID for the template and upload a file to be used as the template.
  10. Select a suitable category and sub-category. To allow the template to be used for any communication, set the category to All Communication and the sub-category to All Communications. Click Save.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a caseworker.
  2. Navigate to a Person homepage.
  3. Go to the Client Contact tab and choose Communications.
  4. Click the page-level menu to create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  5. On the New Microsoft Word Communication modal, specify a Correspondent and click Next.
  6. Enter the Subject and Address. Choose the Template Name that was configured previously. Click Save.
  7. The Word File Edit Screen is loaded in the Tab Content page and the File Edit Control Panel modal is shown.
  8. Microsoft Word opens.
  9. Either switch to another tab in the same browser window or maximize Word so that it completely obscures Google Chrome.
  10. Make changes in Word and then exit by closing the Word editor.
  11. Issue: The changes are not saved and the File Edit Control Panel closes automatically without prompting the user to save their changes.


When a tab in Google Chrome is not in focus, or if the whole browser application is not in focus, Chrome does not allow the pop-up dialog to launch which should prompt users to save their changes to the Word document. When the Word editing session is closed, to prevent the loss of updates made by the user in instances such as these, the application now automatically saves any changes made to the document. The File Edit Control Panel is closed without displaying a confirmation modal to the user, logging the save operation in the developer console and the native messaging log.

WorkItem:277576 - Word Integration pages are not translated correctly when the user language is something other than English

Issue Description:

When using the Microsoft Word Integration functionality through the Google Chrome browser in a language other than English, translation issues exist on the File Edit Control Panel and Word File Edit screen when a user interacts with Word documents using the Word Integration Assistant.

User Interface Impact: No


Server Side

  1. Install the French Language Pack.

Windows Client

  1. Install Microsoft Word.
  2. Install a supported (for Social Program Management Word Integration) Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Google Chrome.
  4. Install and enable the Merative SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge Extension for Google Chrome. This is available on the Chrome Web Store.
  5. Install the Social Program Management Word Integration Assistant. This is distributed with the Merative SPM Client Development Environment.

System Administration

  1. Log in as a system administrator.
  2. Navigate to Microsoft Word Templates under Communications in the shortcuts panel.
  3. Select the New page action to create a new Microsoft Word template.
  4. Enter a name and template document ID for the template and upload a file to be used as the template.
  5. Select a suitable category and sub-category. To allow the template to be used for any communication, set the category to All Communication and the sub-category to All Communications. Click Save.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Search for the caseworker user.
  3. Edit the user's default locale to French.
  4. Log in as a caseworker.
  5. Navigate to a Person home page.
  6. Go to the Client Contact tab and choose Communications.
  7. Click the page-level menu to create a new Microsoft Word communication.
  8. On the New Microsoft Word Communication modal, specify a Correspondent and click Next.
  9. Enter the Subject and Address. Choose the Template Name that was configured previously. Click Save.
  10. The Word File Edit screen is loaded in the Tab Content page and the File Edit Control Panel modal is shown.
  11. Issue: Some text on the Word File Edit screen displays some unwanted characters.
  12. Issue: Some messages appearing on the File Edit Control Panel display some unwanted characters and a button is not translated.
  13. Issue: Once Microsoft Word begins to open, one message appears in English rather than French, 'Almost ready ...'.


The translations are now displayed correctly. The message and button are translated and the unwanted characters are no longer displayed on the Word File Edit screen and File Edit Control Panel.

Curam Modules

<u>Provider Management</u>
<u>Universal Access</u>
<u>Intelligent Evidence Gathering</u>

Provider Management

PO09670, WorkItem:274648 - Application error occurs when the name to be displayed in the context panel of an incident is too long

Issue Description:

When creating an incident for a provider, such as one to report a runaway for a child welfare foster home, an existing person can be searched for and selected as the individual that reported the incident. This person’s name is then displayed in the Reported By field on the incident context panel. When a person with a name longer than 125 characters is selected, an application error is displayed on the incident context panel.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a Child Welfare caseworker.
  2. Select Person under Registration in the shortcuts panel.
  3. Register two people. Person 1 with less than 125 characters between the first name and surname and Person 2 with more than 125 characters between the first name and surname.
  4. Log in as a Provider Management resource manager.
  5. Expand the shortcuts panel, expand Providers, and click My Providers.
  6. Select any registered provider.
  7. Navigate to Incidents and create two new incidents with the type 'Runaway'. In the Reporter Details section, use the Participants field to search for and select the persons registered above as the Reporter, one on each incident.
  8. Also, check the box for Provider Facility, complete any mandatory fields, and click Save.
  9. Navigate to the incident for Person 1 and observe that the person's name in the context panel is displayed correctly in the 'Reported By' field.
  10. Issue: Navigate to the incident for Person 2 and observe that the context panel displays the error message 'An Application Error Has Occurred'.


The issue has been resolved by updating the code to display the correct information in the context panel for the incident for persons with names longer than 125 characters in the Reported By field.

WorkItem:274726 - Optimize method for preventing creation of unnecessary notifications for provider management cases used for financials processing

Issue Description:

In a prior release, a mechanism was introduced to prevent the generation of unnecessary notifications for provider management case types that should not generate notifications because they are intended only for use in generating financials. This mechanism for excluding certain case types from generating notifications worked by checking the case type in identified workflows. The previous approach included case types that did not generate any notifications, which could cause a performance overhead.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

This issue is dependent on user data so it is not directly reproducible.


This issue has been resolved now and the mechanism for excluding provider management case types that should not generate a notification has been updated, to only generate notifications for the following case types:

For more information, see <u></u>.

Universal Access

PO08312, WorkItem:246038 - Add constructor to ResultTitleHelperImpl

Issue Description:

ResultTitleHelperImpl is an implementation of the ResultTitleHelper class, which provides operations to retrieve the result title, programID, and contextName attribute values from a Result page in the Motivations result XML in an application script. Compliant customization of the class is not currently possible as there is no constructor to perform Guice initialization, resulting in a failure to initialize ProgramTypeDAO.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce: N/A


To support compliant customization, a constructor to perform Guice initialization has been introduced into the class:

The class can now be called and extended compliantly by custom implementations.

Intelligent Evidence Gathering



PO07773, WorkItem:229218 - Updated logic in Intelligent Evidence Gathering so that pages for deleted records are not reopened when navigating back from the summary page

Issue Description:

During an Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG) script execution, when a record is deleted, the 'page.independent.entity.delete' IEG configuration property determines whether the IEG engine deletes the entire page along with the record, or just the record on its own.

When a user captures multiple records of the same type, for example, multiple income evidence records, by looping through a page in an IEG script and then deletes one or more of those records from the summary page, and then subsequently edits a field on the page of one of the remaining records, the user is not correctly navigated past the loop after selecting next on the edited page. The IEG engine reopens the page for the deleted records and there is no way to navigate past this page without creating a new record. This happens only if the 'page.independent.entity.delete' property is set to true, and the user edits a field in the record where the question ID for the field is included in an expression in that section, or any subsequent section, of the IEG script definition.

User Interface Impact: No


To reproduce this issue, you must set the IEG configuration property 'page.independent.entity.delete' to true, and configure an IEG script definition containing:

  1. A loop that allows you to create multiple records of the same type.
  2. Access to delete/edit the created records from a summary page.
  3. The question ID of the value of the record needs to be included in an expression in that section of the IEG script (or any subsequent section).

Steps to Reproduce (Generic):

  1. Create three records in the loop.
  2. Navigate to the summary page displaying the records.
  3. Delete two of the records, leaving one to be edited.
  4. Edit the remaining record, changing some value for the record before pressing Next.
  5. Issue: Pressing Next after making the edit reopens the page of the deleted records, which blocks the script execution from proceeding past the loop.

Steps to Reproduce (HCR):

  1. In the Citizen Workspace Application, select 'Apply for assistance with your Health Care'.
  2. Answer all required questions until you reach the 'Income' section.
  3. Create three income records in the loop.
  4. Navigate to the summary page displaying the income records.
  5. Delete two of the income records, leaving one to be edited.
  6. Edit the remaining record, changing some value for the record before pressing Next.
  7. Issue: Pressing Next after making the edit reopens the page of the deleted records, which blocks the script execution from proceeding past the loop.


The pages for deleted records are no longer reopened, allowing the script execution to progress past the loop as normal.


Functionality has been implemented to verify if records and the pages that created them are safe to delete independently from other records. The new functionality can be accessed only when the IEG configuration property 'page.independent.entity.delete' is true for the application or the script execution.

The method filters out records/pages as unsafe to delete independently when:

  1. There is more than 1 created record on the page.
  2. There are questions displayed on the page with information from records other than the record that we want to delete.
  3. There is a referenced record on the page that is created on a subsequent page in the script.


<u>Child Welfare SDM</u>
<u>Income Support CGISS</u>
<u>Income Support HCR</u>

Child Welfare SDM

PO09328, WorkItem:270001 - Application error on Visitation Plan home page

Issue Description:

Visitation plans can be created from within outcome plans to record visits between two or more individuals. An application error message is displayed on the Visitation Plan home page when certain bi-monthly frequencies are selected.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a Child Welfare Structured Decision-Making caseworker.
  2. Register 2 Persons (an adult, and a child).
  3. Establish child and parent relationship between them using Relationship Evidence starting from the adult participant's Evidence tab.
  4. From the child participant's home page, use the New page action to create an Ongoing Case.
  5. On the new case, click the Participants tab and add the parent as a case member.
  6. Navigate to the Outcome Plans tab and select New.
  7. Select Child Welfare Outcome Plan, select both parent and child as clients and click Save.
  8. On the new plan, navigate to Visits and click New.
  9. Select Child as Clients to Visit and Parent as Visitors and click Next.
  10. On the Visitation Plan page, select Bi-Monthly with days 1 and 15 of every month as the frequency of visit.
  11. Enter appropriate details in all the mandatory fields remaining and click Finish.
  12. Click the newly created Visitation Plan.
  13. Issue: An application error is displayed on the Visitation Plan home page.


The issue has been resolved and the Visitation Plan home page now loads correctly.

Income Support CGISS

PO08265, WorkItem:240614 - Context panel displays the title in orange for a single-person Food Assistance product delivery case

Issue Description:

The context panel displays the title in orange for a single-person Food Assistance product delivery case, which is inconsistent with the current Carbon styling. This styling issue also occurs on the Cash Assistance product delivery context panel.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an Income Support caseworker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Create an Income Support application for Food Assistance for this person.
  4. Submit the application.
  5. Open the Income Support application.
  6. Authorize the application.
  7. Open the Food Assistance product delivery.
  8. Issue: The context panel displays the title in orange, which is part of the old styling.


The title in the context panel now corresponds to the current Carbon styling that is implemented in the UI.


The issue was resolved by updating the CSS code for the context panel for the Cash and Food Assistance product delivery cases.

PO008876, WorkItem:263225 - Date column on the Notes list page of an Income Support application is not populated

Issue Description:

The Date field on the Notes list on an Income Support case is not populated.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an Income Support caseworker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Submit an Income Support application for this person.
  4. On the Application Case, click the Administration tab and select Notes.
  5. Use the New page action to create a new note.
  6. Issue: The Date column is blank.


This issue is now resolved by populating the correct date field and passing it to the UIM page.

Income Support HCR

PO04493, WorkItem:234272 - Informational message is not displayed when the number of applications returned exceeds the limit specified by the administrator

Issue Description:

When a user selects to view applications on the My Applications list page, the number of records returned is determined by the value set for the administration property 'curam.db.readmultimax'. An informational message to inform the caseworker is currently not displayed when the number of applications exceeds the value of the system property ‘curam.db.readmultimax’

**User Interface Impact: **No


  1. Log in as a system administrator.
  2. Select Property Administration under Application Data in the shortcuts panel.
  3. Search for the 'curam.db.readmultimax' application property.
  4. Set the value to '2'.
  5. Publish the changes.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Register three new Persons.
  3. Create and submit an application for each person.
  4. Expand the shortcuts panel, expand Intake and click My Applications.
  5. Issue: No informational message is displayed.


An informational message is now displayed when the number of applications returned exceeds the value specified by the system property 'curam.db.readmultimax'


The issue has been resolved by updating the code and UIM page to return the informational message.

PO09658, WorkItem:274547 - Relationship information is not mandatory when creating an 'Apply to purchase health plans without assistance' application

Issue Description:

When more than one application is included in an Insurance Affordability application, relationships between all applicants need to be specified. Currently when the 'Apply to purchase health plans without assistance' application is created on the Citizen Portal, the application can be completed without the need to select a relationship between all applicants.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. On the Citizen Portal select ' Apply to purchase health plans without assistance'.
  2. Select the radio button 'Create an account. Creating your own account will let you save your work and return to it later'.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Enter the necessary details to create an account and click Next.
  5. Select the radio button 'For myself and/or my family' on the Getting Started page.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Complete mandatory fields to progress through the script.
  8. Select 'Yes' for the question about other people in the household.
  9. Complete the mandatory details for the second person.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Issue: On the relationship page, the selection of relationship is not mandatory.


Relationship type is now set as mandatory. When relationship type is not selected, a validation message is displayed and the script does not proceed until it is selected.

PO09798, WorkItem:277131 - Events page action menu item New Referral is displayed when Merative SPM Provider Management is installed

Issue Description:

On Streamlined Medicaid product delivery cases, the New Referral page action menu item is displayed on the Events List View page even when Merative SPM Provider Management (CPM) is installed. This menu item should not be displayed on this page when CPM is installed.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Register a new Person.
  3. Start a new application for this person.
  4. Enter standard information, but enter wages that total to less than $10K per year in order to receive Streamlined Medicaid.
  5. Once submitted, authorize the Insurance Affordability application case. This will create an Insurance Affordability integrated case and a Streamlined Medicaid product delivery case.
  6. Navigate to the Streamlined Medicaid product delivery case.
  7. Click the Administration tab, select Events, and navigate to the Calendar View.
  8. Select the page actions menu.
  9. Observe that no New Referral menu item is displayed.
  10. Now navigate to the List View page.
  11. Select the page actions menu.
  12. Issue: Observe that a New Referral menu item is displayed.


On Streamlined Medicaid product delivery cases, the New Referral page action menu item is no longer displayed on the Events List View page even when CPM is installed.

Product Documentation

PO09586, WorkItem:273809 - The for-each nested loop construct is not listed as supported in the Social Program Management Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG) documentation

Issue Description:

A documentation update is required to explain the controlling of the flow by using nested loops “For-Each/For-Each” in IEG scripts.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:


An update was made to the Product Documentation to explain the supported loop combinations. For more information, see <u></u>.

Code Removal

WorkItem:275292 - Code removals from switch from JDOM to Dom4J

A number of previously deprecated classes and interfaces related to JDOM have been removed as a result of the move from JDOM to dom4j.

The following were deprecated since the Social Program Management 6.0_SP2_EP10 release and have been removed:

The following were deprecated since the Social Program Management 6.0 SP1 release and have been removed:

The following were deprecated since the Social Program Management release and have been removed:

Third Party Updates

WorkItem:230380 - Update to the later version of Eclipse and associated Tomcat Plugin

Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) that can be used for Social Program Management development. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.

Apache Tomcat® is a free and open source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Expression Language, and WebSocket technologies. Tomcat provides a 'pure Java' HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run.

The versions of Eclipse and Tomcat certified for use in Social Program Management development have been updated as follows:

Note that Java 11 is required to launch Eclipse 4.18.0 and this version of Java comes preinstalled with the software. Developers should change this Java version to a Java 8 version when developing code within Eclipse as this is the version of Java that is currently supported by Social Program Management.

WorkItem:273767 - Updating JDOM to Dom4j

The JDOM library is a Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data from Java code. Its usage in Merative Social Program Management was widespread across all areas of the application.

The JDOM library used by Social Program Management has now been removed and replaced by dom4j version 2.1.3. dom4j is an open source XML framework for Java. dom4j allows you to read, write, navigate, create, and modify XML documents. Dom4j integrates with DOM and SAX and is integrated with full XPath support.

As a result of this upgrade, a number of changes have been made across all components of the Social Program Management application.
The changes to the JAR files include:

The jde-commons JARs delivered in the following CDEJ and SDEJ locations provide wrappers around the dom4j classes, where new external APIs provide a mostly backwards-compatible API with JDOM. These APIs are located in the curam.common.util.xml.dom package.

It should be noted that any references in custom build scripts to the versioned JAR files should be updated to point to the new JAR files as specified above. Any custom code that uses JDOM should be migrated to instead use the dom4j wrapper classes provided by the CDEJ and SDEJ.

For more information about the changes associated with this update, see 'Migrating the JDOM library to the dom4j library' in the Cúram Upgrade Guide.

WorkItem:274150 - Update the commons-fileupload JAR file to the latest version

The Apache Commons FileUpload component provides support for multipart file upload functionality to servlets and web applications. Its usage in Merative Social Program Managementt is in the file upload functionality.

The version of the commons-fileupload library used by Social Program Management has now been updated from 1.3.3 to 1.4, which contains some bug fixes and a number of improvements.

As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made in the Java Development Environment deliverable.

The changes to the commons-fileupload JAR file include:

It should be noted that any references in custom build scripts and other artifacts to the versioned JAR file should be updated to point to the new version of the JAR file as specified above.

WorkItem:274659 - Change the value of the exported attribute for the SDEJ class path entry for the jsoup JAR from 'false' to 'true'

A minor issue in the CuramSDEJ/.classpath file that is delivered as part of the Server Development for Java (SDEJ) has been addressed.

The exported attribute for the 'jsoup' JAR entry was incorrectly set to 'false. This meant that the JAR file was not available to other projects when developing Social Program Management in Eclipse or other integrated development environments (IDEs). The exported attribute has now been updated to 'true'.

WorkItem:275291 - Deprecate JDOM related classes as a result of the replacement of JDOM by Dom4J

Some classes that used the JDOM library for XML manipulation within Cúram have been deprecated due to the replacement of that library by Dom4J.

Artefacts were deprecated as a result of this change. For more information, please see <u>this</u> ticket in the "Notes on Deprecation" section.

WorkItem:275379 - Update the version of the Log4j 2 library to the latest version: 2.17.1

Apache Log4j is a Java-based logging utility that is used as the logging provider for the Merative Social Program Management (SPM) product.

The version of the Log4j used by SPM has now been updated from 2.14.1 to 2.17.1. This new JAR file contains some minor bug fixes and enhancements.

As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made in the Java Development Environment deliverable.

The version of the Log4j JAR file was updated in this file:

The following versions of the JAR were updated:

Note that any references in custom scripts and other artifacts must be updated to point to the new version of the JAR file as specified above.

WorkItem:276135 - Update the Google Gson JAR file to the latest version

Google Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. A number of areas in the Social Program Management product use this library. These include Advanced Evidence Sharing (AES) administration screens, the timeline calendar, and the Smart Navigator feature.

The version of the Google Gson library has now been updated from 2.2.2 to 2.8.9. The new version contains some defect fixes and minor enhancements. As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made to the Social Program Management product.

Note that the location of the JAR file in Social Program Management has changed and any references in custom scripts and other artifacts to the updated JAR file listed above should be updated.

WorkItem:276172 - Update browser plugin-in Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) level used in Microsoft Word Integration

The following JRE level for Microsoft Word Integration is supported for this release:

WorkItem:276174 - Browser support update

The following browser versions are now updated and certified for this release.

Caseworker Application Browser Support

Universal Access Application Browser Support

WorkItem:276176 - Tablet accessibility support

The certified version of Apple VoiceOver is now updated to iOS 15.4. This is certified against Chrome 100.

WorkItem:276347 - Update the versions of the Jackson JARs to the latest version - 2.13.2

The Jackson API contains multiple functions to read and build JSON using Java. It has powerful data binding capabilities and provides a framework to serialize custom Java objects to JSON strings and deserialize JSON strings back into Java objects. The Java Development Environment (JDE) and the REST infrastructure use these utilities.

The versions of these JARs have now been updated to a later version. As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made in the JDE and REST deliverables.

GraphQL JARs:

Note that any references in custom scripts and other artifacts to the updated JAR files listed above must be updated.

WorkItem:277446 - Updates to some of the libraries in Axis 2 and Rampart

Merative Social Program Management web services are based on Apache Axis2. With the Rampart security module of Axis2, Social Program Management web services can be secured for authentication, integrity (signature), confidentiality (encryption/decryption), and non-repudiation (timestamp).

The versions of some of the JARs in both Axis 2 and Rampart have been updated. As a result of these updates, the following changes have been made in the JDE Axis 2 deliverable.

Note that any references in custom scripts and other artifacts to the updated JAR files listed above must be updated.

WorkItem:277897 - JDom library update

The JDOM library is a Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data from Java code. Its usage in Merative Social Program Management is widespread across all areas of the application.

The jar file jdom-1.0.jar has been updated to jdom-1.0-1.jar.

As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made to the JDE deliverables.

Note that any references in custom scripts and other artifacts to the updated JAR file listed above must be updated.

Notes on Deprecation

This section describes artifacts that are deprecated in this release and the functionality that supersedes them.

Enhancements or defect fixes might require the contract of a development artifact to be changed. In this context, the contract of an artifact is its API or signature, for example, name, parameters, return values, and its documented statement of functionality, for example, Javadoc.

In these cases, deprecation is used to reduce the impact of the change on custom applications. The original artifact is preserved and marked as 'deprecated' to indicate that it has been superseded by other functionality (often a new artifact). Infrastructure is provided to assist you in identifying custom dependencies on these deprecated artifacts. Deprecation can affect customizations in a number of different ways and has some implications for customer support. For more information about deprecation, see the 'Deprecation' chapter in the Merative SPM Server Developer's Guide. This chapter describes what deprecation is, how it can affect custom code, what it means for support and the build infrastructure that helps pinpoint custom artifact dependencies on deprecated artifacts.

You can find out whether your code is affected by any of the following deprecations (and precisely where) by running the deprecationreport build target. If that build produces deprecation warnings, then you are affected by one or more of the deprecated artifacts that are itemized. For more information about using the build target and analyzing its output, see the 'Deprecation' chapter in the Merative SPMServer Developer's Guide.

Third Party Updates

WorkItem:275291 - Deprecate JDOM related classes as a result of the replacement of JDOM by Dom4J

How to Upgrade:

To upgrade from the deprecated artifacts below, use the following replacements:


Itemised List of Changes:

This is the list of classes that have been marked as deprecated as part of the upgrade from JDOM to dom4j.

For more context on the change that caused this deprecation, please see this release note in the "Improvements and Resolved Issues" section.

Known Issues (unconfirmed)

Curam Enterprise Framework
Curam Modules

Curam Enterprise Framework

Common Intake

WorkItem:277418 - A modal page closes when the escape key is used to close a drop-down inside the modal

Currently, when a user opens a drop-down field from within a modal window and uses the escape key on the keyboard to close the field, the field closes along with the modal itself. This may result in the potential loss of data. This problem does not occur on IEG forms.

Common Intake

WorkItem:273964 - An iPad user is forced to logout when trying to add a participant on any intake

On an iPad, a user is unable to navigate to a page that uses the CKEditor. One such instance where this issue manifests is in Child Welfare. When a user creates a Child Welfare intake on an iPad, they are not able to navigate to the Participants tab.

Curam Modules

Provider Management

WorkItem:274649 - System message visibility field code-table blank value does not default to blank on edit of the record.

A new drop-down field called 'Visibility' has been added to the table 'SystemMessage' in 8.0.1. The value determines the user group that the message is visible to, for example, 'Logged-in users', 'Public users' or 'Public and logged-in users'. For existing records on the 'SystemMessage' table, the value of the new field 'Visibility' is set to 'null'. The 'Visibility' field 'null' value has the same meaning as the default value of 'Logged-in user'. When a 'System Message' record with a 'Visibility' field value of 'null' is edited, the 'Visibility' field drop-down incorrectly defaults to 'Logged-in user' instead of a blank value.

To address this issue, an additional property 'USE_DEFAULT="false"' needs to be added to the 'Visibility' 'FIELD element of the page SystemMessage_modifySystemMessage.vim. This will be updated in a subsequent release.

Provider Management

WorkItem:103350 - Incorrect underpayment amount created when multiple service invoice line items reassessed due to change in service rate

When there are multiple service invoice line items created and paid for a provider using a fixed amount service rate and payment option of 'pay fixed amount', if the service rate that was used to determine the payment amount is retrospectively modified, to a higher rate, for example, underpayments are not being generated for all of the affected service invoice line items.

WorkItem:274492 - A 'Null' button appears on the Preview Contract confirmation modal

When a caseworker views the Preview Contract confirmation modal, the 'Yes' button is incorrectly labeled as 'Null'. To view the Preview Contract confirmation dialog, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as a Provider Management manager.
  2. Click My Providers under Provider in the shortcuts panel.
  3. Click the Provider Reference Number hyperlink to open an existing provider in a new tab.
  4. Click the Financial tab and select Contracts.
  5. Create and generate a Utilization Contract for the contract to go to an Issued state.
  6. Select the Preview row-level action for the Utilization Contract.
  7. Issue: The 'Yes' button is incorrectly labeled as 'Null'.


Child Welfare

Child Welfare

WorkItem:277357 - Buttons not dynamically displayed based on Reporter Type selected in Capture Reporter dialog

When capturing Reporter information on a Child Welfare intake, depending on the reporter type selected, the modal buttons displayed should change. For example, when an 'Anonymous' type is selected, only the 'Cancel' and 'Finish' buttons should display. Currently, all three buttons (Cancel, Next, and Finish) are displayed regardless of the Reporter type selected.


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices"

CSV Release Notes


This CSV file summarizes the individual release notes documented above in the "Improvements, Resolved Issues, Third Party Updates" section. The individual release notes documented above will be maintained and will reflect the latest version of the release notes from eGA onwards. However, the content of this CSV file is valid on eGA date, but is not maintained after that.

Document Information

More support for:

Merative Social Program Management

Software version:


Operating system(s):

Linux, Windows

Modified date:

01 September 2022