New File Edit Native Messaging Bridge extension for use with the Word Integration Assistant
Merative ™ Social Program Management is now Cúram™ by Merative
Google is updating its extension platform and the changes will impact all Cúram customers that use the Word editing feature through a Chrome-based browser. Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and Google Chrome browsers are affected by this change.
Cúram uses a Google Chrome browser extension that enables users to edit Microsoft Word documents through the Cúram application. With the introduction of Manifest V3 for Chrome Extensions, Google is planning to gradually phase out the use of Manifest V2 (MV2) extensions. For more information about the MV2 deprecation timelines, see the Manifest V2 support timeline.
According to Google, Manifest V3 for Chrome Extensions (MV3) represents one of the biggest shifts in the extensions platform since it launched a decade ago. Extensions using Manifest V3 will enjoy enhancements in security, privacy, and performance; they can also use more contemporary Open Web technologies adopted in Manifest V3, such as service workers and promises. For more information, see Welcome to Manifest V3.
To respond to the changes by Google, Cúram has released:
- An MV3-compatible version of the File Edit Native Messaging Bridge that is available from the Chrome Web Store.
- An iFix on specific release lines.
The name of the new version of the extension is the SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge. Customers must roll out the new extension to all clients that use the affected browsers and the Word Integration Assistant for editing Word documents in the Cúram application.
Complete the following steps on each client machine:
- Update the user’s browser. Supported versions are stated in the iFix release notes.
- Install the SPM File Edit Native Messaging Bridge extension from the Chrome Web Store.
- Update the Cúram Word Integration installer to use the version included with the iFix.
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All Versions
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Modified date:
17 April 2023