Merative ™ Social Program Management
Release Notes
Merative Social Program Management Release Notes
System Requirements
Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates
Known Issues
Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management release. Read this document to find important installation information, and to learn about product improvements and resolved issues in this release.
For information about what's new in version, see the What's new in Version topic in the product documentation.
For more information about version, see the full product documentation in documentation.
For the latest version of the release notes, see
This release incorporates content from previous 7.0.0 releases, which is documented separately in the following sets of online release notes:
- [Merative Social Program Management](/support/spm/release-notes/7-0-0-1)
System Requirements
For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.
See the download instructions for this release at /support/curam.
Install the Merative Social Program Managewment software and supported related software according to the Installing Merative Social program Management instructions in the documentation.
Ensure that you install the Merative Social Program Management Platform, application modules and program-based offerings in the correct sequence as described in the Overview of the installation steps topic.
If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Helper contains documentation and tooling to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management . The Merative Social Program Management describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tooling to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tooling to provide information about database schema changes and tooling to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.
To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Managewment Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at /support/spm.
Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates
Third Party Updates
WorkItem:160175 - Upgrade Rational Software Architect (RSA) for Websphere to Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere Software 9.5.0
Support for Merative Rational Software Architect Designer 9.5 (RSAD) for WebSphere has been introduced. See the associated RSAD pre-requisites for this version of the product for further details of this upgrade.
WorkItem:160187 - Upgrade RAD for WebSphere to 9.5
Merative Rational Application Developer (RAD) for WebSphere support has been upgraded to version 9.5. See the associated RAD for WebSphere pre-requisites for this version of the product for further details of this support.
WorkItem:161834 - Upgrade International Components for Unicode (ICU4J) library to version 58.2
International Components for Unicode (ICU) is the premier library for software internationalization. ICU4J 58.2 is an updated release of ICU4J 56.1.
The icu4j.jar delivered as part of the Merative Social Program Management Java Development Environment (JDE) file has been updated from level 56.1 to level 58.2.
For specific information about this release see
WorkItem:183015 - Drop Support for Websphere Portal Server
The original requirement for the usage of WebSphere Portal Server was to expose PODs as portlets on the portal server. Some infrastructure was put in place to build and deploy such a portlet ear file. A documentation guide was also authored to instruct users how to configure the portal server and also how to specify which PODs would be exposed in that portal ear file and hence available as part of that deployment.
Support for this functionality has been removed. This has resulted in the removal of the artifacts from the Java Development Environment (JDE) which supported the building of such ear files and the associated configuration files which specified which PODs could be exposed as portlets. The guide which outlined how to develop portlets and configure WebSphere Portal Server (Merative Social Program Management Portlet Deployment Guide For WebSphere Portal Server) has also been removed from the documentation.
The prerequisites for the product have also been updated to reflect this change.
WorkItem:186872 - Update and certify the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player plugin.
The Adobe Flash Player browser plugin is required when using application pages which contain charts (e.g. bar-charts) and for using the IEG, Datastore, Dynamic Evidence, and CER Editors. The version tested and certified for this version of the product is Adobe Flash Player 25.
WorkItem:186873 - Update and certify the latest JRE levels for Microsoft Word integration.
The following JRE levels for Word Integration are supported for this release:
- JRE 1.7 u80
- JRE 1.8 u131
WorkItem:186874 - Browser support upgrade
The following browser versions have been updated and certified for this release:
Case Worker Application Browser Support
- Google Chrome updated to 57
Universal Access Application Browser Support
- Apple Safari updated to 10.1
- Google Chrome updated to 57
- Mozilla Firefox updated to 53
WorkItem:190241 - Upgrade the version of Google Guice to 4.1.0
Google Guice is an open source software framework for the Java platform released by Google under the Apache License providing support for dependency injection using annotations to configure Java objects. The version of Google Guice used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 4.0 to version 4.1.0.
This involved the upgrade of the following JARs delivered as part of the Server Java Development Environment (SDEJ):
- guice.jar (updated from 4.0 to 4.1.0)
- guice-assistedinject.jar (updated from 4.0 to 4.1.0)
- guice-multibindings.jar (updated from 4.0 to 4.1.0)
- guice-throwingproviders.jar (updated from 4.0 to 4.1.0)
- guava.jar (updated from 16.0.1 to 19.0).
WorkItem:195544 - Upgrade Rational Software Architect (RSA) to Rational Software Architect Designer 9.5
Rational Software Architect (RSA) has now become Rational Software Architect Designer (RSAD) and support for version 9.5 of this product has been introduced. This is supported as a modeling environment and the pre-requisites for that version of the product should be consulted for further details of this upgrade.
Cúram Enterprise Framework
WorkItem:192311 - Simplified documentation terminology replaces 'enterprise module' and 'solution module' with 'application module'
To simplify the terminology that is used to refer to optional modules in the Merative Social Program Management documentation, occurrences of 'enterprise module' and 'solution module' have been replaced with 'application module'. In particular, the following sections have been updated:
- The product overview diagram has been updated at .
- In the product overview section, the IBM Cúram Enterprise Modules section and the IBM Cúram Solutions section have been combined into one IBM Cúram Application Modules section. See .
WorkItem:192369 - Multi participant evidence period calculation should be consistent with other application areas
Previously, if the multiple participant update was configured, a non-consistent evidence period calculation was used when displaying the evidence period in the list on the modify page. This issue has now been resolved, now when multiple participant is enabled, the modify page uses the same evidence period calculation algorithm as all other application areas.
WorkItem:192370 - Update dynamic evidence implementation to return null values for undefined business dates
Previously, when business dates were undefined in dynamic evidence, a zero date was returned by the EvidenceInterface. This was not consistent with non-dynamic (static) evidence, which uses a null value when business dates were undefined. The Dynamic Evidence infrastructure has been updated to return a null value when the business dates are undefined. Adapting a consistent approach is necessary to provide generic system processing within the evidence maintenance functions. It also removes any potential ambiguity as a null value could also be interpreted that a business date was defined in the Dynamic Evidence configuration, but not set when an evidence instance was created.
Customers are advised to check their custom implementation for any expected zero date values or to ensure the new null values are handled.
Technical Services
PO05779, WorkItem:144368 - Updates to the Workflow Reference Guide documentation
The following three metadata fields were removed from Workflow Reference Guide documentation, as they are not supported:
- allow-deadline-override
- allow-task-forwarding
- administration-sid
Workflow Reference Guide documentation:
Integrated Case Management
PO05705, WorkItem:142400 - A high volume of notifications are generated when caseworkers change the ownership of a case from a work queue with subscribers of type Job, Position or Organisational Unit
Previously, when the ownership of a case was changed from a work queue with subscribers of type Job, Position or Organisational Unit a high volume of notifications were generated; one for every subscriber of the work queue. This in-turn lead to performance issues.
This issue has been resolved. Now when the ownership of a case is changed from a work queue containing subscribers of type Job, Position or Organisational Unit to a new owner who is a user, a notification is sent only to the new owner. Notifications to the subscribers of the work queue are no longer sent.
WorkItem:124638 - Update Required to Merative SPM Financials Guide to explain what application property controls whether or not reassessment should occur prior to generating payments
The Financials Batch Processes section of the Merative SPM Financials Guide has been updated to explain that the curam.batch.generateinstructionlineitems.dontreassesscase application property is used to control whether product delivery cases using Cúram Express Rules (CER) are automatically reassessed prior to generating financial payments.
WorkItem:146332 - Optimize storage of data in the Dependency table to reduce performance and storage overheads
Currently, case determinations result in a number of rule set definitions being stored as dependencies, and a high percentage of case determinations in a system would use exactly the same group of rule sets. In this enhancement, rather than repeating these rule set dependencies for every case determination, the dependency manager will automatically detect and identify repeating groups and store a single dependency for the rule sets on each determination.
A new table called CREOLERuleSetGroup has been added which will store the combinations of rule sets that any case determinations use. The data in this table is backed by a Merative Social Program Management cache to improve lookups against existing rule set groups. A new precedent type of RULESETGRP will replace RULESETDEF precedents.
This change will reduce the number of dependency records that are stored on the database. As cases are reassessed, new dependency records will be stored using the new precedent type. The reduced number of dependency records will lessen the overhead of detecting precedent changes which each reassessment needs to perform. The feature will be enabled by default out of the box, but can be disabled by changing the value of system property 'curam.dependency.disable.ruleset.grouping' to TRUE.
WorkItem:161976 - Reassessment aggregation information messages appearing in unrelated application pages
Previously, when there was a need to display a reassessment aggregation status message (deferred to batch, in progress, and/or pending changes), these were added as informational messages. As reassessment aggregation runs in a deferred process, it was possible that the InformationalManager could display these reassessment aggregation informational messages on any page that also displays informational messages. This led to occasions where the reassessment aggregation informational messages were displayed on unrelated pages.
This has been resolved to now display these messages on the current determinations page, alongside the existing reassessment aggregation informational messages.
PO04865, WorkItem:123218 - Evidence Generator creating pages with incorrect property name
Previously the evidence generator was not populating the nameAndAgeOpt attribute which is used by some client pages to display the participant name. This issue has now been resolved.
PO05022, WorkItem:123254 - When creating or editing a meeting or an activity, the error message displayed to the case worker contained the attribute name rather than the label
Previously, when a user was creating or editing a meeting or an activity, if the content in the free text area exceeded the maximum limit, the error message presented to the user contained the attribute details instead of the label. This issue has now been resolved. When the user exceeds the maximum limit in the free text area in the modal relating to the creation or the update of a meeting or activity, the error message is correct.
Administration Suite
WorkItem:182190 - Make the overlaping Special Caution validation configurable
You can record special cautions for case members to highlight any items that require special attention or to capture areas of immediate concern. The categories of special cautions include health alerts, behavioral alerts, and safety alerts. To enable flexibility in how validations are applied, administrators can now configure the validation that previously prevented caseworkers from creating special cautions of the same type and period as an existing record. If special cautions of the same type and for the same period must overlap, you can disable the relevant validation. By default, this validation is enabled.
If the agency requires that special cautions of the same type overlap for the same period, an administrator can disable the validation: specialcaution.err_specialcaution_xrv_category_
and_type_overlaps_in_specified_date_range|a| in the VALIDATIONCONFIGURATION table.
PO03847, WorkItem:122750 - Issue with creating additional access to sub locations even though the sub location option is not selected
Previously, when a user was given access permission to a location, they were also able to see the sub-locations of that location without any restriction. This is now resolved. If the user is granted access permission to a location they will only see that location, unless the administrator grants permission to the sub locations also.
Application Development Environment
WorkItem:183022 - Field sizing on DB2 restricting the addition of indices
The following tables-fields have been set to have a multi-byte expansion size of 3, rather than the default of 4, to allow for indexing on a DB2 database:
This will have the effect of reducing the size of the field from 1024 to 768 bytes on a DB2 database.
WorkItem:185385 - Reduce growth rate of the application's browser memory footprint, especially in Internet Explorer Version 11
Previously, Internet Explorer Version 11(IE11) was becoming unresponsive when a user browsed through a large number of pages in the application. This was due to an IE11 memory issue that resulted in the IE11 process memory increasing at a much higher rate than before. This issue has now been resolved.
WorkItem:106498 - The JavaDoc is not generated for the JDECommons utilities package
The curam.util.common.util.StringUtils class contains many utility functions for manipulating string objects. As these utility functions are used extensively throughout the application and are useful for customer consumption, the JavaDoc for this class has now been exposed and is now generated as part of the client side external JavaDoc documentation.
PO03722, WorkItem:107019 - Prevent a citizen from using the browser back button
A new feature has been added to the application that displays a confirmation pop-up dialog when a user accidentally or intentionally presses the browser back/refresh/close buttons.
This pop-up dialog informs the user that clicking these browser buttons will navigate a user away from the currently active page, and in doing so, there may be a loss of previously entered data.
Once the pop-up dialog is displayed, a user will be presented with two options:
- Stay: Ignores the browser button action and preserves any entered data on page.
- Leave: Executes the browser button action.
For more information about how to implement and customize this feature, see the documentation at
PO04700, WorkItem:107223 - Jacob library attempts to load missing properties which results in 404 requests
Previously the Jacob third party library used in Social Program Management (SPM) Word Integration solution attempted to load missing classes which resulted in 404 requests and associated errors being reported in the server logs. These classes were not in fact required for the solution to work.
This library has now been updated to resolve the issue and there are no further errors related to this scenario being reported in the server logs.
PO04755, WorkItem:107246 - Set the default maximum tabs to 15 tabs in the web tier
Previously the maximum number of allowed opened tabs was incorrectly set to -1 and then changed to 15 in the application, which meant that if the application went into an unstable state, customers might face potential issue while opening in page tabs. Now, the default value has been increased to 15.
WorkItem:107499 - Introduce a session timer into the application to let users know when the session will time out.
The Session Timeout Warning feature has been extended to now apply to both the internal Caseworker and external Universal Access applications.
This feature warns the user when their current session is about to expire. This warning takes the form of a dialog which displays the time remaining before the session times out and buttons which allows the user to either continue with the session or quit the current session. If the session expires without any user interaction with the application, the user is redirected to a configurable page and a message is displayed on that page indicating this fact.
This feature is optional and it is enabled by default for both applications. There are a number of configuration options available for this feature. For more information, see the Session Timeout Warning section in the documentation at
WorkItem:167447 - Watermark added to blank pages.
Previously, when a user landed on a blank page, there was no context to inform of the action required.
A page watermark has been added to blank pages, indicating that the page has loaded correctly and requires user action to continue.
WorkItem:188682 - User Interface updated for Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG)
The user interface of the Intelligence Evidence Gathering (IEG) Player that runs in the Merative Social Program Management application has been updated to provide a visually seamless experience, and consistent user interface usability. The HTML structure has not been changed, but the styles, icons, and color palette have been modified to be more consistent with the Merative Social Program Management application.
It is recommended that you review any customizations to the previous version of the IEG Player in the Merative Social Program Management application (internal mode). When you upgrade to version 7.0.1, customizations to the previous version of the IEG Player might be obfuscated.
**Note: **The IEG Player that runs in Merative Universal Access (external mode) has not been modified.
PO04271, WorkItem:106822 - Removing incorrect reference to images that were no longer present in the application.
Previously some of the out of the box (OOTB) code was referring to images that were no longer present in the application. This resulted in 404 error log from dojo CSS file /CDEJ/jscript/dojotk/dijit/themes/tundra/images/validationInputBg.gif being present in the server logs. This issue has now been resolved by removing incorrect references from the code.
PO05349, WorkItem:107479 - Update the documentation of Deferred Processing section.
Several incorrect references to a legacy deferred processing error handler interface called "TicketCallback" have been removed from both the JavaDoc specified for the deferred processing functionality and the associated documentation. The references have been replaced with references to the correct deferred processing error handler interface, which is "DPCallback".
The following topics have been updated in the Deferred Processing section of the documentation at
- Deferred process enactment
- Error handling
- Deferred processing summary
WorkItem:172907 - Provide reassessment processing diagnostics
Previously there has been low visibility into the behaviour of the Curam Enterprise Framework Assessment Engine
and the Curam Express Rules Engine. Additional JMX Statistics are now being recorded for both domains.
The areas of focus in this implementation for the Curam Enterprise Framework are the financial components,
deferred recalculations, reassessment aggregations, reassessment time band grouping, and reassessments.
This comprises the invocation count, average, maximum and minimum elapsed time for the following statistics:
- Case Reassessment
- Financial Component Reassessment
- Reassessment Aggregation
In addition the number of Case Reassessments durations is counted by groups as follows:
- 5 seconds or less
- 5 to 10 seconds
- 10 to 30 seconds
- 30 seconds or greater
The focus in the Merative Social Program management Express Rules Engine is on the dependency manager.
This comprises the invocation count, average, maximum and minimum elapsed time for the
read, insert, deletion and outdate phases of the dependency manager grouped by dependent type.
For more information, refer to the two new mbeans - AssessmentEngineStatsMBean and CEREngineStatsMBean - in section Default Application Instrumentation on the documentation.
WorkItem:106361 - The release build target should create the SetEnvironment.bat & .sh files
The target to create a release deliverable has been improved.
The appropriate SetEnvironment.bat & files are now generated by default into the release deliverable for a specified environment. These files are generated into the root directory of the release directory and contain commands to set various standard environment variables including those for the development environment, locale list and component orders.
It is now also possible to create a zip of these release deliverables. This may be achieved by the usage of the following command:
- appbuild release
WorkItem:177714 - Documentation update for the Merative Social Program Management Timer
The Merative Social Program Managemen Timer documentation has been updated. For more information, see
WorkItem:149297 - Introducing Automatic Index Generation
A new automatic index creation feature has been introduced to supplement the manual addition of indices to the model. This feature will discover un-indexed fields involved in the following operation types:
- Readmulti
- NsModify
- NsRead
- NsReadmulti
- NsRemove
If the field is based on the domain types below, an index will be generated by the model generation process for that field.
- SVR_STRING (excluding Codetable domains and strings over 255 characters in length)
The new index will be named IND_<Hashcode of Table + FieldName> to allow for repeatable naming. This feature is on by default but can be disabled.
This can be achieved by passing "-Dgenerator.options=-disableautoindexgeneration" to the server build.
Business Services
PO06125 , WorkItem:152794 - Meeting Minute wizard missing the finish button
Previously, a Finish button was not displayed at the end of the Meeting Minute Wizard. This issue has been resolved as a result of the upgrade of the Meeting Minute Wizard to the latest wizard infrastructure.
For more information refer to the What's New Guide
PO07140, WorkItem:195980 - The End Time label on the Meeting Minutes Wizard does not display correctly and is partially hidden.
Previously, when a caseworker was recording a meeting using the Meeting Minute Wizard the end time label was not displayed correctly. This issue has been resolved as a result of the upgrade of the meeting minute wizard to the latest wizard infrastructure.
For more information refer to the What's New Guide
Cúram Modules
Provider Management
WorkItem:187678 - A screen reader does not announce combobox labels in the Service Evaluation modal window
Previously, a screen reader user was unable to obtain enough context information about the comboboxes in the Service Evaluation modal window.
Now this problem has been resolved and the screen reader announces the combobox labels.
Universal Access
PO03827, WorkItem:93389 - The Evidence Mapping Configuration entity is missing descriptions for its attributes
Previously, some of the attributes in the 'Evidence Mapping Configuration' entity were missing descriptions or had incorrect descriptions leading to ambiguous interpretations about the utility of these attributes.
This has now been resolved by providing appropriate attribute descriptions.
WorkItem:118234 - Classes used by accessible interface are not accessible
Previously, the API RemoteSystemDAO was not accessible to the users for code customization. It has now been made accessible by providing the external access annotation in the RemoteSystemDAO interface code.
WorkItem:118281 - Allow configurable purging of Citizen Data
The Citizen Workspace provides a number of batch jobs out-of-the-box, enabling the end users to be able to purge application data. These batch jobs did not consider 'In-Progress' applications for purging and were not fully customizable.
A new configurable batch job 'CitizenWorkspacePurgeNonReferencedOldData' has been introduced to address these issues. It deletes the data based on valid Citizen script status and Online script types for the application data that is older than a specified 'Purge Date'.
This batch job applies to all client types, including generated, standard, and linked user clients. The following database records will be purged based on a valid Online Script type, Citizen Script Status and Purge Date, as specified by the user executing the batch job:
- CitizenScriptInfo
- Datastore Entity
- Datastore Entity role
- LifeEvent
- LifeEventRmtLink
- IEGExecutionState
- TriageResult
The batch job 'CitizenWorkspacePurgeNonReferencedOldData' must always be executed while the system is offline. The user must also take the required backup of the data, since purging of data is an irreversible activity.
Following are the Configurable Parameters supported by this batch:PurgeDate - All of the 'CitizenScript' records entered before this date will get deleted permanently from the database. For example, entering 20131204 as 'PurgeDate' will delete the application data entered before the date 2013-12-04.scriptStatus - Script Status is an optional parameter. If no value is entered for this parameter, then all the script statuses are considered for data purging. Please refer codetable 'CT_CitizenScriptStatus.ctx' for valid codetable values that can be entered as a parameter.
scriptType - Script Type is an optional parameter. If no value is entered for this parameter, then all the script types are considered for data purging. Please refer codetable 'CT_OnlineScriptType.ctx' for valid codetable values that can be entered as a parameter.
WorkItem:118292 - New operation required on 'CitizenWorkspaceAccountManager' API
Previously, the user was unable to retrieve Citizen Account information stored in the Remote system using the 'External system identifier' and 'External Party identifier'. Now, this has been resolved by providing a new operation called 'readActiveByRemoteSystemIdentity()' that can be used to retrieve the Citizen Account information.
PO06101, WorkItem:142661 - Improve Documentation on Purge Batches
Citizen Workspace maintains a number of batch processes to enable the users to purge citizen application related data. The documentation for following batch processes has now been improved to provide more context to the end user:
- CitizenWorkspacePurgeNonReferencedDataProcess
- CitizenWorkspacePurgeDataProcess
- CitizenWorkspacePurgeOldDataProcess
PO06013, WorkItem:148792 - Possible to create a Citizen Portal Account when the property 'curam.citizenworkspace.enable.account.creation' is set to 'No'
The administration property 'curam.citizenworkspace.enable.account.creation' is used to control whether a user should be able to create a Citizen Portal account or not. Previously, despite the property being set to 'No', the user was able to create a Citizen Portal account.
This has now been resolved and the user is restricted from creating a new Citizen Portal account when this administration property 'curam.citizenworkspace.enable.account.creation' is set to 'No'.
PO06145, WorkItem:153597 - Life event pages suppress exceptions instead of returning errors to users
Previously, when the user performed any action on citizen life events functionality that resulted in an application exception, the exception was not handled appropriately and no meaningful error message was displayed to the user.
This has now been resolved by appropriately handling the application exception and displaying a meaningful error message to the user.
PO06408, WorkItem:163961 - Application Logo not returning the user to the landing page in Arabic locale.
The 'Merative Universal Access' logo at top right corner of the Citizen Portal application, when clicked, is meant to redirect the user to the Citizen Portal landing page. This was not happening in the Arabic version of the Merative SPM application.
This has now been resolved by redirecting the user to the Citizen Portal application's landing page when the user clicks the 'Merative Universal Access' logo.
Intelligent Evidence Gathering
WorkItem:174500 - Enable ability to expand/contract clusters in IEG summary pages to improve readability of heavily populated summary pages
Previously, the system was not allowing the user to expand or collapse clusters, lists or relationship summary lists within a summary page. This has been addressed by adding a new toggle button to each cluster, list and relationship summary list which contains a title, within a summary page. The toggle is responsible for expanding or collapsing content on the summary page.
For more information, see the following documentation links:
- For information about cluster attributes, see h ttps:// .
- For information about list attributes, see .
- For information about relationship summary list attributes, see .
WorkItem:175996 - Enable application of custom rendered HTML on IEG summary pages
A new feature has been added to the Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG) functionality which allows custom HTML to be rendered on a summary page.
This can be achieved by adding a new IEG Script element called custom-output into the required summary page and specifying values for the custom renderer to be used and also the data accessor class to retrieve the data for that renderer.
Data may be retrieved from the associated datastore instance, accessed within a custom renderer and then rendered using custom HTML as required.
For full details about this feature and how to use it, see
WorkItem:158160 - Replace the Castor data binding framework with Java Architecture for XML Binding - JAXB
Internally, Merative SPM converts XML artifacts to Java objects.
The binding framework that is used for this conversion has been modified from using Castor to using JAXB, a more modern and up-to-date framework, in various components (most notably IEG and Workflow).
As the JAXB implementation has a stricter ruleset when validating XML, any IEG scripts that do not conform to the IEG script schema could fail. In the event of a failure when starting an IEG script, the script definition should be checked against the IEG script schema.
PO06596, WorkItem:173758 - In Universal Access, Screen Reader is not considering image attribute as landmark or other navigational information
Previously, Person Tabs Panel only visually highlighted which participant the content of the page related to, causing screen readers users to lose the context of the page. This context for screen readers has now been provided using the WAI-ARIA landmark feature, as a result the issue is resolved.
WorkItem:174501 - Enable support for informational messages on IEG pages
A new feature has been added to Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG) whereby an informational message may be added to the top of a cluster, a list, or a relationship summary list. The purpose of this new element is to allow the contents of these elements on a page to be described at a glance.
The new informational message element consists of text and an image. For example, if a cluster, a list, or a relationship summary list is contained in a section that can be expanded and collapsed, an informational message can display information about the content when the content is in a collapsed state. The cluster, the list, or the relationship summary list must have a title for an informational message to be displayed.
For more information, see the informational-message section in the documentation at
Evidence Broker
PO06812, WorkItem:187818 - Addresses evidence end date does not broker when a new preferred address is created and both evidence instances are activated at the same time
When a case worker adds a new preferred address to an Integrated Case, the process involves unchecking the preferred indicator and setting the end date in the existing address. This is followed by the addition of a new preferred address.
Previously, when the In-Edit addresses were activated simultaneously, the Evidence End Date did not broker over to the Person Case. This issue is now resolved. Now, when a case worker needs to add a new preferred address while ending the existing preferred address, the end date brokers to the Person Case as expected.
Identity Intelligence
WorkItem:179932 - UMFData.owner index is too large to support multibyte expansion for DB2 z/OS
Previously, the 'owner' attribute on the UMFData database table was of type SVR_STRING(1500). This caused an issue when building a DB2 z/OS database with multibyte expansion enabled. In that environment, the size increases from 1500 to 6000. This increase causes an index creation error for the 'owner' attribute due to the size of the index being too long.
Now, the size of the attribute has been reduced to SVR_STRING(255). The new size will ensure that the index can be created successfully in all environments, whilst also satisfying the technical requirements for this database attribute.
Income Support
PO05681, WorkItem:140962 - Unhandled server exception occurs in the transferApplication API when verbose tracing is enabled
Previously, an unhandled server exception occurred when attempting to use the public API
(transferApplicationToExistingCase) when verbose tracing was enabled.
This issue has been resolved, and the public API can now be used without exception.
PO06238, WorkItem:156607 - Excluded Properties field incorrectly displayed in Decisions tab for Food Assistance and Cash Assistance decisions when non-countable resource evidence is entered
Previously, when non-countable resource evidence was entered, for example 'Radiation Exposure Compensation', 'Vehicle', or 'Oil and Gas attached to the home', and the user navigated to the Decisions tab to view the details of the eligible decision for a Food Assistance or Cash Assistance program, the field 'Excluded Properties' was incorrectly being displayed in the Non-Countable Resources cluster with a value of $0.00 below the non-countable resource on the Household Resources page within the Resources tab.
This field has now been removed.
Technical details:
- Class: CAHouseholdNonCountableResourcesSubscreen
- homePropertyExclusionDisplayList: New
- finalHouseholdNonCountableResourcesList: Updated
- Class: FAHouseholdNonCountableResourcesSubscreen
- homePropertyExclusionDisplayList:New
- finalHouseholdNonCountableResourcesDisplayList:Updated
PO06609, WorkItem:174241 - Save and Cancel buttons misaligned when editing a pod on the home page
Previously, when editing a pod on a user home page, the save and cancel buttons were misaligned.
Now, this has been corrected as the pod layout has changed.
WorkItem:183795 - Case Management Application submission fails if only the first page is completed
Previously, when the Case Management Application was submitted after completing only the first page, submission failed because the Address evidence start date relied on the answer to the question "When did the claimant become a member of the household?" that is present on the second page of the application.
Now, Case Management Application can be submitted without completing the second page. In this case, the application date will be used as the Address evidence start date.
WorkItem:185003 - 2017 Federal Poverty Rates
The following Federal Poverty Level Rates are updated with effective date March 1, 2017
- Household size 1 - $1,005
- Household size 2 - $1,353
- Household size 3 - $1,702
- Household size 4 - $2,050
- Household size 5 - $2,398
- Household size 6 - $2,747
- Household size 7 - $3,095
- Household size 8 - $3,443
WorkItem:185697 - Page content is being lost in tab details on My Applications page when zoom is set to 200%
Previously, content was lost on the tab details in the My Application page, when the zoom was set to high levels.
Now, a column has been removed from the tab details on the My Applications page. The content of the column has been moved to a new row.
WorkItem:186154 - Incorrect validation error thrown when attempting to authorize a Cash Assistance or Food Assistance program where household member was removed and re-added
Previously, when attempting to authorize a Cash Assistance or Food Assistance program, if a household member had been removed and then re-added, the following validation message was incorrectly being thrown: 'This Participant already has a role as Member for this case'.
This issue was due to the incorrect update of the From Date and To Date of the case participant role for the household member within the PD case and has now been resolved.
WorkItem:186179 - ‘Total Gross Income’ incorrectly displayed as zero in Decisions tab for Medicaid when there is a single case participant eligible for Medicaid with Self Employment evidence only
Previously, when a single participant with self employment evidence only was eligible for an Adult Medical coverage type such as Aged Blind Disabled (ABD) or Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB), when the user navigated to the Decisions tab to view the details of the eligible decision from within either the Income Support application or integrated case, the value being displayed for 'Total Gross Income' on the Household Income page within the Income tab was not taking the self-employment evidence into account and incorrectly displaying 0.
This issue has now been resolved and the 'Total Gross Income' is displaying the correct value.
Technical details:
- Class: QMBHouseholdIncomeCategory
- totalHouseholdMonthlyGrossIncomeTimeline: Updated
- isMaTotalDeemingCalculatorApplicable: New
- Class: QMBMemberIncomeCategory
- totalNetSelfEmploymentIncomeList: Updated
- totalGrossIncomeList: Updated
- isMaTotalDeemingCalculatorApplicable: New
- Class: ABDIncomeCPRCalculator
- totalEarnedIncomeTimeline: Updated
- totalHouseholdMonthlyGrossIncomeTimeline: Updated
- Class: SLMBHouseholdIncomeCategory
- totalHouseholdMonthlyGrossIncomeTimeline: Updated
- isMaTotalDeemingCalculatorApplicable: New
- Class: SLMBMemberIncomeCategory
- totalNetSelfEmploymentIncomeList: Updated
- totalGrossIncomeList: Updated
- isMaTotalDeemingCalculatorApplicable: New
- Class: QIHouseholdIncomeCategory
- totalHouseholdMonthlyGrossIncomeTimeline: Updated
- isMaTotalDeemingCalculatorApplicable: New
- Class: QIMemberIncomeCategory
- totalNetSelfEmploymentIncomeList: Updated
- totalGrossIncomeList: Updated
- isMaTotalDeemingCalculatorApplicable: New
WorkItem:186655 - Parent to Child details screen not displayed on an Aged Blind Disabled decision of an Integrated Case when Parent to Child deeming exists
Previously, when Parent to Child deeming existed on an Aged Blind Disabled decision of an Integrated Case, when a user navigated to the Deemed tab under Household Income, the Parent to Child details screen was not displayed.
This has now been resolved and the screen is now displayed when Parent to Child deeming exists.
WorkItem:189023 - Non countable unearned income for Medicare Part A benefit not displayed in Decisions tab when viewing the details of the eligible decision for ABD Medicaid
Previously, when a client was eligible for the Aged, Blind and Disabled Medical Assistance coverage type and was currently receiving a Medicare Part A benefit, when the user navigated to the Decisions tab to view the details of the eligible decision the value of the benefit was not appearing on the Member Income page within the Income tab.
This has been fixed now and the benefit value is being displayed as non-countable unearned income.
- Class:ABDMemberIncomeCategory
- totalNonCountableIncomeList : Overridden attribute definition has been removed from this class. This attribute now perform the super class definition-MAMemberIncomeCategory class.
- totalNonCountableUnearnedIncomeList: Overridden attribute definition has been removed from this class. This attribute now perform the super class definition- MAMemberIncomeCategory class.
WorkItem:190049 - Page title missing on cases types Transactions page
Previously, when viewing the Transactions page under the Financials tab for either a Food Assistance or Cash Assistance Product Delivery Case, there was no Transactions title displayed.
Now, this has been corrected and the Transactions title is displayed for both products.
WorkItem:190393 - Sponsor Deeming Resource Deduction Amount is missing from the Food Assistance Resource Limits rate table
Previously, the Food Assistance resource limit rate table entry for 2014 omitted the Sponsor Deeming Resource Deduction Amount value of 1500 and the Burial Plan Cash Value Limit value of 1500.
Now, this has been corrected and these rate tables values for 2014 are now recorded.
WorkItem:194620 - Incorrect validation message is being displayed when a household member is removed in the same calendar month as the household member start date
Previously, the validation message 'Household member cannot be removed and re-added in the same month as a removed member is still considered in the household until the last day of the month. If you want to re-add the member remove the end date on the member record' was incorrectly displayed when a household member was removed in the same calendar month as their household member start date. This prevented the household member from being removed.
Now, when a household member is removed in the same month as their household member start date, no validation message is displayed and the household member can be removed.
PO01533, WorkItem:103706 - Projected income not being recalculated on removing an income from the final summary page of the IEG Script
Previously, projected yearly income was not being recalculated on removing an income entry for a person from the final summary page of the IEG script.
Now, each time an existing record is removed from the final summary page, the projected yearly income is recalculated.
WorkItem:104537 - Duplicate Insurance Affordability Product Delivery Cases are created after Change of Circumstance when initial applicant is female and a male applicant is added later
Previously, a duplicate Insurance Affordability Product Delivery Cases was created after a Change of Circumstance when the initial applicant was female and a male applicant was added later.
Now, the female applicant is retained as the primary applicant to avoid duplicate product creation.
This has been fixed by modifying the rules that identify the tax filer around which to create the Insurance Assistance Product.
- Ruleset: /EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/
HCRProgramGroupRuleSet.xml. - Rule class: TaxFilerDeterminator
- Attribute: finalTaxFiler
To aid in this determination, two new attributes have been added to the class:
- applicantCalcuator
- primaryMemberInitialApplicantRecordCaseParticipantRole
PO05606, WorkItem:105481 - Eligibility is incorrectly determined for a household with a deemed newborn when income is deleted
Previously, where a Deemed Newborn had income that was over the Children category Federal Poverty Limit, if the Income evidence was deleted leaving the household with no income, upon reassessment the head of household incorrectly became ineligible for Streamlined Medicaid after the child turned 1.
This has now been resolved and the eligibility is now determined correctly.
PO05665, WorkItem:140733 - The phone numbers formats are inconsistent when entered from the citizen portal and mapped to the application
Previously, when a phone number was entered on the HCR Citizen Portal, it did not map to the application database in the expected format. The application database stores the following 3 fields; international code, area code and phone number. An international code was not captured for HCR applications, via the Citizen Portal, and this resulted in the area code mapping to the international code field in the database.
Now, the area code field that is captured for a HCR application, will map correctly to the area code field in the database. The area code and the phone number fields will follow a consistent format [field one:xxx]-[field two:xxxxxxx] regardless of whether an application is captured via the Citizen Portal. The international code field will still exist in the database and has now been hard-coded using a null value for the HCR Citizen Portal.
PO05971, WorkItem:148066 - Incorrect eligibility determination for Insurance Assistance after applying an open ended benefit evidence and then subsequently end dating the benefit evidence
Previously in a scenario where a client was determined eligible for Insurance Assistance (IA) and then became ineligible for IA from a particular date onwards due to the receipt of a benefit such as Medicaid Part A with no end date, when the benefit evidence record was subsequently end dated, the client's eligibility was incorrectly reassessed. Although the client was correctly eligible for IA starting again from the end date of the benefit, the new determination was incorrectly indicating the client as ineligible during the time period prior to receipt of the benefit.
This issue has now been resolved so that when benefit evidence that was added is end dated, eligibility is now correctly determined.
PO06302, WorkItem:159553 - Incorrect underemployment/unemployment questions being displayed during a Change of Circumstance in the Citizen Portal
Previously, during a Change of Circumstance in the Citizen Portal, underemployment/unemployment questions were being displayed when they were not required.
Now, the underemployment/unemployment questions and summary page have been corrected and display when appropriate.
WorkItem:167165 - Unhandled Server Exception occurs when attempting to edit the "Are you currently incarcerated" information on the Summary page of the application script
Previously, on the Summary page of the application script, when the user tried to change the Incarceration information by selecting the change link, the system was throwing an unhandled server exception. Now, when the user clicks on the change link, the user is correctly redirected to the Incarceration page.
Additionally, on the Incarceration page, if the user had previously indicated pending disposition of charges as "Yes" and specified an expected release date, and then updated the pending disposition of charges information to 'No', when the user then navigated to the Summary page the expected release date field was not being correctly cleared. This issue has now also been resolved.
PO06855, WorkItem:184972 - The Household Summary Page is not displaying updated SSN details when an applicant changes from an applicant to a non filer applicant and error thrown once user navigates past this page
Previously, if a user changed from being an applicant to a non-applicant midway through the application process, a new SSN needed to be entered. However, this SSN was not reflected in Household Summary Page. Once the user then proceeded past the Household Summary Page, an Unhandled Server Exception would occur.
This has now been resolved and the correct SSN is now reflected in the Household Summary Page. Further to this, the user can now navigate past the Household Summary Page without issue.
PO06854, WorkItem:185368 - During an application, an error occurred after providing incarceration information without incarceration pending disposition of charges
Previously, a user was presented with an unhandled server exception, after the left-hand navigation bar was selected and the next button clicked, if they provided incarceration information when there was no incarceration pending disposition of charges information entered.
This issue is now resolved and the application should proceed without error.
Files Changed
- /EJBServer/components/HCROnline/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/
HealthCareReformEligibilityRuleset.xml- Attribute changed:hasPassedIncarcerationVerification
PO06870, WorkItem:185930 - Incorrect product start date when the primary participant holds existing cover during the start of product
Previously, on the creation of an initial Insurance Affordability or State Basic Health Plan Product Delivery Case, only the primary participant was taken in to account when determining the product start date which resulted in non-primary participants being given eligibility starting later than should have been. This occurred when the primary participant held existing cover during the start of the application and therefore their product start date was delayed.
Now, the product start dates for non primary participants is correct as the earlier date of the non primary participant is taken into account. This avoids the loss of initial eligibility for a non-primary participant.
WorkItem:186722 - 2017 Federal Poverty Levels for Streamlined Medicaid and (Children's Health Insurance Program) CHIP
The following FPL rates for Streamlined Medicaid and CHIP are updated with effective date March 1, 2017
- HouseholdSize1 $12,060
- HouseholdSize2 $16,240
- HouseholdSize3 $20,420
- HouseholdSize4 $24,600
- HouseholdSize5 $28,780
- HouseholdSize6 $32,960
- HouseholdSize7 $37,140
- HouseholdSize8 $41,320
- HouseholdSize over 8 $4,180
PO06897, WorkItem:187157 - Incorrect error message on entering a comment that exceeds the maximum limit on the Insurance Affordability Edit Case Details screen
Previously, a user was presented with an incorrect parameter within a validation message when they entered a comment that exceeded the maximum limit on the Insurance Affordability Edit Case Details screen.
This has now been resolved and the correct parameter is now displayed.
PO06910, WorkItem:187726 - Incorrect Certification period start date is being created for Unassisted Qualified Health Plan when Medicaid and Insurance Assistance products already exist
Previously, an incorrect Certification Period was being created for Unassisted Qualified Health Plan when Medicaid and Insurance Assistance products already exist. It should be noted that this had no impact on the correct eligibility period.
Now, the correct Certification Period is being created for this scenario.
WorkItem:188517 - Refactor eligibility and entitlement logic to reduce the number of static callouts to align program timelines
The following attributes have been refactored to remove unnecessary calls to alignment logic.
All Rule Sets below are within /EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets:
- EmergencyMedicaidEligibilityAndEntitlementRuleset.xml
- EmergencyMedicaidProductCase.adverseActionEligibleUnits
- EmergencyMedicaidProductCase.isEligibleUnitsExtendedPeriod
- StreamlineMedicaidEligibilityAndEntitlementRuleset.xml
- StreamlineMedicaidProductCase.isEligibleUnitsExtendedPeriod
- StreamlineMedicaidProductCase.adverseActionEligibleUnits
- MemberEligibilityCalculator.isEligibleForRetroTimelineAdjusted: removed as not referenced within rules
- CHIPEligibilityAndEntitlementRuleset.xml
- CHIPProductCase.isEligibleUnitsExtendedPeriod
- CHIPProductCase.adverseActionEligibleUnits
- StateBasicPlanEligibilityAndEntitlementRuleSet.xml
- Introduced new calculator HouseholdMemberCalculator to factor out common logic for case participants and member units
- TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.isEligibleTimeline
- TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.adverseActionIsEligible
TimelineForCascade - TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.adverseActionEligibleUnits
- TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.adverseActionMemebers
NotPassingCascadingEligibility - New Calculator MemberEligibilityCalculator to access individual eligibility timelines
- Removed the following which are no longer referenced: adverseActionMemebersNotPassingCascadingEligibility, adverseFilteredTaxHouseholdTimeline
- InsuranceAssistanceEligibilityAndEntitlementRuleset.xml
- Introduced new calculator HouseholdMemberCalculator to factor out common logic for case participants and member units
- TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.isEligibleTimeline
- TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.adverseActionIsEligible
TimelineForCascade - TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.adverseActionEligibleUnits
- TaxHouseholdEligibilityCalculator.adverseActionMemebers
NotPassingCascadingEligibility - New Calculator MemberEligibilityCalculator to access individual eligibility timelines
- Removed the following which are no longer referenced: adverseActionMemebersNotPassingCascadingEligibility, adverseFilteredTaxHouseholdTimeline
- UnassistedQualifiedHealthPlanRuleset.xml
- UnassistedQualifiedHealthPlanProductCase.adverseActionEligibleUnits
- InsuranceAssistanceSummaryCategory.xml
- memebersPassingCascadingEligibility used in place of adverseActionMemebersNotPassingCascadingEligibility
PO07009, WorkItem:189462 - The mailing address is being lost when a person that applies for multiple applications
Previously, after registering a new person and requesting a second application, the mailing address was lost if a new fixed address was entered for the second application and the mailing address same as fixed indicator was selected. Further to this, their mailing address was also lost if a person was initially registered with a mailing address.
Now, this has been resolved and the correct mailing address details are created on the participant's case.
PO06925, WorkItem:189797 - Reapplication results in incorrect mailing address records if an existing mail address is updated in the application
Previously, if a mailing address was supplied during initial application and during the re-application process the existing mailing address was updated in the application script, a new mailing address was always created often resulting in multiple active mailing address evidence records on the same case.
The following behavior has been introduced to resolve this issue:
- The existing mailing address is end dated if the start date of that evidence is before the application date. A new mailing address is then created with the new address details.
- The existing mailing address is updated with the new address details if the start date of the existing mailing address is the same date as the new application date.
- If the existing mailing address has a start date later than the application date on the new application, no end date is set on the existing mailing address record and a new mailing address is then created with the new address details with a start date of the application date. In this scenario, multiple mailing address evidence records will exist that will need to be reviewed and updated by a caseworker as required.
Where an existing mailing address is end dated, the end date is set to the day before the application date.
PO07020, WorkItem:191735 - When attempting to save and exit twice in the portal, the user is presented with an error
Previously, when attempting to save and exit twice in the portal, the user was presented with an error.
This issue has now been resolved. It occurred as the Java package com.sun.jmx.trace had been removed from Java 8. This issue was resolved by removing all references to this package. The error now no longer occurs.
PO07022, WorkItem:191853 - The Application Case Number is not readable in the Application Case context panel due to an overlap with the Application Case name
Previously, the Application Case number was not readable in Application Case context panel due to overlap with application case name.
This issue has now been resolved.
PO07044, WorkItem:192074 - Incorrect Streamlined Medicaid Category for a parent when a child has been removed and re-added as a non applicant
Previously, the Incorrect Streamlined Medicaid Category was determined for a Parent/Caretaker when a child had been removed and re-added as a non applicant. The rules to determine the Streamlined Medicaid Category of Parent/Caretaker did not include children if they were non-applicants.
This has now been corrected and non-applicant children are included when determining Parent/Caretaker Category eligibility.
The following rules changes have been made:
- Rule Class: RelationshipUtility
- Renamed attribute relationshipTypeTimelineForApplicants to relationshipTypeTimelineForApplicantDetails
- This attribute now includes children that are non-applicants
- RuleClass: MedicaidCoverageCategoryCalculator
- Renamed references to RelationshipUtility.relationshipTypeTimelineForApplicants to relationshipTypeTimelineForApplicantDetails
WorkItem:192339 - Incorrect benefit details displayed if the applicant filer is female with husband and dependent child
Previously, the benefit unit details for the tax dependent child were missing when the primary applicant was female with a non primary husband also filing.
Now, this has been corrected and the benefit unit details for the dependent child are being displayed.
The following rules changes have been made:
- Rule class: InsuranceAssistanceProductCase
- Attribute: extendedPeriodTimeline
- Rule class: StateBasicPlanProductCase
- Attribute: extendedPeriodTimeline
WorkItem:192572 - Streamlined Medicaid Category incorrect if one parent was removed from a household and the member relationship evidence was not updated
Previously, the Streamlined Medicaid category was incorrectly being set to 'Adult' rather than 'Parent or Caretaker' for the parent remaining in the household when one parent was removed from the household and the member relationship evidence was not updated. This left the child incorrectly deprived of parental support.
Now, this has been resolved. The Streamlined Medicaid Parent/Caretaker Category has been corrected to only count parents who are in the household when determining if a child is deprived of parental support.
The following rules changes have been made:
- Rule class:DependentChildrenCalculator
- Attribute:parentMemberUnits
Child Welfare
PO06801, WorkItem:183356 - Format Warning message displayed on opening the Intake Update Narrative screen.
Previously, a “Format Warning” message was displayed immediately on opening the Intake Update Narrative screen. The warning message is to inform the user that content they have added was compared to a white-list and sanitized. This has now been resolved and the warning message is now only displayed after the user has added content where the formatting has changed.
Known Issues
Cúram Enterprise Framework
Integrated Case Management
WorkItem:123357 (was previously SPMP-15534) - Evidence shared from Person to case, is accepted but not activated on the case, modifying this evidence prior to activation will not share this modification back to Person
An issue exists at present with evidence that is shared from Person level to case(s). If the evidence shared from Person evidence to a case is not activated on the case, and that shared evidence is modified within that case prior to activation, the updated evidence is not shared back to Person evidence.
For example; if address evidence is configured for sharing from Person to an Integrated Case with auto-activate disabled and auto-accept enabled. On capturing a new address for a client at Person level, the address is shared to the Integrated Case and automatically accepted onto the In-Edit evidence list on that case. If a case worker modified the In-Edit address within the Integrated Case and activates this change, this address update is not shared back to Person evidence. To work around this issue, customers have two options.
- Case workers should activate incoming evidence that has been accepted on to the case from Person evidence
- Customers can configure the evidence sharing between the Person evidence to other cases with both auto-activate and auto-accept enabled
Application Development Environment
WorkItem:37987 (was previously TEC-18014) - CDA Assessment Decision Matrix application timeout error
When an administrator is configuring a CDA assessment in Outcome Management, the Decision Matrix displays a wizard to assist the user for creating the matrix. The wizard throws a timeout error, which prevents it from being used. The workaround available is to click OK when the application timeout error appears, select the Cancel button on the wizard and then use the Questions, Outcome and Options button to create the matrix.
Cúram Modules
Provider Management
WorkItem:103350 (was previously CPM-2415) - Incorrect underpayment amount created when multiple service invoice line items reassessed due to change in service rate
When there are multiple service invoice line items created and paid for a provider using a fixed amount service rate and payment option of 'pay fixed amount', if the service rate that was used to determine the payment amount is retrospectively modified, e.g. to a higher rate, underpayments are not being generated for all of the affected service invoice line items.
Outcome Management
WorkItem:114547 (was previously CC-1100) - Administration property 'curam.outcomeplanning.referralForAgreementDays' is not working as expected
Outcome Management provides the ability to create agreements where the client(s) can agree in writing to adhere to the activities (services, referrals and actions) that form part of the agreement. A system property exists to filter out referral type activities during the agreement creation process based on a number of days from when the referral was created. This property is currently not being considered when creating an agreement. To work around this issue, the user can view the start date of the referral on the create agreement wizard to determine whether the referral should form part of the agreement.
WorkItem:115188 (was previously CC-930) - Incorrect Activity Responsibility setting when a plan is automatically created by the system.
In certain scenarios, an activity will have an incorrect responsibility setting, in that the responsibility will be set to ‘system’ instead of the appropriate user.
The issue occurs for a specific set-up where:
- ‘Enable Automatic Population of Outcome Plans’ system property is set to true; and
- Outcome Plan is created automatically from referral processing; and
- An action which is configured to be automatically added, has been configured so that the responsibility is assigned to a user.
To work around this issue, the responsibility for the actions that are automatically added should be set to 'Any User', so that the planner user can edit the responsibility field when the action is added to the plan and change the responsibility from 'System' to the appropriate user.
WorkItem:148405 - Outcome Plan Activity Workspace does not refresh and display the newly created Action
When a new action is created from outcome plan activity workspace, the created action is not displayed on the workspace as the workspace does not get refreshed automatically. The workaround available is to refresh the workspace manually to see the action.
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices".Document Information
More support for:
Merative Social Program Management
Software version:
Operating system(s):
Linux, Windows
Modified date:
17 June 2018