Merative ™ Social Program Management iFix1
Release Notes
Merative Social Program Management iFix1 Release Notes
System Requirements
Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates
Known Issues
Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management iFix1 release.
Full product documentation can be found in the Product documentation and PDFs.
The latest version of these release notes is available online at the
System Requirements
For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.
See the download instructions for this release at /support/curam.
Prior to running the installer please ensure all files in your Merative Social Program Management installation are writable.
The installation steps are as follows:
- Extract the contents of the zip file to a local drive location.
- Run the Merative Social Program Management installer, which can be found in the INSTALLER folder at that location.
- After installing, the appropriate build targets must be run as necessary for your installation.
Additional installation instructions can be found in the Development Environment Installation Guide.
If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper contains documentation and tooling to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management. The Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Guide describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tooling to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tooling to provide information about database schema changes and tooling to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.
To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at Cúram support.
Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates
Third Party Updates
WorkItem:262175 - Update the version of Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) used in the Social Program Management application
Apache FOP is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects and an output independent formatter. It is used by the Merative SPM XML Server in the generation of PDF documents.
The version of FOP used by the Merative SPM XML Server has now been updated from 2.3 to 2.5. FOP 2.5 contains some bug fixes and a number of improvements.
As a result of this upgrade, the following changes have been made in the Java Development Environment deliverable.
- CuramSDEJ\lib\ - the versions of the specified FOP related JARs have been updated.
- CuramSDEJ\xmlserver\ - the version of the specified FOP related JARs have been updated.
The changes to the FOP and related JAR files include:
- CuramSDEJ\xmlserver\batik-all-1.13.jar - new version of the batik-all JAR.
- CuramSDEJ\xmlserver\fop-2.5.jar - new version of the FOP JAR.
- CuramSDEJ\xmlserver\xmlgraphics-commons-2.4.jar - new version of the xmlgraphics-commons JAR.
It should be noted that any references in custom scripts and other artifacts to the newly versioned JARs should be updated to point to the new versions of the JAR files as specified above.
Cúram Modules
Financial Management
PO08721, WorkItem:259763 - Incorrect processing of manual payments for open-ended cases
Issue Description:
CREOLE based products can be configured to be open-ended. A product delivery will be open-ended if the underlying product is configured to be open-ended and certification is not required. Open-ended means that the decisions and related financial component(s) have a blank end date. Such cases will pay indefinitely until such time as the caseworker specifies an expected end date on the case. Once that happens, the old financial components are expired and new ones are generated. The new financial components will not be open-ended and will reflect the expected end date of the case.
It was found that capturing a manual payment for a period where the due financial component(s) are open-ended results in those financial components not being picked up. This means that the entire manual payment is captured as a manual payment overpayment.
User Interface Impact: No
- A CREOLE product exists on the system that is configured to be open-ended.
- Whether a product is open-ended or not is governed by a setting on the CREOLEProduct entity, allowOpenEndCases.
- The product rules do not require certification to be specified for eligibility.
Steps to Reproduce (Generic):
Setting up the case
- Login as a caseworker.
- Register a new Person.
- Create an instance of the product configured above, paying 'Weekly By Cash In Advance On A Monday'.
- Add the necessary evidence to make the product delivery eligible.
- Submit, approve and activate the case.
- Click on the Financials tab and select Transactions.
- Generate the first payment on the case using the Issue Payment page action.
- Now select the Simulate Payment page action.
- Specify the Payment Due Date for the next payment and click Simulate. Make sure to keep a note of the amount due.
Capturing the manual payment
- Login as a financial user.
- Click on the Transaction and Accounts workspace tab.
- Expand the shortcuts panel and select Record a Manually Issued Payment.
- Search for the person and select them in the Search Results.
- On the second page of the wizard select the product delivery case.
- On the third page select the case nominee.
- On the last page of the wizard specify the manual payment details, including:
- The cover period of the next payment due.
- The amount of the payment - this should be the same as the amount from the Simulate Payment step above.
- Click Save.
Checking the manual payment
- Login as a caseworker.
- Use the Person Search to find the person registered above.
- From the person home page, click on the Care and Protection tab.
- Click on the product delivery case.
- Click on the Financials tab and select Transactions.
- Issue: The manual payment line item that was captured shows up as a Manual Payment Overpayment instead of the component that was due, as per the Simulate Payment step above.
This issue is now resolved and the manual payment processing works as expected. In the scenario above, the line item for the manual payment will reflect what was displayed as part of the Simulate Payment process.
The underlying problem was that the manual payment processing did not handle open-ended financial components, that is, financial components with null end dates. The processing has been updated to handle financial components with null end dates.
PO08802, WorkItem:262027 - Capturing a manual payment expires a financial component resulting in it not being available for future payment processing
Issue Description:
When capturing a manual payment, a financial component that should not be processed can be closed (expired) prematurely. This results in that financial component not being available for processing, either online or by the financials batch processes.
**User Interface Impact: **No
Steps to Reproduce (Generic):
- Login as a superuser.
- Register a new Person.
- Add a new integrated case for the person.
- Add the necessary evidence that will ensure two components are payable.
- Add a new product delivery to the integrated case, payable weekly in advance on a Monday.
- Add a certification to the product delivery case with the following details:
- From Date = Today
- To Date = Some date in the future
- Submit, approve, and activate the case.
- Click on the Financials tab and select the Simulate Payment page action.
- Specify the Payment Due Date as the certification from date entered above and click Simulate.
- Make a note of the Components, Cover Period, and Amount.
- Login as a financial user.
- Select Record a Manually Issued Payment from the shortcuts panel.
- In the Record Manually Issued Payment wizard, search for and select the client and click Next.
- Select the product delivery created above and click Next.
- Select the nominee and click Next.
- On the final page of the wizard, provide the following manual payment details:
- Amount = Full amount for the first component in the Simulated Payment above.
- Cover Period From = Today
- Cover Period To = Sunday of the current week
- Payment Date = Today
- Delivery Method = Cash
- Click Save.
- Login as a superuser.
- On the product delivery, click on the Financials tab and select the Issue Payment page action.
- Click Yes on the Issue Payment confirmation modal.
- Issue: A validation is returned to the user 'There is no payment due on this case today.' The financial component for the second payable component is incorrectly closed during the capturing of the manual payment. It should remain open (live) and available for processing.
This issue has been resolved and now in the above scenario, the financial component will not be closed prematurely and will be available for processing either online or by the financials batch processes.
PO08811, WorkItem:262029 - Incorrect payment method is assigned to a second manual payment on a product delivery case when a Manual Payment Overpayment is generated
Issue Description:
When a manual payment is captured and the entire amount becomes a Manual Payment Overpayment, the delivery method type on the Manual Payment Overpayment line item is incorrect and different from the delivery method type on the associated Payment Instruction and Payment Instrument. The delivery method display on the manual payment list of the Financial Transactions of a product delivery case is not consistent with what was specified when recording a manually issued payment.
User Interface Impact: No
Steps to Reproduce (Generic):
- Login as a superuser.
- Register a new Person and create a new integrated case.
- Add a new product delivery to the integrated case and select any weekly in advance on a Monday delivery pattern, such as Weekly by Cheque in Advance on a Monday, for example.
- Add the necessary evidence to the integrated case that will ensure one component is payable on the product delivery.
- Activate the evidence.
- On the product delivery, click on the Financials tab and select Certifications.
- If a certification has not been added automatically, use the New page action to add one with the following details:
- From Date = Todays date.
- To Date = Any Sunday in the future.
- Submit the case for approval.
- Activate the case.
- Click on the Financials tab and select the Simulate Payment page action.
- Specify the Payment Due Date as the certification from date entered above and click Simulate.
- Make a note of the Cover Period and Amount.
- Click Close.
- Login as a financial user.
- Select Record a Manually Issued Payment from the shortcuts panel.
- In the Record Manually Issued Payment wizard, search for and select the client and click Next.
- Select the product delivery created above and click Next.
- Select the nominee and click Next.
- On the final page of the wizard, provide the following manual payment details:
- Amount = Amount noted from the Simulated Payment above.
- Cover Period From = Todays date.
- Cover Period To = Next Sunday.
- Payment Date = Todays date.
- Delivery Method = Cash.
- Click Save.
- Login as a superuser and search for the product delivery.
- Click on the Financials tab and select Transactions.
- Verify everything looks correct for the Manual Payment previously created.
- Login as a financial user.
- Capture another manual payment for the same period as entered before with an amount of $10 and a delivery method of Cash.
- Login as a superuser and search for the product delivery.
- Click on the Financials tab and select Transactions.
- Use the toggle to drill into the details of the second manual payment.
- Issue: The delivery method displayed on the Financial Transactions list for the second manual payment is incorrect and different from that displayed on the delivery details of the manual payment method.
This issue has been resolved and the delivery method shown on the manual payment list of the Financial Transactions of a product delivery case is now consistent with what was specified when recording a manually issued payment, as well as what's on the associated Payment Instruction and Payment Instrument.
Known Issues
See the Known Issues section in the release notes.
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices".Document Information
More support for:
Merative Social Program Management
Software version:
Operating system(s):
Linux, Windows
Modified date:
23 July 2020