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Merative Social Program Management

Release Notes


Merative Social Program Management Release Notes


System Requirements
Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates
Known Issues


Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management release.

Full product documentation can be found in the Product documentation and PDFs.

For the latest version of the release notes, see

System Requirements

For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.


See the download instructions for this release at /support/curam.


Before running the installer please ensure all files in your Merative Social Program Management installation are writable.

The installation steps are as follows:

  • Extract the contents of the .zip file to a local drive location.
  • Run the Merative Social Program Management installer, which can be found in the INSTALLER folder at that location.
  • After installing, the appropriate build targets must be run as necessary for your installation.

Additional installation instructions can be found in the Development Environment Installation Guide.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper contains documentation and tooling to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management. The Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Guide describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tooling to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tooling to provide information about database schema changes and tooling to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.

To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at /support/curam.

Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates

Third Party Updates

WorkItem:222982 - Version of Adobe Flash Player supported has been updated to 28

The version of the Adobe Flash Player certified to be used by the Social Program Management (SPM) application has been updated to 28.

WorkItem:222988 - Browser Support update

The following browser versions have been updated and certified for this release:

Case Worker Application Browser Support

  • Google Chrome updated to 64
  • Microsoft Edge updated to 41

Universal Access Application Browser Support

  • Google Chrome updated to 64
  • Mozilla Firefox updated to 58
  • Microsoft Edge updated to 41

WorkItem:222992 - Update the Browser Plugins JRE levels used in Microsoft Word Integration

The following JRE levels for Microsoft Word Integration are supported for this release:

  • JRE 1.7 u80
  • JRE 1.8 u162

Cúram Enterprise Framework

Dynamic Evidence

WorkItem:224326 - Remove the action from the Dynamic Evidence Editor that provides the ability to correct a dynamic evidence

Issue Description:

The ability to correct a Dynamic Evidence is no longer supported. For more information, refer to the following tech note /support/spm/flashes/announcing-removal-of-dynamic-evidence-corrections-feature.

Integrated Case Management


PO07614, WorkItem:212550 - Records on the ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE table were not created for a product using classic rules

Issue Description:

An issue was identified where the ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE table was not written for a product using Classic Rules. Data on the table ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE is required by products using Classic Rules only, it is not used by Merative Social Program Management Express Rules. An AttributedEvidence record is used by Classic Rules to indicate the period of applicability for a particular evidence record. Without this record, the evidence may be excluded from eligibility and entitlement calculations, which could impact the eligibility result.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In Admin, set up an integrated case and product delivery within that integrated case, which will use Classic Rules
  2. Configure an evidence type for this integrated case, ensure the product delivery case on the integrated case is configured to use this evidence type
  3. Ensure the evidence type being added allow a case to become eligible when added to the case
  4. Register a person and create an integrated case of this type for the person, add evidence to the integrated case and activate
  5. Create a product delivery case, add a certification and activate product
  6. A record should exist on the AttributedEvidence table for this evidence record but it was previously missing
  7. Check Eligibility of the product
  8. Verify the eligibility result is correctly calculated


This issue has now been resolved. ATTRIBUTEDEVIDENCE table is correctly updated when evidence is captured in an integrated case where the product is configured to use Classic Rules.

WorkItem:225270 - Transferring evidence manually between two cases can result in an unhandled server exception

Issue Description:

Previously, transferring evidence from one integrated case to another integrated case caused an unhandled server exception to be thrown in certain circumstances. When multiple evidences were selected for transfer, and there were dependencies between the evidences, the order of the evidence transfer was not guaranteed. This meant, that an evidence that was dependant on another evidence could be transferred first. Once transferred, if there were verifications configured against the evidence, these would run and would fail.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce: N/A


A new method has been provided on the existing extension point The new method is called sortEvidenceKeyListForTransferParticipantEvidence.

This hookpoint allows organisations to specify evidence precedence for the transfer. This means that users can specify evidences that must be transferred first to the target Integrated Case.


PO07211, WorkItem:198649 - As a Product Delivery case transitioned from an Open to an Active state, each state listed in the Case Status History used the same time period

Issue Description:

Previously, there was an issue with the timeline display on the Case Status History page. Once a Product Delivery Case was open and the state of the case changed, the time period associated with the subsequent state was not updated.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

The next series of steps require the user to wait a short period of time before they change the state of the case, to better see the timeline change.

  1. Create a Product Delivery Case.
  2. Submit the Product Delivery Case.
  3. Activate the Product Delivery Case.
  4. Close the Product Delivery Case.
  5. Check the Product Delivery Case Status History page.


This issue is now resolved. The Case Status History page contains the correct duration for each case status.

Cúram Modules

Outcome Management

PO07509, WorkItem:214333 - Title missing when Activities panel Is collapsed in Outcome Plan Workspace tab

Issue Description:

In an Outcome Plan, under the Workspace tab, the Activities smart panel displayed no header information when collapsed.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a case worker.
  2. Create a new Outcome Plan.
  3. Navigate to the 'Workspace' tab.
  4. Select the toggle on the 'Activities' smart panel on the left of the page to collapse the panel (by default the panel is expanded).
  5. Note that an 'Activities' header is not displayed as expected on the panel when it is collapsed.


The 'Activities' header is now displayed as expected on the panel when it is collapsed.

Provider Management


PO05743, WorkItem:142385 - Unable to add services that do not have a unit of measure of 'Place' to a new service group

Issue Description:

Previously, when trying to create a new Service Group, only services which had been configured to have a unit of measure of 'Place' would appear.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Provider Management.
  3. Create a new Service with a Unit of Measure of anything but Place (e.g. Dose, Treatment, Hour, etc.).
  4. Create a new Service Group
  5. The new Service is not listed in the Services cluster for selection.


There was an incorrect filter being applied to the list of services. This has been removed and all active services are now listed.


PO06579, WorkItem:172729 - Provider deduction is incorrectly being applied to a payment generated for the provider indicated as the payee for a service invoice line item

Issue Description:

When a deduction of type 'Provider Invoice' is created for a Provider and a service invoice payment is generated for the provider where the payee for the service invoice line item is a different provider, a deduction is incorrectly being applied to the payment for the provider indicated as the payee.

User Interface Impact: No


  1. Login as admin and navigate to ‘Administration Workspace’ => ‘Provider Management’ => and create a ’New Service’ with following details: Name - ‘Test Service1’, Reference - ‘TestService1’, Unit of Measure - ‘Session’, Minimum Amount - ‘0’, Maximum Amount - ‘100’, Maximum Amount Payment Option - ‘Pay’, Owner to be Specified - Any User
  2. Navigate to ‘Administration Workspace’ => ‘Cases’ => ‘Legal Actions’ => ‘Legal Status’ tab and add ‘Adjudicated’ legal status and add Adjudicated legal status to the Ongoing case on ‘Configure Case Type’ tab
  3. Login as cpmmanager
  4. Enroll a new Provider. Provider Name - ‘Provider1’, Payment method - ‘Check’, Frequency - ‘Every 1 Day’, Provider Category - ‘Foster Care Home’, Provider Type - ‘Traditional Foster Care Home’, Physical Capacity - ‘4’, Designated Capacity - ‘4’ Approve Provider1
  5. Enroll a new Provider. Provider Name - ‘Provider2’, Payment method - ‘Check’, Frequency - ‘Every 1 Day’, Provider Category - ‘Foster Care Home’, Provider Type - ‘Traditional Foster Care Home’, Physical Capacity - ‘4’, Designated Capacity - ‘4’ Approve Provider2
  6. Add service ‘Traditional Foster Care’ and ‘Test Service1’ for Provider – ‘Provider1’ with start date as ‘Provider Enrollment Date’. Repeat for ‘Provider2’.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as ccscaseworker, register a new child and create an Ongoing case.
  2. From the tab ‘Legal’ => ‘Legal Status’, click ‘New’ and add a ‘Legal Status’ of ‘Adjudicated’ with the start date in the past.
  3. From the ‘Removals and Placements’ tab select ‘New Removal…’ and add a new removal with a start date of today and a placement with ‘Provider1’ with start date of today.
  4. Login as sysadmin, run the financial batches (‘Generate ILI’ and ‘Generate Instrument’) with the processing date one week in the future.
  5. Login as cpmmanager, verify the placement payments at provider ‘Provider1’ transaction screen.
  6. Login as admin and from the ‘Administration Workspace’ click ‘Case’ => ‘Deductions’ and use the following details: Name - Liability Repayment, Category - Applied Deduction, Default Percentage - 10, Action Type - Deduct Remaining.
  7. From the ‘Administration Workspace’ click ‘Case’ => ‘Product Delivery Cases’ and edit the ‘Provider Placement' case. Uncheck the ‘User Rolled Up Reassessments’ and select ‘Overpayment Case Processing’ as ‘Create and Activate Payment Correction Case'.
  8. From the ‘Financial’ tab add ‘Liability Repayment’ deduction under the ‘Deductions’ tab for the 'Provider Placement' product delivery case.
  9. From the ‘Administration Workspace’ click ‘Case’ => ‘Product Delivery Cases’ and edit 'Provider Invoice'. Uncheck the ‘User Rolled Up Reassessments’ and select ‘Overpayment Case Processing’ as ‘Create and Activate Payment Correction Case’.
  10. From the ‘Financial’ tab add ‘Liability Repayment’ deduction under the ‘Deductions’ tab for the 'Provider Invoice’ product delivery case.
  11. Login as ccscaseworker and delete the ‘Provider1’ placement created earlier for which the payments are generated.
  12. Login as cpmmanager and verify that an overpayment (Payment Correction Case) was generated for ‘Provider1’ by clicking the ‘Financial’ tab on the provider home page.
  13. Login as ccscaseworker and create an Outcome Plan from t he Ongoing Case created in step 1 via the Outcome Plan tab. Type - ‘Child Welfare Outcome Plan - Basic Version’, Name - ‘Test Plan1’ and select the child client.
  14. From the Outcome Plan home, click the ‘Activities’ tab and create a new Service delivery. Service Name - ‘Test Service1’. Check 'Owned By Me' checkbox on details tab, leave factors and sharing tabs blank, open and submit for approval.
  15. Login as cpmmanager and add new applied deduction to the ‘Provider1’ home page from ‘Financial’ tab - ‘Deductions’. Select the payment type as ‘Provider Placement’ and this new liability case. Set ‘Start Date’ to today and Percentage to ’20’.Click 'Activate'.
  16. Login as financial user and create a new ‘Service Invoice’ via ‘Transactions and Accounts’ => ‘Invoices’ => ‘New Service Invoice..’. Enter the ‘Originator Name’ as ‘Provider1’.
  17. Create a new ‘Invoice Line Item’ from ‘Invoice Line Items’ => ‘Open Line Items’ tab, set the ‘Payee Details Name’ to ‘Provider2’, submit for approval and approve from ‘Pending Line Items' tab.
  18. Login as sysadmin and run the financial batches (‘Generate ILI’ and ‘Generate Instrument’) with processing date one day in the future.
  19. Login as cpmmanager and observe that from the Deductions tab the ‘Applied Deduction’ was created incorrectly for ‘Provider2’ Observe that no applied deduction was created for ‘Provider1’.


This is now resolved. The deduction is no longer applied against the payment to the provider for which there has been no deduction created, and instead will be applied against the next payment generated for the correct provider.

Evidence Broker

WorkItem:225198 - Additional actions available for incoming evidence

Two additional actions have been provided for the new enhanced evidence broker solution that was delivered in version The actions are available on the evidence comparison screen that caseworkers access from the incoming evidence list page. The additional actions are shown in the "Overview of the evidence broker for the caseworker persona" video presentation that is provided in the "What's New" topic in the Merative Social Program Management documentation version 7.0.2, in the "Enhanced Evidence Broker" section.

The following two actions have been provided:

Update with Incoming

A caseworker can use this action to take on either a change in circumstance or a correction from a source case onto existing evidence in the case where the caseworker is currently working. The action links the source evidence to the existing evidence as being the same evidence, which facilitates the system in the automation of any future updates and therefore reduces manual steps for a caseworker.

Set as Latest of Incoming

The new "Set as Latest of Incoming" action supports scenarios where the existing evidence on the case where a caseworker is currently working is the latest information, and the incoming evidence represents historical information. The action enables caseworkers to merge the existing and incoming evidence together by keeping the existing evidence as the latest. Like the "Update with Incoming" action, the action also links the source evidence to the existing evidence as being the same evidence, which also facilitates the system in the automation of any future updates and therefore reduces manual steps for a caseworker.

The following two actions, which were released in version, have been updated. These actions are also available on the evidence comparison screen that caseworkers access from the incoming evidence list page:

Mark as Duplicate

This action has been removed and is superseded by the new update actions listed above.
The "Mark as Duplicate" action linked two evidence records between source and target based on the caseworker's review and decision that the records were the same. However, if the data values differed in any way, the evidence on the two cases was linked but not synchronized, and therefore one case continued to operate with incorrect data about the client. With the new actions that are available, a caseworker can use the "correction" option. The "correction" option links two evidence records between source and target, and also corrects the data and ensures that the source and target are correctly synchronized. If the records are exact duplicates, it does not matter whether the caseworker selects the "correction" option for the incoming evidence ("Update with Incoming") or uses the existing evidence ("Set as Latest of Incoming").

Add to Case

The "Add to Case" action that was released in version 7.0.2 has been enhanced in this release to add all changes over time where the incoming evidence contains a history of information, where none of the evidence currently exists on the case. In version 7.0.2, a caseworker would have added each succession individually, so the enhanced functionality reduces the repeated action for the caseworker and automatically adds the timeline of information.

To view the "Overview of the evidence broker for the caseworker persona" video presentation, see….

For more information, see


Income Support

Medical Assistance

PO03150, WorkItem:101208 - Missing Foreign Keys on the Benefit Group entity

Issue Description:

****Previously, indices were missing for the CASEID and CONCERNROLEID columns in the BENEFITGROUP table.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:


Indices have now been added.

Technical details:

Two separate indices have now been added and are named as BENGRPCASEIDINDX and BENGRPCNRLIDINDX.

PO04552, WorkItem:101549 - Determination is incorrectly being generated for an Income Support product delivery case before it reaches a state of "Active"

Issue Description:

Previously, a user was able to manually reassess an Income Support product delivery case before it reached a state of 'Active'

User Interface Impact: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Food Assistance application for a single applicant and submit and authorize the application.
  2. Go to the Related Cases tab in the Income Support integrated case and navigate to the Food Assistance product delivery case.
  3. Navigate to the Determinations tab.
  4. Activate the product delivery case.
  5. Immediately click on the 'Reassess' button while the case is in a status of 'Delayed Process Pending'.
  6. The status of the case returns to a state of 'Approved' and a Determination is incorrectly created.


The Reassess function has been removed from the Determinations tab within the product delivery case and a validation prevents a caseworker from initiating manual reassessment from the tab level action menu until a product has a status of 'Active'.

Technical Details:

Two new files have been added.

  1. Curam/components/ISProduct/ProductDelivery/Case
  2. Curam/components/ISProduct/ProductDelivery/Case

WorkItem:101599 - Incorrect parent to child deeming calculation for the Medical Assistance Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) program

Issue Description:

Previously when a child was determined eligible for the Medical Assistance Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) program, the parent's income was incorrectly counted (deemed) where there were also ineligible children in the household who had their own employment income.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Medical Assistance application for a father and two children that includes the following evidence.
  2. All household members with US Citizenship, valid SSN's, Permanent State Residents, and Living Arrangement (Home, Permanent).
  3. Earned income for Father is $3000/monthly (Full time, Wages and Salaries)
  4. Liquid resource of $3000, Cash on Hand, Sole Owner
  5. Earned income Child 1 is $500/monthly (Full time, Wages and Salaries) No income for Child 2.
  6. Child 2 is receiving SSI benefits $100/monthly/cash.
  7. Check eligibility and navigate to the ABD decision.
  8. Parent to child deemed income is incorrectly calculated to be $375.50 when it should be $736.50.


The deduction amount for an ineligible child is now calculated as the sum of the difference between the living allowance and the countable income if the living allowance is greater than the countable income, resulting in a correct calculation for the parent to child deemed income.

The following Rule attributes have been updated/added:

  1. EJBServer/components/ISMedicalAssistance/CREOLE
    _Rule_Sets/MedicalAssistanceRuleSet.xml - MAParent
    ChildDeductionAmountTimeline (updated)
  2. EJBServer/components/ISMedicalAssistance/CREOLE_
    Rule_Sets/MedicalAssistanceRuleSet.xml - MAParentTo
    ChildDeemingIncomeCPRCalculator.abdIncomeCPRCalculator (added)
  3. EJBServer/components/ISMedicalAssistance/CREOLE_
    Rule_Sets/ABDRuleSet.xml - ABDIncomeCPRCalculator.
    maParentToChildDeemingIncomeCPRCalculator (added)
  4. EJBServer/components/ISMedicalAssistance/CREOLE_
    Rule_Sets/ABDRuleSet.xml - ABDIncomeCPRCalculator.
    totalParentToChildDeemableIncomeTimeline (updated)
  5. EJBServer/components/ISMedicalAssistance/CREOLE_
    Rule_Sets/ABDRuleSet.xml - ABDInEligibleChildDeductions
    Calculator.nonDisabledChildCPRRecords (updated)

PO05668, WorkItem:140010 - Cash Assistance display rules on the Dependent Child page are incorrect

Issue Description:

For Cash Assistance a dependent that turns 18 years old during the certification period, and is a full-time student, is correctly determined eligible. However, the display rules for the month after the dependent turns 18 incorrectly state "Is over 18 but is not full-time student".

User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register person.
  2. Create a Cash Assistance application with a child aged 18 at the time of application.
  3. Add a full time student and deprivation evidence record for the child.
  4. Apply changes and authorize the Cash Assistance product delivery case.
  5. On the Dependent Child tab in the Display Rules for the determination the following message is incorrectly displayed for the month after they turn 18: "Is over 18 but is not full-time student".
  6. Eligibility is correct but the display rules display incorrectly.


The display rules have been updated to now correctly display the following message: "Is under 19, unmarried and a full time student."

Technical details:


  • Class: CADependentChildSubscreen
    • dependentChildAgeMessage: Updated

PO05862, WorkItem:148497 - Food Assistance ABAWD individual is determined eligible for the application month as if it is a prorated month even if the 3 months have been used

Issue Description:

Previously a food assistance Able Bodied Adult Without Dependent (ABAWD) individual is determined eligible for the application month when it is a prorated month and when the 3 countable months have been used.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Turn Able Bodied Adult Without Dependent property on.
  2. Register person.
  3. Create a traditional Food and Nutrition Service application for this individual so that they will not be exempt from Able Bodied Adult Without Dependent.
  4. Follow regular Food and Nutrition Service evidence requirements and create the integrated and product delivery cases.
  5. On the application case, enter Countable Assistance Period evidence.
  6. Check Eligibility, will show the individual as eligible for the application month as it is in the partial month.


Now, the eligibility timeline for Able Bodied Adult Without Dependent has been adjusted to consider the countable months in the partial month timeline and the individual will no longer be found eligible for a partial ABAWD countable month on a new application if the individual has already met their 3 countable months.
Technical details:


  • Class: ABAWDEligibilityDeterminationCalculator
    • isABAWDMemberAndPartialInitialMonthTimeline: New
    • isABAWDEligibleTimeline: Updated
  • Class: ABAWDMemberCPRCalculator
    • isABAWDEligibilityTimeline: Updated

WorkItem:160096 - Updated descriptions for Income Support static evidence types

Issue Description:

Previously the description text for some of the entities and attributes of the Income Support static evidence types contained incomplete information

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:


The descriptions for the income support static evidence types have now been updated to more clearly explain the purpose of each evidence type.

WorkItem:217168 - Countable Income decision details are incorrectly displayed for a Medical Assistance Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) decision where a parent's income is counted (deemed)

Issue Description:

Previously, when a parent's income was counted (deemed) to a child determined eligible for the Medical Assistance Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) program, Countable Income decision details were not being correctly displayed on the Member Income page under the Income tab for the ABD decision.

User Interface Impact: Yes: The Member Income page within the Income tab of an ABD decision has been updated to display correct decision details.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Eligibility worker.
  2. Register a claimant with a dob of 1/1/1980.
  3. Create a new Medical Assistance application for the claimant and add the following.
  4. A Household member (Child1), dob 1/1/2001 with a benefit record SSI of 100 monthly and liquid resource of 300 checking account.
  5. A Household member (Child2) dob 1/1/2001 with earned income of 500 monthly.
  6. The Claimant is the parent of Child1 and Child2, has an earned income of 3000 monthly and liquid resources of 3000 savings account.
  7. Check Eligibility and Child1 should be eligible for ABD, click into the decision.
  8. Navigate to Member Income page of the Income tab Income and observe that the Countable Income information is not displayed correctly.


****Decision details are now correctly displayed within the Countable Income cluster on the Member Income page under the Income tab for the ABD decision.

Technical Details:

This error was due to an incorrect condition existing in Countable Income Details UIM. Also a missing domain name has been added to Display annotation for totalParentToChildDeemableIncomeTimeline attribute in XML for the screen.


PO07137, WorkItem:195907 - Communication notices in Insurance Affordability cases are incorrectly using private address instead of mailing address

Issue Description:

Previously, communication notices for Insurance Affordability cases were being created using the private address instead of the mailing address if it existed.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker, register a person and create a new application.
  2. Submit an application that includes a mailing address.
  3. Authorize the Application case.
  4. Navigate to the Contact tab on the integrated case.
  5. On the Communications page, the Address field in the Correspondent section displays the private address and not the mailing address.


Communication notices are now created using the mailing address if a current mailing address exists.

PO07354, WorkItem:205231 - Adding a spouse in an application case using the guided change wizard causes an error

Issue Description:

Previously, adding a spouse to an Insurance Affordability application case using the guided change wizard caused an un-handled server exception.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker, register a person and create an application case.
  2. Click on the Guided Change action item and add a member.
  3. Enter all mandatory information up until the tax related information.
  4. Select "yes" for the question pertaining to whether the person plans to file Federal taxes jointly with his or her spouse
  5. Enter all remaining mandatory information.
  6. Click on finish.
  7. Un-handled server exception occurs.


The spouse can now be successfully added to the application case using the guided change wizard.

PO07423, WorkItem:209343 - HCR application incorrectly allows the entry of phone numbers containing letters

Issue Description:

Previously, on an Insurance Affordability application, the caseworker was allowed to enter a phone number containing alphabetic characters.

User Interface Impact: Yes, a validation is now thrown if any characters except numeric characters are entered.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker, register a person and create an application.
  2. Enter an alphabetic character as part of the phone number and submit the application.
  3. Navigate to the submitted application and click on the Evidence tab.
  4. Phone number evidence has been created that includes an alphabetic character.
  5. Only numbers should be permitted when entering a phone number.


A validation is now displayed preventing the caseworker from entering alphabetic characters for a phone number.

PO07465, WorkItem:211578 - Phone number incorrectly mapped during submission of Insurance Affordability application

Issue Description:

Previously, when a phone number was entered by the caseworker on an Insurance Affordability application, the country code was not mapped to phone number evidence.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker, register a person and create a new application.
  2. Enter a phone number (country code, area code and phone number). Submit and authorize the application.
  3. Navigate to phone number evidence. The country code is not mapped from the application.


The country code field has been removed from the internal Insurance Affordability application script for consistency with the application script in the citizen portal, and is now correctly stored and displayed by default on the Phone Number evidence created when the application submitted.

PO07445, WorkItem:225268 - Evidence transfer error on Integrated Case when Income Evidence is being transferred

Issue Description:

Previously, transferring evidence from one Integrated Case to another could result in an error in situations in which the evidence being transferred included income evidence. This was caused by the fact that no specific order was guaranteed during the transfer of evidence.

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as hcrcaseworker
  2. Complete and submit the application with the following:Single person home, Tax filer and 40,000 annual.
  3. Authorize the application
  4. On the registered person create a new Case of type Insurance Affordability
  5. Transfer all evidences from the first Integrated Case to the second
  6. Case worker sees an error.


Now, evidence is sorted and transferred successfully. A new method has been provided on the existing extension point The new method is called sortEvidenceKeyListForTransferParticipantEvidence. The out of the box implementation in HealthCareEvidenceControllerHook makes sure that the Applicant Evidence is transferred first for Integrated Cases of type Insurance Affordability. If a custom implementation of the EvidenceControllerHook is being used, a specific implementation of sortEvidenceKeyListForTransferParticipantEvidence should be considered.

Child Welfare

PO02170, WorkItem:116473 - Update Reunification Assessment to only read the visitation details for the current person.

Issue Description:

Previously the visitation section of the Reunification assessment read all visitation logs for large family this slowed down the page loading.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

N/A the resolution for this issue can be seen in the Child Welfare code where only the current child's visitation logs are read in now.

This has been updated to only read the visitation logs for the current child.

PO03706, WorkItem:116493 - Intake Participant search is not returning all the alias names of the participant

Issue Description:

Participant search functionality in an Intake does not display all alternative names for a person when searching for a participant to add to an intake.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an intake worker.
  2. Register a person and add multiple alternative names for that person.
  3. Start an intake and search for a participant to add to the intake using one of the person's alternative names.
  4. On the search results notice that not all of the person's alternative names are displayed.


All of the alias names associated with the person returned in the search results are now displayed under the existing 'Name' column.

PO04510, WorkItem:116552 - Intake owner changes after approval and closure - on Intake home page and Intake Report

Issue Description:

When the case owner of an Intake was changed after the Intake was approved, this owner update appeared on the Intake Home page and in the Intake Report. This gave an incorrect impression that the new case owner was the individual responsible for the Intake at the time of approval.

**User Interface Impact:**Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an intake worker.
  2. Create intake and add a participant.
  3. Create an allegation and submit the intake.
  4. Login as an Intake super user. Access the task and approve the intake.
  5. Navigate to User Roles page on Intake.
  6. Change the Case Owner.
  7. Navigate to Intake Home page.
  8. Observe the Intake Home page owner has now changed to the new case owner.


The Final Decision cluster on the Intake Home page has been updated to now display the name of the workers that submitted and approved the Intake, which are captured when the Intake is approved and not changed. The name of the workers that submitted and approved the Intake are also now included in the Intake Report.

PO07232, WorkItem:199843 - The From and To date in Child Welfare Search brings back incorrect results.

Issue Description:

Previously when searching for child welfare cases by date, incorrect results were returned in the Child Welfare search. Searches also threw an error when date filters were applied to searches across a DB2 database.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the Child Welfare search and look for screening cases by date.
  2. If DB2 is used an error will be thrown.
  3. If the search is successful, search results include cases outside of the specified period.


Child welfare search functionality has now been updated to correctly filter and return the expected list of cases.

PO07269, WorkItem:201451 - Registering a participant with the role of Provider or Provider Group displays a page not found error

Issue Description:

Selecting Provider or Provider Group as a role for a person results in an un-handled server exception.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. From a person home page, navigate to the 'Administration' tab.
  2. Select the 'Roles' tab.
  3. Select the option 'Register in New Role...'.
  4. From the 'Participant Role' drop down list choose Provider or Provider Group as role type and click 'Next'.
  5. An error page is displayed.


The functionality is not currently designed to support the selection of the Provider or Provider Group as a role for a person and these code table items were being displayed incorrectly as options on the 'Participant Role' drop down menu. These options have now been removed from this menu.

PO07307, WorkItem:202988 - Intake Narrative Smart Panel hangs when using spellcheck

Issue Description:

When the user clicks on spell check in the smart panel, the screen is disabled.

User Interface Impact:

Yes. Removed spell check icon from smart panel.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create an intake.
  2. Add text through the smart panel for that intake.
  3. Click the spell check icon within the smart panel.
  4. Screen is greyed out.


The spell check icon has been removed from the smart panel in-line with the deprecation of the Spell Checker feature in a previous release. All supported browsers now include built in spell checking capabilities that can be used as an alternative.

PO07318, WorkItem:203740 - Search results in the New Provider modal of an Intake displays duplicate entries for providers that have multiple phone numbers

Issue Description:

Previously when searching for a provider during the Intake process, the search results in the New Provider modal displayed duplicate entries for providers that had multiple phone numbers.

**User Interface Impact:**Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a resource manager and enroll a new Provider (leave phone number blank when creating the Provider).
  2. Add two telephone numbers for the newly enrolled provider using the Phone Numbers page under the Contact tab of the new Provider.
  3. Logout and login as intake worker.
  4. Create an Intake.
  5. Navigate to Provider page under the Participants tab of the Intake.
  6. Click New to add a new Provider (New Provider modal displays).
  7. Enter the Provider name from step "a", above, as search criteria in the New Provider modal.
  8. Click Next to see the potential matches for the Provider. The Provider is listed twice.


The code was updated so that search results in the New Provider modal no longer shows duplicate providers, if the providers have multiple phone numbers.

PO07458, WorkItem:210941 - Unhandled Server Exception occurs when trying to discharge child from removal that includes a placement of type ‘Trial Home Visit’

Issue Description:

Previously when a child was discharged from a home removal that included a placement of type ‘Trial Home Visit’ an unhandled server exception occurred.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as caseworker.
  2. Register a child and create a new ongoing case.
  3. Create a new Removal.
  4. Create a placement of type ‘Trial Home Visit’.
  5. Discharge the child from the Removal.
  6. Result: An Unhandled Server Exception is displayed.


****Discharging a child from a home removal that includes a placement of type ‘Trial Home Visit’ no longer results in an unhandled server exception and the placement and home removal are now end-dated as expected.

PO07482, WorkItem:212726 - Overlapping removal and placement start dates allowed for 'Trial Home Visit' placement type

Issue Description:

****When a child has been placed and discharged from a 'Trial Home Visit' placement type, it is possible to then create a new home removal and placement with overlapping dates.
**User Interface Impact:**Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker.
  2. Register a new Child.
  3. On the person home page select the ‘Care and Protection’ tab, select ‘New’ in the ‘Cases’ sub navigation tab and select ‘Ongoing Case’ from the drop down menu.
  4. On the Ongoing case home page select the ‘Removals and Placements’ tab and select ‘New Removal’ in the ‘Removal and Placements’ sub navigation tab.
  5. Complete the required fields: Date (e.g. July 1, 2017), Child, Reason, Type: 'Trial Home Visit' and select ‘Save and Place'.
  6. On the ‘Placement’ screen complete the required fields: Type of Trial Home Visit, Date (e.g. July 1, 2017), Child, Change Reason ‘Initial Placement’ and select 'Finish'.
  7. On the new Removal record select the ‘Discharge’ option from the action menu, complete the required fields: Date (e.g. December 15, 2017), Reason and click 'Save'.
  8. Select ‘New Removal’ again and complete the required fields: Date (e.g. July 1, 2017), Child, Reason, Type: 'Trial Home Visit' and click 'Save'.
  9. The application allows two removals for the child on the same date (July 1, 2017)


A validation now prevents a caseworker from creating a new home removal and placement with overlapping dates for the 'Trial Home Visit' placement type.

PO07581, WorkItem:217612 - Additional characters are added to the Recommendation text in an Investigation case

Issue Description:

When a Investigation case is reopened additional characters are added to the Recommendation summary when selecting 'Make Recommendation'.

**User Interface Impact:**Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an investigator.
  2. Open an existing Investigation case.
  3. From the actions menu select 'Make Recommendation', add some comments and close the Investigation case.
  4. From the actions menu reopen the Investigation case.
  5. Select 'Make Recommendation' again.
  6. Additional characters are displayed that were not typed into the previous recommendation comments.


The additional characters no longer appear in the 'Make Recommendation' comments.

PO04805, WorkItem:219386 - Markup for some help text on the Risk Assessment is being displayed

Issue Description:

On the Risk Assessment, the markup for the help text on Q 4a-d was being displayed in the tooltips for these questions.
User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a Child Welfare SDM caseworker (ccssdmcaseworker).
  2. Find or create an Ongoing case and open the 'Outcome Plans' tab.
  3. Open the Outcome Plan (or create one) and open the 'Reviews' tab.
  4. Select a review (or create a new one) from the Review period.
  5. From the 'Plan Review' home page select the 'Assessments' tab -> select 'New'.
  6. Select 'Risk Reassessment' -> select participant(s) -> select 'Next'.
  7. Take mouse and hover over the questions Q 4a-d.


Markup was removed from the tooltip text for Q 4a-d.

Child Welfare SDM

PO03652, WorkItem:116503 - Response Priority Discretionary Override comments are not displayed in Intake

Issue Description:

On a completed intake if an intake worker chooses to override the response priority using the Discretionary Override option, on save the comments entered in the Override Description field do not appear anywhere.

User Interface Impact: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as an SDM intake worker.
  2. Create a new Child Protection Services intake.
  3. Complete the intake to trigger a Screen In recommendation.
  4. Select Response Priority Override in the Recommendation tab.
  5. Select Discretionary Override.
  6. Select Override to 24 hours.
  7. Enter comments in the Override Description field. Select Save.
  8. Comments cannot be seen.


The override comments can now be seen in the Response Priority cluster.

Known Issues

See the Known Issues section in the release notes.


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices".

Document Information

More support for:

Merative Social Program Management

Software version:


Operating system(s):

Linux, Windows

Modified date:

17 June 2018