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Merative ™ Social Program Management

Release Notes


Merative Social Program Management Release Notes


System Requirements
Post Installation Steps
Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates
Known Issues


Welcome to the Merative Social Program Management release. Read this document to find important installation information, and to learn about product improvements and resolved issues in this release.

For information about what's new in version, see the What's new in Version topic in the product documentation.

For more information about version, see the full product documentation in Product documentation and PDFs.

For the latest version of the release notes, see

This release incorporates content from previous 7.0.1 releases, which is documented separately in the following sets of online release notes:

System Requirements

For information about the supported software and hardware for this release, see the Merative Social Program Management Prerequisites.


See the download instructions for this release at /support/curam.


Install the Merative Social Program Management software and supported related software according to the Installing Merative Social Program Management instructions in the documentation.

Ensure that you install the Merative Social Program Management Platform, application modules and program-based offerings in the correct sequence as described in the Overview of the installation steps topic.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper contains documentation and tooling to help you to upgrade your Merative Social Program Management application codebase and database to work with your new version of Merative Social Program Management. The Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Guide describes a recommended process for performing application and database upgrades. The Upgrade Helper contains tools to assist you with implementing the upgrade, including tooling to produce a schedule of required migrations for your upgrade, tooling to provide information about database schema changes and tooling to generate initial SQL scripts for applying changes to your database.

To download the appropriate version of the Merative Social Program Management Upgrade Helper, see the download instructions at /support/curam.

Post Installation Step

Delete the folders listed below which were incorrectly included in the release. These folders and their contents are not supported. They may lead to build errors in Eclipse.

  • EJBServer\components\Advisor\unittests
  • EJBServer\components\CMISInfrastructure\unittests
  • EJBServer\components\core\AT
  • EJBServer\components\core\IT
  • EJBServer\components\core\ST
  • EJBServer\components\core\unittests
  • EJBServer\components\DynamicEvidence\AT
  • EJBServer\components\DynamicEvidence\IT
  • EJBServer\components\DynamicEvidence\unittests
  • EJBServer\components\EvidenceBroker\unittests
  • EJBServer\components\PDC\unittests
  • EJBServer\components\SupervisorWorkspace\ST
  • EJBServer\components\SupervisorWorkspace\unittests
  • EJBServer\components\Verification\unittests

Improvements, Resolved Issues and Third Party Updates


Third Party Updates

WorkItem:160342 - Introduce support for WebSphere 9.0 application server

The Social Program Management (SPM) Merative SPM application now supports WebSphere Application Server and higher fix packs. Note the prerequisite minimum for this support is version

WorkItem:161850 - Support for WebSphere 8.0 has been dropped from the product.

In association with the introduction of support for Websphere 9.0, support for WebSphere 8.0 has been dropped from the product. This now means that the supported WebSphere application server versions for the release are WebSphere 8.5.5 and future fix packs and WebSphere 9.0 and future fix packs.

WorkItem:183017 - Update JAWS version from 17 to 18

Support for the JAWS Screen reader Version 17 has been dropped.
The version of JAWS screen reader certified for use with the Social Program Management (SPM) application has been updated to 18. This new version of JAWS has been certified against Internet Explorer 11.

WorkItem:183020 - Introduce Support for Microsoft Edge for the internal Caseworker Application.

The Microsoft Edge browser, which was previously certified for usage with the external (Universal Access) application, is now also certified for use with the internal (caseworker) application.

WorkItem:183025 - Support for Java 1.6 & 1.7 has been dropped for building and deploying the Merative SPM product.

The base level of Java to be used for building and deploying the Merative SPM application has been increased to Java 1.8.
Therefore, the Java 1.6 and 1.7 versions should no longer be used for this purpose.

WorkItem:197202 - Tablet Accessibility Support - Certify Apple VoiceOver with Chrome 62 on iOS 11.1

The certified version of Apple VoiceOver has been updated to iOS 11.1. This has been certified against Chrome 62.

WorkItem:197223 - Adobe Flash Player upgraded to version 27

The version of the Adobe Flash Player that has been certified to be used by the Social Program Management (SPM) application has been updated to 27.

WorkItem:205393 - Update DB2 JDBC drivers to version 4.21

The Merative Data Server drivers for JDBC and SQLJ shipped as part of Server Development Environment for Java (SDEJ) have been updated from version 3.69 to 4.21.

As part of this change, the file names have changed as outlined below. Any custom references to these files should be updated to reflect these changes.

  • db2jcc.jar is now called db2jcc4.jar
  • is now called

WorkItem:211670 - Update version of Apache Commons FileUpload to 1.3.3

The Apache Commons FileUpload API released under the Apache License enables file upload capabilities in Java EE web applications. The version of Apache Commons FileUpload used in the Social Program Management (SPM) product has been upgraded from version 1.3.2 to 1.3.3.

WorkItem:213370 - Update Apache Ant to version 1.9.9

The supported version of Ant used in the Merative Social Program Management development environment has been increased from 1.9.7 to 1.9.9.

WorkItem:213455 - Browser support update

The following browser versions have been updated and certified for this release:

Case Worker Application Browser Support

  • Google Chrome updated to 62
  • Microsoft Edge updated to 40

Universal Access Application Browser Support

  • Apple Safari updated to 11
  • Google Chrome updated to 62
  • Mozilla Firefox updated to 56
  • Microsoft Edge updated to 40

WorkItem:213574 - Browser Plugins JRE levels used in Microsoft Word Integration Update.

The following JRE levels for Word Integration are supported for this release:

  • JRE 1.7 u80
  • JRE 1.8 u151

WorkItem:213692 - Version of Eclipse certified for usage in the development environment has been updated to 4.6 (Neon).

The version of Eclipse certified for usage in the Merative SPM development environment has been upgraded from 4.4 (Luna) to 4.6 (Neon).

WorkItem:214391 - Support for DB2 for z/OS 10.1 has been dropped from the product.

Support for DB2 for z/OS 10.1 has been dropped from the product. This now means that the DB2 for z/OS versions supported for the release are DB2 for z/OS 11.1 (and future fix packs) and DB2 for z/OS 12.1 (and future fix packs).

WorkItem:214408 - Introduce support for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS version 9.0

The Social Program Management (SPM) Merative SPM application now supports WebSphere Application Server for z/OS version 9.0 and higher fix packs. Note the prerequisite minimum for this support is version

Cúram Enterprise Framework

Dynamic Evidence

PO06779, WorkItem:194646 - Adding a comment to Active Evidence causes a verification to be raised

Issue Description

Previously, editing a comments field on Active evidence where a verifiable data item or any dependent data item had not changed, caused a verification to be triggered. If the re-verification property is set to “Reverify If Changed’ adding comments should not need verification since it’s not a dependent data item or a verifiable data.

User Interface Impact:** **No

Steps to Reproduce

Pre-requisite: A verification must be configured for the evidence being added to the case

  1. Navigate to System Configurations workspace
  2. Select Application Data | Codetables from shortcuts menu
  3. Search for the 3 following Codetables, VerReqUsageName, VerificationCatName VerReqName
  4. Add in a new item for the Integrated Case in each of these codetables
  5. On the VerReqUsageName codetable add in a new item for the Product Delivery
  6. On the VerificationItemName codetable add in a new item
  7. Publish

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an Integrated Case and Product Delivery.
  2. Open the Integrated Case and navigate to the Evidence Workspace in the Evidence tab.
  3. From the actions menu, select New Evidence.
  4. Select an evidence that requires a verification (these can be configured in the administration application if there are none available).
  5. Apply the verifications.
  6. Click on the verifications icon in the context panel to show the list of outstanding verifications.
  7. Click Apply Changes.
  8. Return to the newly created verifications evidence and add a comment.
  9. The verification is triggered even though a comments field is not configured for a verification.


This is now resolved, and only making changes to a field that is configured for verifications will trigger the verification.

Technical Services

PO07235, WorkItem:197016 - XML Server issue with encoded characters

Issue Description

The XML Server had previously been producing invalid PDF documents when there were multi-byte encoded characters in the input XML or XSL. This issue had been occurring due to the XMLServer transformer encoding which was not set by default.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Include multibyte encoded character in the input XML or XSL files being used to generate PDF documents using the XML server.
  2. Generate PDF document.


This issue has been fixed by changing the default encoding to UTF-8.
In some instances where large XML or XSL had been passed to the XMLServer for processing, the server had been throwing a StackOverflowException. To overcome this problem, a new property "java.thread.stack.size" has been introduced in the XMLServer ant script used to launch the XML Server, with a default value of -Xss4m. This value sets the Java thread stack size as 4 Mb to accommodate large XML or XSL files for processing. This size can be overridden by setting a different value for the "java.thread.stack.size" property using the "-Djava.thread.stack.size" build command syntax as shown below when launching the XMLServer:

  • ant -Djava.thread.stack.size="-Xss8m" -f xmlserver.xml

(Note: the above example with the "java.thread.stack.size" property value as -Xss8m sets the Java thread stack size as 8 Mb)


WorkItem:158166 - Remove support for Axis 1 web services infrastructure from the product

Support for the Axis 1 web services infrastructure has been dropped from the product. Axis 2 is now the only supported infrastructure for defining and building web services. This has led to some of the following changes:

  • The Merative Social Program Management model stereotype "webservice" which was used to define Axis 1 web services in the product has been removed from the Merative Social Program Management modeling profile and thus developers can no longer select this as a valid stereotype in the Merative Social Program Management model.
  • Ant build script commands related to Axis 1 web services generation, compilation and ear file generation have been removed.
  • The Merative Social Program Management code generator has been altered to no longer recognize classes that have the "webservice" stereotype and thus no code output is generated as a result.
  • The actual Axis 1 JAR file has been removed from the Cúram Server Development Environment for Java (SDEJ) deliverable (was located at CuramSDEJ/lib/axis-1.4.jar).

This dropping of support has also meant that any legacy Axis 1 web services which had been delivered in previous versions of the product have also been removed. These web services are listed below and it should be noted that Axis 2 equivalents were already in place in the product for these (typically with the same name but post-fixed with "WS2" to signify Axis 2 support):

  • ActivateEvidenceWS
  • ClaimIntakeWS
  • CreateEvidenceWS
  • DeterminationWS
  • PersonRegisterWS
  • ReadEvidenceWS
  • TriageWS
  • VerificationWS
  • CCSIntakeService
  • CCSInvestigationService
  • WCOProfileDataSweeper
  • WCOInvoiceDataSweeper

For details on Axis 2 web services, please refer to the "Integrating with External Applications through Web Services" guide.

Integrated Case Management


PO04696, WorkItem:108235 - Duplication of verification records in both Integrated Case and Product Delivery Case

Issue Description

Where a verification was configured on an evidence, and that evidence was brokered from the Person case to the Integrated Case and subsequently to the Product Delivery case. This resulted in the verification record being created twice. The consequence was that two verification items for the same evidence were present in the verification list page and the caseworker was required to verify each even though one was a duplicate.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

****Pre-requisite: Verifications must be configured on the evidence. In this example we are using Birth and Death evidence.

  1. In the Administration Suite, go to Rules and Evidence.
  2. Click Evidence Broker -> Identical Evidence.
    1. Configure 2 way evidence brokering from Person Case to Product Delivery Case and vice versa.
    2. Configure 2 way evidence brokering from Person Case to Integrated Case and vice versa.
    3. Select Birth and Death details, select Auto Accept and Auto Activate, Never share verifications .
  3. Register a person.
  4. Create an Integrated Case for the person.
  5. Create a Product Delivery Case.
  6. Go to the Evidence tab of the Product Delivery Case.
  7. Click on the Verifications link.
  8. Two verification items for the same evidence are present in the Verifications list page for both Integrated Case and Product Delivery Case.


This issue was resolved by removing the duplicate verification record creation that was occurring both when the Case was created initially and also in an ASYNC thread executing the same behavior.

WorkItem:157657 - Invalid date being passed to method which retrieves tax rate

Issue Description

Benefits can be adjusted to take relevant tax rates into account. The adjustment rate for taxes are maintained as part of rate table administration named 'Taxation'. This table has an effective date which determines which rates should be used when processing the amount of tax adjustment for financial payments. Previously, when payments using tax adjustments were generated, the tax rate that determined the adjustment amount was based on the taxation rate in the current active Taxation rate table rather than the Taxation rate table in effect at the time the financial instructions were generated. This meant that the amount adjusted for tax may have been based on the incorrect tax rate.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Update Employment Benefit Product Delivery case by setting Adjustment Required checkbox to true
  2. Clone the tax rate table setting the effective date in the past (one week ago)
  3. Edit cloned Taxation rate table to set the tax rate to a different value
  4. Create an Employment Benefit case with evidence unemployed and certification from a date two weeks ago
  5. Submit and activate the case and issue payments online
  6. Payment details are the same for both week 1 and week 2 even though the tax rates are different


This issue has now been resolved so that the tax rate which is effective on the due-date of the ILI is now used, regardless of the date on which the ILI is generated.

For more details on Tax Adjustments please refer to the Merative Social Program Management Financials Guide section of Merative Social Provider Management on the documentation

WorkItem:196551 - Reassessment Aggregation "In Progress" message is displayed even when its configurable validation is Disabled

Issue Description

Previously, the case determination validation message which indicates that a reassessment is queued for processing would continue to display, even if that validation was configured not to display. The message displays when a case reassessment has been created following activation of evidence and reads 'Reassessment currently in progress since %1z. Reassessment due to changes made on %2z has been queued for processing'.

User Interface Impact: No
Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to System configurations, Application Data, Configurable Validations.
  2. Search for “” (set this to a number of seconds and it will pause/delay reassessment for that length of time) set it to 119 seconds (less than 2 minutes) to simulate the queuing of reassessments.
  3. Search for “bposubmitfordelayedreassessment.inf_reassessment_changes_pending|a|” and disable it.
  4. Save and Publish Changes.
  5. Now, create an integrated case with valid evidence and a product delivery case (ensure that the evidence will make the product delivery eligible).
  6. Activate the Product Delivery case (Decision should be created) “Reassessment due to changes made on DATE TIME has been queued for processing.” message will not be displayed
  7. Edit the evidence on the integrated case so that a reassessment will occur when activated. Activate the evidence.
  8. Following these changes the “Reassessment currently in progress since %1z. Reassessment due to changes made on DATE TIME has been queued for processing.” message is displayed


Now, this issue has been resolved by making BPOSUBMITFORDELAYEDREASSESSMENT.INF
CHANGES configurable. If disabled, the message 'Reassessment currently in progress since %1z. Reassessment due to changes made on %2z has been queued for processing' will not display when a reassessment is queued for processing.


WorkItem:108233 - When viewing brokered verifications, the 'Applicable' field is always set to 'No', even if the data item is configured on the target case

Issue Description

Previously, when viewing a verification for a brokered evidence record, the "Applicable" field was always set to "No", even if the verification was configured for the particular evidence. This was caused by the logic not retrieving this information correctly.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

Pre-requisite 1: A verification must be configured for the evidence being added to the case

  1. Navigate to System Configurations workspace
  2. Select Application Data | Codetables from shortcuts menu
  3. Search for the 3 following Codetables, VerReqUsageName, VerificationCatName VerReqName
  4. Add in a new item for the Integrated Case in each of these codetables
  5. On the VerReqUsageName codetable add in a new item for the Product Delivery
  6. On the VerificationItemName codetable add in a new item
  7. Publish

Pre-requiste 2: The evidence being added to the case must be configured to broker between the cases. Make sure verifications are set to share.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Register a Person.
  2. Go to the Person Home page.
  3. Create two Integrated Cases for the Person.
  4. Add an evidence record which will result in a verification item being required (as configured).
  5. Add the required verification item (e.g. payslip) and activate the evidence.
  6. Go to the second integrated case and view the Incoming Evidence verification in the Verification Tab.
  7. The "Applicable" field is set to "No", even though the verification is configured on the target case.


The issue is now resolved. If the document is configured for this data-item on the target case, the status of the "Applicable" field will be set to "Yes".

PO06371, WorkItem:161320 - The Mandatory column on the Verification List page is blank

Issue Description

The Verifications list page contains a table listing items that need verifying and a column within that table labelled 'Mandatory' to indicate a particular status. The status types may be either 'Yes' to indicated that a verification is mandatory, 'No' to indicate that a verification is not mandatory or 'Bypassed' to indicate that there is a verification waiver in place. Previously, no status text was displayed when a verification was mandatory and no verification waiver was in place. When a verification was mandatory, the system was only checking the details of waivered verifications and then update the mandatory details for these to 'Yes'. This meant that all verifications that were set to mandatory, but were not waivered, were ignored.

User Interface Impact: Yes, Verifiable items in the list have a visible Mandatory status of Yes, No, or Bypassed.

Steps to Reproduce

Pre-requisite: Mandatory verification must be configured on evidence being added to the case.

  1. Create an Income Support Application Case.
  2. Add Evidence and Resolve Verifications and Issues.
  3. Navigate to application case > Evidence > Verifications and note that text displays in the mandatory indicator in the list page as expected.
  4. Authorize the case to create an Integrated Case.
  5. Open the Integrated Case > Evidence > Verifications and check the mandatory indicator in the list page.
  6. The text in the mandatory column is blank.


This has been resolved. Now, verifiable items will display in the Integrated case with a visible status of Yes, No or Bypassed.

  • ‘Yes’ when verifications are mandatory but not waivered.
  • ‘No’ when verifications are not mandatory.
  • ‘Bypassed’ when verifications are mandatory and waivered.

PO06517, WorkItem:170463 - Comments added during evidence verification using the verification wizard are not visible

Issue Description

When verifications are pending following creation of evidence (e.g. after an Application Case is submitted), multiple items can be verified using the verification wizard. Within the verify wizard the system provides a comments section to allow caseworkers to enter a comment. However, comments typed in this section were not visible in the verified item after the caseworker completed the verification process.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

Pre-requisite: a verification must be configured on the evidence being added.

  1. Create an Insurance Affordability application or any other application case.
  2. Click on Evidence tab / Verifications and Click on the "Verify" link (Note: Do not use "Add Proof" action buttons alongside the individual evidences as they do not provide the option to include 'comments').
  3. Choose the proof type and select the person for the verification. Click Next.
  4. In this modal window - Choose one or more evidences as may apply and type a comment then click save.
  5. Navigate back to the evidence list under the Evidence tab. It should include the verified evidences.
  6. Toggle down to view the recently verified evidence that had the comments included, the comments are not visible.


This has now been resolved and any comments added will display when the verification is opened.

PO06605, WorkItem:173886 - Changing a configured verification to 'Never Reverify' continues to create verifications

Issue Description

Previously, when an evidence that was configured for verification was edited, a verification was triggered even if the re-verification mode was set to 'Never Reverify'

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

Pre-requisite: Verification must be configured on the evidence being added to the case. The verification must be set to 'Never Reverify'.

  1. Create an integrated case and add an evidence record that requires verification (as configured in the pre-requisite above).
  2. Navigate to the Verifications list page, verify the item and then activate the evidence.
  3. Edit the same evidence record again.
  4. Navigate to the Verifications list page and the verification item will be displayed.


Now, when changes are made to an active evidence, where the re-verification mode is set to ‘Never Reverify’, the verification will not trigger.

Administration Suite


WorkItem:188675 - SQL for
OrgUnitAssignedTasksByUser() is missing a parameter marker

Issue Description

Previously, SQL for OrganisationUnit.searchOrgUnit
AssignedTasksByUser() was missing a parameter marker.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to shortcuts -> My Organization Units
  2. Select one of the available Org. Units
  3. Click the Assigned Tasks tab
  4. View the Assigned Tasks graph


Now, a parameter marker has been added to the SQL, resolving this issue.

PO07100, WorkItem:194251 - Inactive Organization Units Getting Displayed in Search Results for Task Assignment

Issue Description

When searching for an Organization Unit by name for selection on a Task assignment, the search results display all Organization Units including those which have a status of Cancelled and Superseded. This could result in tasks being assigned to inactive organization units and also confusion for users assigning the tasks.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login as Admin user
  2. Navigate to Administration Workspace -> Shortcuts -> My Organization
  3. Click on Structures sub-tab and clone the existing Active organization structure
  4. Cancel the In-Edit organization structure that is created as part of the clone
  5. Navigate to Inbox -> New Task and try creating a new task with Assign To as Organization Unit
  6. Click on Search icon and search for the organization unit
  7. Both the Active and Cancelled organization structures are returned in the search results


Now, when searching Organization Units by name during Task assignment, only the Organization Units corresponding to Active organization structure are returned as part of the search result.

Application Development Environment


PO05980, WorkItem:148458 - Blank homepage appearing in the Universal Access Healthcare Care Reform (HCR) application

Issue Description

Previously, a blank home page was appearing in the Universal Access HCR application whenever any link returning to the home page was clicked (Merative Social Program Management Universal Access link).

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Visit Universal Access Home page.
  2. Click Merative Social Program Management Universal Access link below the logo.
  3. Blank home page appears.


Now, this issue has been resolved. The User is brought to the Home page.

PO06690, WorkItem:177937 - Title of browser tab does not change after page tab is closed

Issue Description

Tab name on the browser was not changing when switching tabs within the application.
**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the Merative Social Program Management application.
  2. Navigate to Cases and Outcomes and expand Shortcuts panel.
  3. In Searches section select "Person..." and then "Case..." link to open two tabs - "Person Search" and "Case Search".
  4. Flick between the "Person Search" and "Case Search" tabs and see if the name of the browser tab changes.


This issue has now been fixed by the changes in the javascript event that was called when switching tabs.

PO06946, WorkItem:189833 - Unable to print Eligibility Checks contents in an Integrated Case with Chrome

Issue Description

Previously, when a user was printing Integrated Case Eligibility Checks content in a Chrome browser, some sections would not print correctly.

Steps to Reproduce

Pre-requisite: Please make sure there are previous eligibility check results or run a new eligibility check so that some result is displayed.

  1. Open any Income Support Integrated Case.
  2. Navigate to 'Eligibility Checks' Navigation tab.
  3. Hit 'Print' icon.
  4. In Print preview, in Chrome, the page appears to be blank. When zoomed into the top left corner of the page, the content size is present, but visibly reduced.


The issue is resolved in Chrome versions 60 and above.

PO03448, WorkItem:191526 - Printed text truncated when printing lists that require scrolling

Issue Description

Previously, when a caseworker selected to print the Evidence Dashboard page, content was not completely legible because part of the text was cut off at the bottom of the page. This occurred when the Evidence Dashboard was populated with enough evidence types requiring the caseworker to scroll to see the entire content. When printed, the output of the print would only display the dashboard items and associated text up to the scroll point of the page. For example, when viewing the dashboard, some of the evidence types at the bottom of the view may only show the top part of the text, the user would have to scroll to see all. The same occurred when printed, i.e. part of the text would be on one page and the other part, on the next. This made printed content difficult to decipher. This would occur on any page that contained a list that required a user to scroll to see all items. The issue was seen in both Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers.

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an integrated case (ensure that the case has been configured to contain numerous evidence types that would require a caseworker to scroll to see all (customers using Income Support and Income Support for Medical Assistance will be able to see this example on an Income Support/Insurance Affordability Case)
  2. Navigate to the Evidence tab of the integrated case and ensure that the page selected is the 'Dashboard'
  3. Click on the Print icon (top right corner).
  4. Print to a physical printer or print to Microsoft XPS Document Writer.
  5. The last row of text in the printout will be cut off in the middle and the remaining bottom half of the text will be displayed on the next page of the printout.


This issue has been resolved and now all list items are included in the print.

WorkItem:194287 - Client Error Page Stack Trace setting should be set to false by default

Issue Description

The property "errorpage.stacktrace.output", when set to true, writes the Java exception stack trace to the HTML error pages. This stack trace output is used in a development environment for debugging purposes. This property should be set to false and only switched on when required.

**User Interface Impact: **No.

Steps to Reproduce: N/A


The default value of "errorpage.stacktrace.output" has now been changed to "false" ensuring stack traces are not written to the HTML error pages by default.

WorkItem:206489 - Announcing deprecation of Microsoft Word Integration FileEdit widget

The FILE_EDIT widget, which supports Microsoft Word Integration in the product, has been deprecated. This will still be supported (as per deprecation policy) and, in a subsequent release, an alternative solution is planned. Note, the existing widget will not be removed from product until an alternative is provided. Further information can be found in the Merative Support technical note /support/spm.


PO06887, WorkItem:186372 - Help Text is not displayed on Internet Explorer 11 for wizards while using only the keyboard

Issue Description:

When navigating application wizards using only the keyboard, the help icon text does not open when the ENTER key is used.

User Interface Impact: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Using Internet Explorer 11 browser, use the wizard to submit an application.
  2. On the final page of the application, “Submit Application Form”.
  3. Use the keyboard only to tab through the page, hit ENTER on the question mark icon, it fails to open.


This has been fixed so that when you are using the ENTER key on the help icon it is opening the associated help window as expected.

PO07326, WorkItem:203938 - Screen reader is reading out Unseen Tab Panels in the Provider Portal

Issue Description:

Previously, JAWS screen reader would read out 'Tab panel start' 'Tab panel start' on the application Home page before continuing to read the rest of the screen.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login into the application.
  2. Click on the home page and use Up and Down arrow keys with Jaws running.
  3. The unseen tab panels are read by JAWS: "Tab panel start - Tab panel start".


Now, this issue has been resolved, JAWS is not reading the unseen tab panels.

PO06887, WorkItem:207718 - Help Text is not displayed on Citizen Portal for final page on the Health Care Reform Application (HCR).

Issue Description:

On the Citizen Portal for HCR, the help text is not displayed when hitting the ENTER key on a help icon, using only the keyboard for navigation.

User Interface Impact: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Using Universal Access Create an application for Medicaid.
  2. Go to the final page of application where the sign and submit button is.
  3. Using the keyboard only, tab through and select the question mark icon beside Medical Assistance, press Enter.
  4. The pop up with the help details does not appear.


This is resolved, the pop up now appears displaying the Medical Assistance help text.


PO07384, WorkItem:212472 - Border surrounding drop down box is not visible

Issue Description

****Previously, when a user selected a drop down box to select an item, there was no visible border surrounding the values. This could make it difficult to distinguish the values from other content on the page, given the white background.
User Interface Impact: Yes.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login to the Caseworker application and navigate to the Person Search page
  2. Click on any drop down box e.g. Gender.
  3. There is no border surrounding the values.


This issue has now been resolved and there are borders visible on all drop down boxes across the application.

PO07408, WorkItem:212474 - Text inside drop down box moving when hovering over with the mouse

Issue Description

Previously, when a user was hovering over the drop down box with the mouse, the text inside would move slightly.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In the person search tab, select a value from any drop down.
  2. Use the mouse to hover over the drop down box. Notice how the text moves slightly.


This issue has now been fixed.

PO07424, WorkItem:212481 - Surrounding border is missing for checkbox groups

Issue Description

The checkbox group element which allows users to multi-select options in a field did not have a surrounding border. This meant it could be difficult to distinguish it as a field as it was inconsistent with other entry fields that did have borders.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Search for a Case.
  2. Surrounding borders for 'Case Name' and 'Status' are missing.


This issue has been resolved and surrounding borders are displayed on these types of fields so that they are consistent with other data entry fields.


PO07371, WorkItem:212470 - File download issues related to property

Issue Description

Previously, an issue existed where citizens were unable to download files on the Citizen Portal when property was set to 'true'. A warning was not displayed to the user and the file download would not occur.

**User Interface Impact: **No.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Set '' property to 'true' .
  2. Apply for a program within Citizen Portal as a logged on user (i.e. Citizen Account created).
  3. Submit the application
  4. Navigate to the Citizen Account homepage to see the application that was submitted
  5. Select to download the PDF application.
  6. Warning message is not displayed and the file is not downloaded.


This issue has now been resolved. The modal dialogue now appears informing the citizen that their download may be cached by their browser and the file downloads successfully.


PO07221, WorkItem:199920 - In the app_release.xml file, CURAMSDEJ environment variable is set to an invalid path containing 'JDE'

Issue Description

The SetEnvironment.bat & files, generated by default into the release deliverable for a specified environment, displayed some inconsistencies with regards to the setting of the CURAMSDEJ and other environment variables.

User Interface Impact: No.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Review SetEnvironment.bat|sh files.
  2. Inspect environment variables.


These have now been addressed and all of the standard environment variables are now set correctly.


PO04979, WorkItem:107300 - Error thrown using DBTOJMS when provided encrypted password contains characters which have special meaning within URL encoding

Issue Description

The DBTOJMS process builds a URL to invoke DBTOJMS servlet with the encrypted password provided using the property ''. The DBTOJMS feature throws an error (RUN_ID_DBTOJMS_ERROR_NOTIFYING_SERVER) in situations where the provided encrypted password contains characters that have special meaning within URL encoding e.g. the plus symbol (+).

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Specify an encrypted password for use by the DBTOJMS functionality which contains at least one character which has special meaning within URL encoding i.e. include a plus symbol in the password.
  2. Attempt to invoke the DBTOJMS servlet with this password.


This issue has been resolved by encoding the URL correctly.


WorkItem:204856 - creole.upload.rulesets build target inserts duplicate entries in to CREOLERULESETSNAPSHOT table

Issue Description

Previously, if the CreoleRuleset table contained records whose rulesetVersion field was null, the 'creole.upload.rulesets' tool could insert two records into the CreoleRulesetSnapshot table which had the same rulesetVersion value. The records would conflict and result in a MultipleRecordException being thrown at runtime. This in turn would prevent rule classes from loading.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add a new ruleset to an existing database, comprising a DMX file to specify the ruleset ID, blob file for the DMX file, and a ruleset xml file in the CREOLE_Rule_Sets directory.
  2. Run the creole.upload.rulesets target.
  3. Conflicting records are created.


This issue has been resolved and the tool now no longer creates the conflicting records, regardless of the state of the CreoleRuleset table.

Business Services

PO07251, WorkItem:200253 - Updated documentation for configuring rules usage for effective dates

Configuring rules to determine the coverage period start date section within documentation has been updated.
See for more information.


PO07272, WorkItem:200659 - Person search results not listing in alphabetical order

Issue Description

Previously, the Person search results were not listed in alphabetical order by surname when there was a mix of upper and lower characters used.
User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Register a number of Persons with a variety of upper and lowercase characters in the person last name - for example: Test Adam, test Person, Test Zoya, Test adam, test person.
  2. Once registered navigate to the Person search page and search for person, first name 'test', which will return the persons registered above.
  3. Note the search results order is not alphabetical


This has been resolved; the person search results are now listed in alphabetical order.


PO07141, WorkItem:195968 - Validation message thrown while assigning newly created task to User with numeric username

Issue Description

Previously, having a user with username consisting of numbers only caused an error when assigning a task to such a user. This was caused by a check in TaskManagement class, where the logic assumed that the username is invalid if it is an integer.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new user with a numeric username.
  2. Register a new person.
  3. Click on the Administration tab from the new person home page.
  4. New User Task.
  5. In the ‘Assign To’ field, select ‘User’ and search and select the user created earlier with the numeric username.
  6. When attempting so save, an error is displayed saying that the task redirection target does not exist.


This is now resolved by removing the check that had been in place for users. It is now possible to have usernames with numbers, the validation message no longer appears and the task assignment is not prevented from completing.

Common Intake

PO02503, WorkItem:122208 - Missing workflow description on Application Reassignment Notification

Issue Description:

Previously, the workflow description for the Application Reassignment Notification was not available. The description is required to help administrators understand the purpose of the workflow process.//

User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an administrator.
  2. Select the 'Administration Workspace' tab.
  3. Select 'Released Processes' under the 'Workflow' shortcut.
  4. From the 'Released Processes' page select the 'Application Reassignment Notification' workflow process.
  5. No text is available under the 'Description' cluster on the Home page.


The description "When an application is assigned a new owner, a notification is sent to inform the original owner their ownership is finished, while also informing the new owner of their newly assigned role." is now displayed on the Home page when viewing the 'Application Reassignment Notification' workflow process.

PO06963, WorkItem:196931 - Item to Verify link on context panel should be pointing to resolver script

Issue Description:

Previously, the 'Items to Verify' link on the application case context panel was navigating users to the incorrect verify page CommonIntake_listVerificationsForCase. For customers using the Income Support Medical Assistance solution Insurance Affordability application case, when the link was selected, the page would not open within the Evidence tab.

User Interface Impact: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a Case worker.
  2. Create an application case with a participant.
  3. Navigate to Evidence tab.
  4. Click on "Items to Verify" link in the context panel and observe the resulting page.


This has been changed to open a resolver script CommonIntake_resolveListVerificationsForCase, which allows for redirects to other verification pages if required, including CommonIntake_listVerificationsForCase. For customers using Income Support for Medical Assistance, this means that the link now resolves to the correct verifications list page within the Evidence tab.

PO07200, PO07300, WorkItem:197242 - Configuring the use of Google Maps for internal triage

Issue Description:

Documentation did not describe how to configure the display of Google Maps when used for the Triage process within the internal application.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce: Not applicable


The documentation has been updated with a new section that describes how to configure the display of Google Maps. By using the Google Maps API Key, the process involves enabling the retrieval of latitude and longitude addresses, and enabling the geocoding bias area. The documentation provides an example.
For more information, see

Cúram Modules

Outcome Management

PO06455, WorkItem:167538 - When creating a referral within an outcome plan, the 'Referred By' field is mandatory but when the referral is then edited the field is no longer mandatory

Issue Description:

When creating a referral for an outcome plan, the 'Referred by’ checkbox is a mandatory field. When a caseworker edits the referral, it can be saved with the 'Referred by' Checkbox unselected and no mandatory validation message appears.
User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker, register a person and create an integrated case and outcome plan for the person.
  2. Create a Referral and leave the 'Referred by:’ indicator unselected (a validation message occurs as expected).
  3. Select the 'Referred by:’ indicator and save the referral.
  4. Edit the Referral and unselect the 'Referred by:’ indicator and save.
  5. The mandatory validation message is not displayed.


The expected validation message is now displayed when editing the referral.

PO07419, WorkItem:209200 - Outcome Plan Workspace does not load correctly when a user manually creates and adds a new action to an outcome plan

Issue Description:

When a user manually creates and adds a new action to an outcome plan, the Outcome Plan workspace does not load correctly.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker.
  2. Register a person and create an integrated case and outcome plan for the person, where the outcome plan type selected has been configured to allow user defined actions to be created (i.e. OUTCOMEPLANADMIN.userDefined
    ActionInd attribute is set to 'Yes').
  3. Navigate to the Activities tab and select the 'New Action...' menu item.
  4. Enter the name for a new action, complete the wizard and save the action.
  5. Navigate to the Workspace tab.
  6. The Outcome Plan Workspace does not load correctly.
  7. When the Create user defined Action indicator(OUTCOMEPLANADMIN.
    userDefinedActionInd) is turned on the caseworker is allowed to add user-defined actions to an outcome plan, this results in the Activity workspace not loading.


The Outcome Plan Workspace now loads correctly when user defined actions are added to it.

Social Enterprise Collaboration

PO07233 , WorkItem:199454 - When editing an external MDT Member, the displayed roles are different from when adding a new external MDT member

Issue Description:

When editing an external MDT member within an Outcome Plan, the MDT member roles available for selection included both external and internal roles.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a caseworker.
  2. Open an integrated case and create an outcome plan.
  3. Open the outcome plan, navigate to the Collaboration tab and select to create a new MDT member.
  4. Enter the required information, including selecting a role from a list of MDT member roles of type 'External'.
  5. Edit the newly created MDT member.
  6. User roles of type 'Internal' are now displayed in addition to the MDT member roles of type 'External'.


MDT member roles available for selection only include roles of type 'External'.

Provider Management

PO05488, WorkItem:103337 - Performance issue when adding or modifying provider service offering rates

Issue Description:

A performance issue occurred in Provider Management during reassessment while processing large volumes of placements. This defect occurred during an update to provider service offering rates, that resulted in the reassessment of related provider payments. The issue caused end users to experience a delay while adding or modifying these rates.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create placements for various providers where the service offering is a placement service.
  2. Add or modify a service rate for a provider that was used in multiple provider placement payments.


This performance issue was caused by the processing of unnecessary data. Additional filters have been applied to prevent this.

PO05586, WorkItem:103351 - Unable to delete service center after changes made to the provider

Issue Description:

It was not possible to delete a service center after making changes to a provider.

**User Interface Changed:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a provider resource manager.
  2. Select a provider.
  3. Click on the Services Tab and navigate to the Services page.
  4. Click on New and create a new service.
  5. After the service has been created the status will be approved.
  6. Create a service center for the service that was added.
  7. Navigate to the Provider home page and modify the provider details. Also suspend, and approve the provider again.
  8. Delete the service center.
  9. A message "This record has been changed by another user. Please start again" is displayed.


This error was due to an issue where the wrong version number was being passed into the cancel operation. The correct version number is now passed in.

PO05877, WorkItem:146656 - GenerateInstrunctionLineItem batch process failed with OUTOFMEMORY error while processing Invoice payments

Issue Description:

Financial batch processing (GenerateInstructionLineItem) failed with an out of memory error on invoice payments when processing large volumes of payments.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Attendance tracking is not configured.
  2. Create a Provider with provider offerings that use invoice payment based services.
  3. Create additional unapproved or cancelled provider offerings that also use invoice payment based services.
  4. Execute the GenerateInstructionLineItem batch.


Provider offering searches, executed as part of this financial batch process, previously returned unnecessary data. This has now been corrected by ensuring that the search only executes when it is required, and by applying additional filters on the data returned.

PO06911, WorkItem:187763 - Unable to create a service delivery in an outcome plan when using the Chinese locale

Issue Description:

Previously the server failed to respond when editing services due to an infinite loop in provider management code. This issue only occurred when the system locale was set to a language other than English.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. From the Provider Management section of the Administration Workspace, select 'New Service'.
  2. Set the Unit Frequency and Delivery Frequency to 'Daily' and check the Allow Frequency Modification indicator.
  3. Create an outcome plan and navigate to the Activities tab of the outcome plan.
  4. Add a new service with frequency set to 'Weekly' and save.
  5. The user receives no response from the system.


This error was caused by a comparison of different locales. The comparison could not be made and created an infinite loop. This has now been corrected so only one locale is used when comparing the data.

PO07112, WorkItem:194652 - An error is displayed if the user attempts to add multiple clients to a service delivery when editing the service delivery.

Issue Description:

An error is displayed if the user attempts to add multiple clients to a service delivery when editing the service delivery.


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register 10 persons.
  2. Create an Integrated Case and outcome plan and add all 10 persons as clients within the outcome plan.
  3. Navigate to the Activities tab within the outcome plan and select to create a new service delivery.
  4. Add one client to the service delivery and complete the New Service wizard.
  5. Select to edit the service delivery.
  6. Attempt to add the remaining 9 persons to the service delivery.
  7. An error occurs stating that the value entered is too long.


Multiple clients can now be added to the service delivery while editing the service delivery.

PO07296, WorkItem:202485 - Image in Provider Context Panel missing alternative text

Issue Description:

Previously alt text was not set on the provider image within the provider context panels. The missing 'alt' text caused failures for an on-site accessibility requirement.

**User Interface Impact:**No
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as a provider resource manager.
  2. Click 'Providers and Services' and navigate to 'My Providers' under the 'Providers' section.
  3. Click on any Provider in the list to navigate to the Provider Home page.
  4. From the Provider Home page, inspect the HTML. No alt text has been added.


Text has now been added to the alt attribute to improve context for accessibility software.

Supervisor Workspace

PO07280, WorkItem:202063 - Restrict manual forward of tasks pending batch processing

Issue Description

Previously, it was possible to manually assign, forward, reserve and unreserve tasks pending batch forward processing.
User Interface Impact

A new validation will be thrown in the event that tasks pending batch forward procession are assigned, forwarded, reserved or unreserved.

Steps to Reproduce


  1. Navigate to System Configurations > Shortcuts > Application Data > Property Administration
  2. Locate the 'curam.batch.bulktaskforward.deferredprocess.max.
    processing.count' property
  3. Change the value to '1' and publish the change
  4. This step ensures that the batch process can be tested with only two tasks instead of the default 100.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Within Supervisor Workspace navigate to Inbox > My Tasks > My Open Tasks
  2. Select 'New Task...' from the Action menu, provide a subject, tick 'Add to My Tasks' and 'Save'.
  3. Repeat this to create 3 to 5 tasks
  4. Navigate to Teams & Workloads > Shortcuts > Users > My Users
  5. Locate and click on the 'Supervisor User'
  6. In the Supervisor User Workspace, go to Tasks > Open Tasks > Forward Reserved Tasks
  7. On the 'My Users' drop-down, select user (for example, user A)
  8. Click 'List all tasks reserved by the user A
  9. Click 'Search' and select all of the open tasks returned and click 'Save'
  10. Note the message that 'This forward will need to be performed in batch mode [...]'
  11. Navigate to Teams & Workloads > Shortcuts > Users > My Users, and select the 'Supervisor User'
  12. In the Supervisor User Workspace, go to Tasks > Open Tasks and select any one of the tasks which was previously selected to be sent to the another user, for example user B
  13. From that task's action menu select 'Forward'
  14. On the 'Forward Task' dialog, for 'My Users' select 'user B' and click 'Save'
  15. No validation to prevent forwarding of task that is currently in batch process.


This is now fixed and a validation will prevent assign, forward, reserve and unreserve actions for a task pending batch forward processing.

PO07291, WorkItem:202322 - Cannot Forward Tasks from User Workspace to Organization Units when the organizationunitid is a negative number

Issue Description

Previously, the forwarding of a task to an organization unit, where the Organization Unit ID is a negative number, was failing.

User Interface Impact: No
Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new Organization Structure.
  2. Click into the newly created Organization Structure and Create a new Organisation Unit (You may need to do this a few times until an org unit is created with a negative organizationunitid.Check the ORGANIZATIONUNIT database table for the organisationunitid value that is created each time).
  3. Click into the newly created Organization Unit / Select 'New Position' and create a lead position and assign the supervisor user to it.
  4. Create a second position and assign for example the caseworker user to it.
  5. Go to the task inbox.
  6. Create a task and assign it to a 'caseworker user'.
  7. Within the Supervisor Workspace, Click into Team and Workloads / Users / My Organisation Units.
  8. Click into the Organization Unit.
  9. From the Home tab click on the link for the caseworker member.
  10. Click on the Tasks tab within the Users Workspace (By default, the Assigned Tasks list page is displayed).
  11. Click on the Page Action Menu button and select the Forward option.
  12. The system displays the Forward Tasks (pop up) window.
  13. Choose the Organization Unit from the drop down menu.
  14. Search and select the task to forward to the Organization Unit for action.
  15. Task is still remained with the associated original user.


This issue is now resolved and all tasks can be forwarded to any organization unit.

Intelligent Evidence Gathering


WorkItem:106967 - Hide read-only "while" control questions when navigating back from summary screens.

Issue Description

Previously, control questions which dictate the display of IEG page(s) to allow for additional records to be added were always displayed. When navigating from a summary page using an Add or Edit link the display of these control questions is misleading as they will remain read-only.
User Interface Impact: Yes.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add a <loop> element to an IEG Script with a “loop-type” attribute equal to “while”.
  2. Add a <question-page> child element to the <loop>.
  3. Add a <question> to the <question-page> with the attribute “control-question” set to “true”, give this control question an “id”.
  4. Add a “loop-expression” attribute to the <loop> to instruct the loop to repeat the question page each time the expression in the “loop-expression” attribute is evaluated as true.
  5. The value of this “loop-expression” should reference the “id” of the control question so the value of this control question will be used to control whether or not to loop (repeat) the question page.
  6. After completing one or more question pages within the loop, navigate back to a previous question page within the loop, using Edit or Add from a summary page.
  7. The read-only control questions display with no option to add or edit.


As a result, when a user clicks Add or Edit for a summary page, the previously read-only control questions are now hidden.

WorkItem:200064 - Change the drop downs used in internal IEG scripts to be the same as drop downs provided in the application's infrastructure

Issue Description

The drop down feature used in IEG scripts differed to the drop down used in the rest of the application. As a result, JAWS could not read the blank value in these dropdowns.

User Interface Impact

Yes. The styling of the drop-down is slightly different.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to IEG script in an internal application.
  2. Look for a drop-down that has an empty value.
  3. Using JAWS screen reader navigate through the page.
  4. JAWS is not reading the blank value in the drop-down.


These issues have been resolved by replacing the drop-down used in IEG with a Filtering Select style dropdown. This ensures consistency with dropdowns across the application.

Evidence Broker

PO04881, WorkItem:122920 - Identically named Evidence Broker workflows point to different workflows

Issue Description:

Previously the evidence broker workflow processes were appearing in admin as identical and therefore unclear to the user that they represent different functions.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as admin user
  2. Navigate to Workflow, Released Processes
  3. There are two sets of identical strings listed as follows:

"Case Participant Creation Evidence Sharing"
"Identical Sharing Evidence Update"


This issue is resolved through the enhanced Evidence Broker released in 7.0.2. The old evidence broker processes are now deprecated and replaced with new evidence sharing workflows. Please see the What's New for further information on the Evidence Broker enhancements

PO06666, WorkItem:123387 - Sharing evidence to Person, deleting evidence does not result in the evidence being deleted from Person evidence list

Issue Description

Previously, evidence which was configured for sharing to Person evidence, where by default the evidence is automatically activated by the system, on deleting evidence on the source case the evidence was not deleted from Person evidence.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Pre-requisite: Verify that Evidence Sharing is configured for address evidence between Person and Integrated Case.
  2. Register Person, which includes an address
  3. Create an integrated case for the person, for example Insurance Affordability integrated case.
  4. This shares the person address onto the integrated case; check the evidence is active and if necessary resolve the incoming address so it is active on the case
  5. Add a new address to the integrated case for the person.
  6. Remove the old address from the integrated case.
  7. Navigate to the Person level, the old address was not removed and still remains active.


This issue is resolved through the new enhanced Evidence Broker, released in 7.0.2 and Person evidence is correctly deleted. Please see the What's New for further information on the Evidence Broker enhancements. In order for this scenario to work as expected, the new evidence broker enhancement must be used. Please see the What's New for further information on the enhanced Evidence Broker.

PO06617, WorkItem:162470 - Multiple excluded income evidence not brokering from the application case to the integrated case if they are for the same amount with the same start date.

Issue Description

Previously, multiple excluded income evidence records were not brokering from the Insurance Affordability application case to the Insurance Affordability integrated case if they were for the same amount with the same start date.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an application for 1/1/2016 for multiple applicants; husband & wife.
  2. On the application add two excluded incomes for the husband both for amount of 2500 from 1/1/2010 and add one excluded income for the wife for an amount of 1000 yearly from 1/1/2010
  3. On the application case three excluded income records are displayed; two for the husband for 2500 and one for the wife of 1000.
  4. Authorize the application, which creates the Insurance Affordability integrated case for this application and shares the evidence to it.
  5. On the integrated case only two excluded income records are displayed; one for the husband for 2500 & one for the wife of 1000. One of the excluded income records for the husband has been filtered during sharing of the evidence.


With the introduction of enhanced Evidence Broker in 7.0.2, this issue has been resolved; multiple excluded income evidence even of the same amount for the same start date are no longer filtered out as duplicates and are correctly shared to the target case. In order for this scenario to work as expected, the new evidence broker enhancement must be used. Please see the What's New for further information on the enhanced Evidence Broker.

PO07191, WorkItem:187564 - Setting/Unsetting the preferred indicator only does not broker

Issue Description

Previously, when an address evidence record which included a preferred indicator was checked or unchecked and subsequently shared to a target case, the address record on the target case did not reflect the change to the indicator.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Pre-requisite: Verify that Evidence Sharing is configured for address evidence between Person and Integrated Case.
  2. Register Person, enter an address with the preferred indicator to set to true.
  3. Create an integrated case for the person, for example Insurance Affordability integrated case.
  4. On the integrated case, navigate to the evidence workspace, select the address evidence which was shared to the integrated case as a result of auto accept brokering.
  5. Edit the address and uncheck the preferred indicator.
  6. Activate the evidence.
  7. Navigate back to the Person level and view the address which will still have the preferred indicator set to true.


With the introduction of enhanced Evidence Broker in 7.0.2, this issue has been resolved. In order for this scenario to work as expected, the new evidence broker enhancement must be used. Please see the What's New for further information on the enhanced Evidence Broker.

PO06926, WorkItem:188725 - To Date, County and Comments do not broker over to the Addresses evidence in the Person record

Issue Description

In an integrated case, when the Addresses received date is set to a date in the past, the fields 'To Date', 'County' & 'Comments' did not broker over to the Addresses evidence in the Person Case.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Pre-requisite: Verify that Evidence Sharing is configured for address evidence between Person and Integrated Case.
  2. Register Person and create Integrated case, for example Insurance Affordability integrated case.
  3. The address is visible in both the person case, and the integrated case.
  4. Edit the address in the integrated case, set the received date to a date in the past and add a comment.
  5. Save the change.
  6. Activate the evidence.
  7. Check the person evidence, the received date is set to a date in the past, and the comment has not brokered over.


This issue is resolved through the new Evidence Broker enhancement. Now, when the received date is set to a date in the past , all fields broker as expected to all configured cases. In order for this scenario to work as expected, the enhanced Evidence Broker released in must be used. Please see the What's New for further information on the Evidence Broker enhancements.

PO07193, PO05419, WorkItem:197978 - Sharing SSN to Person Identifications creates a duplicate record that causes unhandled server exception on attempting to remove

Issue Description

Previously, it was possible for duplicate Identification evidence records for an SSN to exist on a person record when added as a result of the evidence brokering process. When duplicate records existed, caseworkers were unable to rectify the duplicates through manual deletion. When attempting to manually delete, an un-handled server exception would occur.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Pre-requisite: Verify that Evidence Sharing is configured for sharing SSN from Insurance Affordability Integrated Case back to Person
  2. Create and submit an Insurance Affordability application for a father and child where the SSN Details for the child are 'Applied for SSN'
  3. Authorize the application which will create the Insurance Affordability integrated case containing this evidence
  4. The SSN for the child arrives the next day and captured as Identifications evidence at the Person level for the child. This is shared to the Insurance Affordability integrated case
  5. On the Insurance Affordability integrated case, go to the Incoming evidence list page where the SSN update appears. Reject the incoming evidence.
  6. Capture the child SSN on the Insurance Affordability integrated case as an effective dated change to the existing SSN Details, verify the SSN and activate the change.
  7. The evidence is shared to the Person level. Previously this resulted in a duplicate SSN, attempting to delete one of the duplicates resulted in an unhandled server exception.


This issue is resolved through the new Evidence Broker enhancement, a duplicate Identifications evidence is not created at the Person level in this scenario. In order for this scenario to work as expected, the enhanced Evidence Broker released in must be used along with an evidence mapping configuration between SSN Details and Identification evidence types. Please see the What's New for further information on the Evidence Broker enhancements.

PO07317, WorkItem:203697 - Evidence incorrectly filtered for sharing within evidence broker process test class

Issue Description:

Previously one of the process test classes for evidence broker, ProcessEvidenceHelperTest, performed incorrect filtering of evidence; evidence with evidence broker configuration was filtered out of a list of evidence to be brokered and evidence without evidence broker configuration was not filtered out of a list of evidence to be brokered.



This issue is resolved through the enhanced Evidence Broker released in as it does not use the process test class in question so the filtering in question is no longer relevant. Please see the What's New for further information on the Evidence Broker enhancements

WorkItem:209063 - Announcing deprecation of EvidenceBroker and EvidenceSharing components

The Server and Client components EvidenceBroker and EvidenceSharing have been deprecated. They will still be supported for a limited period of time (as per deprecation policy). An alternative component for the evidence brokering has been provided in called AdvancedEvidenceSharing.
Please reference the documentation for guidance on how to configure the new Evidence Broker for and learn more about the benefits of moving to the new Evidence Broker.

PO07448, WorkItem:210872 - New Incoming SSN for Person incorrectly inherits end date of the previously end dated SSN.

Issue Description:

Where a user ends an active SSN evidence record and later creates a new Identifications evidence of type Social Security Number for the Person, on sharing this evidence to the Insurance Affordability case an issue was seen where the end date on the new evidence was incorrectly set.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Pre-requisite: Verify that Evidence Sharing is configured for sharing SSN from Insurance Affordability Integrated Case back to Person
  2. Submit and authorize a HCR application
  3. On the newly created Insurance Affordability case, edit the SSN evidence to add an end date
  4. Navigate to the Person Page and add new SSN evidence, starting a day after the previous SSN end date
  5. Locate the Active evidence list in the Insurance Affordability case and review the SSN evidence.
  6. An issue was seen where the end date on the new evidence was incorrectly set.


This issue is resolved through the enhanced Evidence Broker released in 7.0.2, which provides support for sharing logically equivalent evidence. In order for this scenario to work as expected, the new evidence broker must be used along with an evidence mapping configuration (i.e. logically equivalent sharing xml) between SSN Details and Identification evidence types which exists as part of a mapping starter pack. Please see the What's New for further information on the Evidence Broker enhancements


Income Support

PO04428, WorkItem:101507 - Code improperly constructs/opens XMLPrintStream objects.

Issue Description:

Previously, the XMLPrintStream object was improperly constructed using the non-default constructor new XMLPrintStream(xmlServerHost, xmlServerPort) which caused a parsing error when multiple ports are specified in the curam.xmlserver.port property configuration.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. As a System Administrator user, configure"server1/server2/server3 and curam.xmlserver.port="1801#0.6/1802#0.2/1803#0.3" and publish changes.
  2. Create and register a new medical application user and add a new application for a child born 1/1/2017.
  3. Add Unearned Income of type Awards/Winnings for $10,000 per month.
  4. After the application is created, authorize SpendDown with Medically Needy Children.
  5. Navigate to the Spend Down periods tab in the product delivery. Select "Deny Spend Down Period" from the action menu.


Now, the non-arg constructor is used and a parsing error no longer occurs when multiple ports are specified in the curam.xmlserver.port property configuration.

PO04954, WorkItem:101694 - For Cash Assistance where the child is 18 and expected to graduate by 19th birthday, eligibility is 1 less day than expected.

Issue Description:

Cash Assistance Eligibility: Child 18 who will graduate before 19th birthday has an eligibility determination that is one day too short.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as eligibilityworker.
  2. Register Person with DOB 1/1/1980.
  3. Create an application for Cash Assistance. Add an 18 year old child of the registered parent.
  4. Add all necessary evidences to make the application eligible including a Deprivation record for child.
  5. On Student evidence, for the child enter School Type of GED, Student Status of Full Time, and enter a future graduation date which might occur BEFORE the current certification period end date.
  6. Authorize the product delivery.
  7. Go to product delivery and activate it.
  8. Look at current determination.


A child graduating was getting a day less than expected in Cash Assistance, this had now been resolved and the eligibility end date is now correct.

PO06096, WorkItem:196058 - Incorrect end date displayed when adding new Countable Assistance Period evidence

Issue Description:

Previously an incorrect End Period date was displayed when adding new Countable Assistance Period evidence.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as eligibilityworker.
  2. Register Person with DOB 1/1/1980.
  3. Create an application for Food Assistance.
  4. Add a new Countable Assistance Period evidence with a start date of 2/1/16 number of months 2 and save evidence.
  5. Expand evidence details and observe the incorrect date in the expanded view.


Now the correct end date is calculated and displayed. This was corrected in /isproduct/creole/statics/impl/ calculateEndDate.

PO07186, WorkItem:197744 - Triage google map renderer updates to use Google Maps version 3

Issue Description:

Previously, when a Triage application was submitted for a client where the client was eligible for configured services, the community services page did not display the Google map with the location of the services available to the client.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register a person in Income Support (for example eligibilityworker).
  2. Select the Care and Protection tab available from the person home page
  3. Select Triages from the left navigation bar.
  4. Select a new triage and complete. Where the client is eligible for community services in the area and Submit.
  5. The Community Services page is displayed to the client detailing the services and service location available to the client based on their triage results.


Now, the Google Map containing the location of services available to the client can be viewed on the Community Services page having submitted the Triage application if configuration is completed.

WorkItem:208821 - Update Income Support rate tables with 2017 rates

Issue Description:

Income Support rate tables do not contain the most up-to-date values for 2017.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce: Not Applicable


The following rate tables has been updated with the most up-to-date values for 2017.

  • Rate Table: CER Annual Federal Poverty Levels for QHP
  • Effective Date: November 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • HouseholdSize1 $12,060
    • HouseholdSize2 $16,240
    • HouseholdSize3 $20,420
    • HouseholdSize4 $24,600
    • HouseholdSize5 $28,780
    • HouseholdSize6 $32,960
    • HouseholdSize7 $37,140
    • HouseholdSize8 $41,320
    • HouseholdSize over 8 add- $4,180
  • Rate Table: FS Federal Poverty Limit
  • Effective Date: October 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • HouseholdSize1 $1,005
    • HouseholdSize2 $1,354
    • HouseholdSize3 $1,702
    • HouseholdSize4 $2,050
    • HouseholdSize5 $2,399
    • HouseholdSize6 $2,747
    • HouseholdSize7 $3,095
    • HouseholdSize8 $3,444
    • Over 8 add for each person $349
  • Rate Table: CER FA Standard Deduction
  • Effective Date: October 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • HouseholdSize1 $160
    • HouseholdSize2 $160
    • HouseholdSize3 $160
    • HouseholdSize4 $170
    • HouseholdSize5 $199
    • HouseholdSize6+ $228
  • Rate Table: CER FA Maximum Net Monthly Allotment
  • Effective Date: October 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • HouseholdSize1 $192
    • HouseholdSize2 $352
    • HouseholdSize3 $504
    • HouseholdSize4 $640
    • HouseholdSize5 $760
    • HouseholdSize6 $913
    • HouseholdSize7 $1,009
    • HouseholdSize8 $1,153
    • Over 8 add for each person $114
  • Rate Table: CER FA Minimum Allotment Amount
  • Effective Date: October 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • Minimum Allotment Amount $15
  • Rate Table: CER FA Excess Shelter Deduction
  • Effective Date: October 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • Maximum Excess Shelter Deduction $535
  • Rate Table: CER FA Resources Limit
  • Effective Date: October 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • Sponsor Deeming Resource Deduction $1,500
    • Burial Plan Cash Value Limit $1,500
    • Normal $2,250
    • Disabled or Elderly $3,500
  • Rate Table: CER LTC Minimum Income Allocation
  • Effective Date: July 1, 2017
  • New Values: $2,030
  • Rate Table: CER LTC Shelter Limit
  • Effective Date: July 1, 2017
  • New Values: $609
  • Rate Table: CER LTC Family Deeming Allowance
  • Effective Date: July 1, 2017
  • New Values: $676.67
  • Rate Table: CER Medicare Cost Sharing Resource Limit
  • Effective Date: January 1, 2017
  • New Values:
    • QMB Resource Limit - Individual $7,390
    • QMB Resource Limit - Couple $11,090
    • SLMB Resource Limit - Individual $7,390
    • SLMB Resource Limit - Couple $11,090
    • QI-1 Resource Limit - Individual $7,390
    • QI-1 Resource Limit - Couple $11,090
    • QDWI Resource Limit - Individual $4,000
    • QDWI Resource Limit - Couple $6,000


PO06956, WorkItem:190106 - Living outside the State question is confusing and not consistent

Issue Description:

Previously the Health Care Reform application script contained the following question: "Are you living outside temporarily and have intentions to return to the state?". This question could be confusing for the user if completing the form on behalf of another person and was used inconsistently in different areas of the application script.

User Interface Impact: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Register a Person and Create a new application.
  3. In the 'Information About You' page, select 'No' for 'Do you have a fixed address?'
  4. Select 'No' for 'Is this person a state resident?'
  5. The next question contains the inconsistent text.


The wording of the question has been rephrased as:

  • Are you living outside the state temporarily and have intentions to return? if submitting yourself.
  • Is this person living outside the state temporarily and have intentions to return? if submitting on behalf of another.

PO07091, WorkItem:194054 - Error is displayed when viewing information on the Compliance tab for a prospect person

Issue Description:

An error is displayed when viewing information on the Compliance tab for a prospect person.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Register a prospect person.
  3. Select the Compliance tab.
  4. The following error is displayed: "The page you have requested is not available. One possible cause for this is that you are not licensed for the necessary Merative Social Program Management module. If that is the case, you can use the User Interface administration screens to remove these links."


The Prospect Person tab no longer displays the Compliance tab as this information is not required for a prospect person.

WorkItem:196057 - Former Medicaid Foster Care member name does not display on Streamlined Medicaid Product Delivery Case Home tab

Issue Description:

Previously the member details of the applicant who was eligible under the former foster care youth category of Streamlined Medicaid was not being displayed on the Streamlined Medicaid Product Delivery Case Home tab.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Submit and authorize a single household member, female, Former Foster Care based application.
  3. Streamlined Medicaid Product Delivery Case is created.
  4. Navigate to the Members Group section under the Home tab of the case.


Now the member details and coverage category are displayed for former foster care. The financial group is not being displayed as it is not determined for former foster care youth.

WorkItem:196339 - Items to verify link on product delivery context panel opens verification items in the current page

Issue Description:

Previously the 'Items to Verify' link in the context panel of Insurance Affordability product delivery cases was opening the verification items within the current page.

**User Interface Impact: **No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Search for and open an Insurance Affordability product delivery case.
  3. Click on "Items to verify" link in context panel and the items to verify are displayed on the current page.


This has been resolved and the 'Items to Verify' link now correctly opens the verification items within the Evidence tab.

PO06963, WorkItem:196932 - Items to Verify link on Application Case context panel navigates the user to an incorrect page

Issue Description:

Items to Verify" link in application case context panel is navigating the user to an incorrect page.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Create an application.
  3. Select the "Items to Verify" link in the context panel and observe the resulting page.


The 'Items to Verify' link in the application case context panel has been updated to now open a resolver script CommonIntake_resolveListVerificationsForCase, which allows for redirects to other verification pages if required, including the HCRIC_listVerificationsForCase page.

WorkItem:197009 - Guided Changes Add a Member function can be selected when all clients on the integrated case are not registered as persons

Issue Description:

Previously on the Insurance Affordability integrated case the 'Guided Change -> Add a Member...' tab level menu action item was incorrectly enabled when there was a prospect person on the case.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Open an integrated case that contains a client that is registered as a prospect person.
  3. Select the 'Guided Change -> Add a Member...' tab level menu action item.


Now the add a member link is visible but disabled if a prospect person exists on the integrated case.

PO07092, WorkItem:197033 - Temporarily Absent (intending to return) child is not eligible for Streamlined Medicaid when added via Guided Change Add a Member wizard

Issue Description:

Previously when an applicant who was temporarily absent (but intending to return) was added to a case via the Guided Change Add a Member wizard, Absence evidence was incorrectly not being created. This resulted in a potentially incorrect eligibility determination.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker and open an Insurance affordability integrated case.
  2. Using the Guided Change Add a Member wizard, add a child who is living with the mother, where both clients are out of state but intending to return.
  3. Mark the child as a tax dependent of the mother.
  4. Submit the Guided Change and apply the evidence changes.
  5. The mother is eligible for Streamlined Medicaid but the child is not.


An Absence evidence record is now being recorded and the child is found eligible for Streamlined Medicaid.

PO07160, WorkItem:197206 - Guided Changes Add a Member function can be selected when all clients on the application case are not registered as persons

Issue Description:

Previously on the Insurance Affordability application case the 'Guided Change -> Add a Member...' tab level menu action item was incorrectly enabled when there was a prospect person on the case.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  2. Open an application case that contains a client that is registered as a prospect person.
  3. Select the 'Guided Change -> Add a Member...' tab level menu action item.


Now the tab level menu action add a member link is visible but disabled if a prospect person exists on the application case.

PO07139, WorkItem:202451 - Tax Dependent Income Error - The income of all tax dependents (children and otherwise) should not be counted if it is below the appropriate tax filing threshold

Issue Description:

Previously, the income of all tax dependents (children and otherwise) was incorrectly being counted when it was below the appropriate tax filing threshold.

**User Interface Impact: **Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a streamlined medicaid product for an aunt and niece where the income of the niece is below the appropriate tax filing threshold.
  2. On the product determination the niece's income was being counted.


The rules for determining whether the income of children and tax dependents should be counted have now been corrected to exclude the following

  • The income of a child who is included in the household of his or her parent, where the MAGI-based household includes both the child and parent and the child’s income is below the tax filing threshold, i.e. the child is not expected to be required to file a tax return.
  • The income of a tax dependent claimed by someone other than a parent, where the MAGI-based household includes both tax dependent and the claiming tax filer, and the tax dependent’s income is below the tax filing threshold, i.e. the tax dependent is not expected to be required to file a tax return.
  • The income of a tax dependent claimed by someone other than a parent, where the MAGI-based household does not include the claiming tax filer but includes both the tax dependent and the tax dependent’s parent, and the tax dependent’s income is below the tax filing threshold.

Similarly, the display rules have also been corrected as follows:

  • For tax dependents, income will be displayed as counted, when the tax dependent has income that exceeds the tax filing threshold. When the tax dependent has no income or has income below the tax filing threshold, income will be displayed as not counted.
  • For nontax dependents i.e. tax filers, tax filers married and filing jointly and non-filers, when no income exists, income will be shown as counted.

In addition to correcting the rules and display rules, the tax filing threshold rates were also moved to rate tables.

Tax Filing Threshold rates were coded values within HealthCareRuleSet.xml. Maintaining the rates required an amendment to the ruleset - a less usable and more complex configuration than using rate tables. To allow for easy configuration, the Tax Filing Threshold rates for dependents are now stored in rate tables. Two new rate tables are provided:

  • CER Tax Filing Thresholds for Dependents
  • CER Tax Filing Thresholds for Dependents rate table for Gross Income

The CER Tax Filing Thresholds for Dependents rate table provides the ability to configure individual rates for unearned and earned income across different categories of age and marital status, and the CER Tax Filing Threshold for Dependents rate table for Gross Income provides a similar ability to configure individual rates across categories used in gross income related rules.

The Tax Filing configuration that affects the eligibility rules, for both online and case management, now reference these rate tables rather than coded values. These new rate tables can be accessed within the administration application. The Tax Filing Threshold rates are updated to the published 2016 rates. In addition, the 2011 Tax Filing Threshold rates are implemented as these were the rates formerly implemented in the rules. The 2016 Tax Filing Threshold rates are as per

The following files have been modified for the new rate tables

The files are under /EJBServer/components/HCR/

  • CT_RateColumnType.ctx
  • CT_RateRowType.ctx
  • CT_RateTableType.ctx

The files are under /EJBServer/components/HCR/

  • RA TECELL.dmx
  • RATEROW.dmx

The files are under /EJBServer/components/HCR/

  • RateRuleObjectPropagatorConfiguration.xml

A new ruleset HealthCareRateRuleSet was created it is under /EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets below are the new classes in it:

  • HealthCareRateRuleSet.xml
    • EarnedIncomeThreshold
    • UnearnedIncomeThreshold
    • GrossIncomeThresholdMinimumAmount
    • ExtraAmount
    • EarnedIncomeCap

As a new ruleset HealthCareRateRuleSet.xml was created a definition of the ruleset was put in:

  • EJBServer/components/HCR/data/inital/CREOLERULESET.dmx

The following have been refactored as part of this fix

  • /EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/
    • MemberUnit.isBlindTimeline
    • IncomeCountedDeteriminator
    • IncomeCountedDeterminator.incomeCountedTimeline has been rewritten to address this defect.
  • /EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/
    • MemberUnit.isBlindTimeline
    • MemberUnit.parentRelatioships
    • IncomeCountedDeterminator
    • IncomeCountedDeterminator.incomeCountedTimeline has been rewritten to address this defect.
    • AppliedMembers class has been modified to expect an attribute caseParticipantRoleRecord instead of attribute caseParticipantRoleID. All references have been updated

The following attributes have been added as part of this fix

  • EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/Streamline
    • StreamlineMedicaidFinancialUnits.financialsCPRCalculator
    • iStreamlineMedicaidFinancialUnits.ncomeCountedSplit
  • EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/EmergencyMedicaid
    • EmergencyMedicaidFinancialUnits.financialsCPRCalculatorOf
    • EmergencyMedicaidFinancialUnits.incomeCountedSplit

The following attributes have been modified as part of this fix

  • EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/CHIP/Product
    • CHIPFinancialUnitSubScreen.incomeCounted
  • EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/CHIP/Product
    • EmegencyMedicaidFinaicialUnitSubScreen.incomeCounted (attribute modified)
  • EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/Insurance
    • InsuranceAssistanceTaxHouseHoldCategory.incomeCounted (attribute modified)
  • EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/Streamline
    • StreamlineMedicaidFinancialUnitSubScreen.incomeCounted
      (attribute modified)
  • EJBServer/components/HCR/CREOLE_Rule_Sets/StateBasic
    • StateBasicPlanTaxHouseHoldCategory.incomeCounted
      (attribute modified)

Note that there is an issue which may impact this change when taken on as part of an upgrade. This will manifest itself as RatePropagation:ERR_RNFE_RATE_CELL_RULE_OBJECT errors when creating a case.

For example: RatePropagation No rule object found for rate in rate table 'CER Tax Filing Thresholds for Dependents' in row 'Single 65 or older and not blind - Unearned Income' and column 'Amount'.

This is due to a limitation in the tool which synchronises a configuration table during the upgrade process.
The causes and corrective actions are as follows:

  • table RuleObjPropConfigSnapshot may not be correctly updated. This can be rectified by running the following SQL:
    • UPDATE RuleObjPropConfigSnapshot SET configData = (SELECT configData FROM RuleObjectPropagatorConfig WHERE ruleObjectPropagatorConfigID = 26100) WHERE ruleObjectPropagatorConfigID = 26100 AND successionID = (SELECT MAX(s uccessionID) FROM RuleObjPropConfigSnapshot WHERE ruleObjectPropagatorConfigID = 26100);

PO07320, WorkItem:203734 - Past eligibility is incorrectly impacted when Disability evidence is added as a change of circumstance for a dependent person in a household

Issue Description:

Previously, when Disability evidence was added as a change of circumstance for a dependent person in a household, eligibility prior to the date of change was incorrectly impacted.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Enable the '' application property.
  2. Login as an Insurance Affordability caseworker.
  3. Submit an Application for a 2-person household, with one person indicated as a dependent.
  4. Ensure that the dependent's income is greater than the threshold Income limit.
  5. Advance the system date into the future and add Disability evidence for the dependent.
  6. Prior eligibility has been affected when it should not have been.


This has now been resolved so that eligibility prior to the change is not impacted and the correct eligibility result is determined.

WorkItem:208826 - Update Open Enrollment Period for 2018

Issue Description:

Update Open Enrollment Period for 2018

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Open Enrollment Period tab under the Health Care Reform shortcut.
  3. No open enrollment period for 2018 is configured.


A new open enrollment period configuration is now available. The configuration is: Start Date 11/1/2016, End Date 12/15/2016, Coverage Start Date 1/1/2018 and Coverage End Date 12/31/2018.

Child Welfare

PO05180, WorkItem:97694 - Intake Assessments prevent User Accounts being closed

Issue Description:

Previously when an intake case was closed any related assessment cases remained open. This caused an issue where there was no way to close the user account of the intake worker assigned to the closed intake as the assessment was viewed as an open case.
**User Interface Changed:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as intake worker and create an intake case.
  2. After creating the intake case, add a participant.
  3. Create a new Assessment on the intake case.
  4. Now close the intake case.
  5. Login as an administrator user.
  6. Go to user search and search for the intake worker that created the Intake case.
  7. Try to close the user account. Click on save and you will get an error.


The functionality to close the intake has been updated so that it now closes any related assessment cases.

PO04021, WorkItem:104744 - Absent Parent/Absent Parent Child Support/Absenteeism Evidence Types Do Not Broker

Issue Description:

Previously, when an Insurance Affordability application case was authorized, the following evidence types did not broker correctly to the Insurance Affordability integrated case and remained in an 'in-edit' status on the application case: Absent Parent, Absent Parent Child Support, Absenteeism

User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Register a person and submit Insurance Affordability application
  2. Navigate to the Insurance Affordability application and create Absent Parent, Absent Parent Child Support, and Absenteeism evidence
  3. Authorize the application case
  4. Navigate to the Insurance Affordability integrated case


The three evidence types are now correctly brokered to the Insurance Affordability integrated case. This issue is resolved through Evidence Broker V2 released in 7.0.2. Please see the documentation 'What's New in Version 7.0.2’ section for further information on the enhanced Evidence Broker V2.

PO01427, WorkItem:116416 - Provide the ability to modify/remove the home removal discharge date and modify the start date of a closed placement

Issue Description:

Unable to modify/remove the home removal discharge date and modify the start date of a closed placement.

**User Interface Impact:**Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Child Welfare Ongoing case, remove the child from the home, and place the child with at least two providers.
  2. The start date of the closed placement cannot be modified.
  3. Enter a discharge date into the home removal record.
  4. The home removal record becomes read-only.


Placements functionality now supports the ability to remove and modify the discharge date of a home removal record. In addition the start date of a closed placement record can now be updated resulting in an automatic update to the end date of the previous placement record.
All updates will result in reassessment and creation of over/underpayments if applicable to the change made.
For more information, see the “Merative Social Program Management Removal to Return” section in the Merative Social Program Management Child Services Business Guide.

PO04233, WorkItem:116540 - Closing an Intake case changes the start date to the same date as the closed date

Issue Description:

Closing an intake case caused the start date to be updated to the closed date.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to an approved intake case and select close from the action menu.
  2. Go to the person page of a participant that is in the intake case.
  3. Select cases tab and screenings.
  4. The closed date is now displayed in the start date field.


The start date is no longer updated when closing the intake case.

PO04854, WorkItem:116582 - Cannot close an Investigation case if a Safety Assessment is in closed status

Issue Description:

Previously the option to close an Investigation case was disabled when a related safety assessment had a status of 'Closed'.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Child Protection Services intake with some participants and record an allegation.
  2. Capture a recommendation and submit it.
  3. Login as an Intake Supervisor and approve the task.
  4. Login as an Investigator and create an investigation from the task displayed in the ‘Available Tasks’ POD.
  5. Complete a Risk Assessment and Safety Assessment.
  6. Select the Assessment tab & close the Safety Assessment.
  7. Try to close the investigation. The "Close Investigation" action is disabled.


This has now been updated to consider assessments with a status of 'Closed'.

PO05485, WorkItem:116596 - Unable to close intake case that was re-approved

Issue Description:

An intake supervisor has the ability to approve a closed case.

User Interface Changed: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as intake worker and create an intake with a participant.
  2. Create an allegation and submit the recommendation.
  3. Switch users to an intake supervisor that the intake has NOT been assigned and search for the intake.
  4. Select the intake and close it. Then switch to the intake supervisor that the intake approval task HAS been assigned to.
  5. Approve the task.
  6. Under "Intake Home" in the task information, observe that the status of the intake is now "Approved" (despite being closed out by the other supervisor).
  7. Select Close from the Actions menu and close the intake.
  8. An "unhandled server error" occurs.


There is now a check on the case status when trying to approve the intake. If the case status is 'Closed' the user will be stopped from approving.

PO07488, WorkItem:116601 - USE displayed upon searching on intake charts

Issue Description:

Running search on intake charts results in a USE.

**User Interface Impact:**No

Steps to reproduce:

  2. From the user workspace, select the Intakes section.
  3. Expand the Shortcuts panel.
  4. From the Users section, select the Intake Screening Rates link.
  5. From the Intake Case type drop down field, select Child Protective Services
  6. From the page level action menu, select to Search.
  7. The system displays a USE.


No USE occurring when running search on intake charts.

PO07050, WorkItem:192512 - Provider reference number is not shown on Background tab

Issue Description:

When a registered provider was added to an Intake case as an intake participant, the provider's reference number was not displayed on the Background tab when viewing information about the provider.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login as intake worker.
  2. Create a new intake case.
  3. Add a new participant to the intake as an alleged victim.
  4. Add a registered provider as a second participant as the alleged maltreater.
  5. Navigate to Participants page.
  6. Expand the record for the provider participant.
  7. The Reference Number field displayed on the Background tab is empty.


This page has been updated to now show the reference number for a registered provider.

WorkItem:195101 - Recommendation tab and Override Recommendation modal display contradictory information after overriding a recommendation

Issue Description:

The Override Recommendation modal displays contradictory results.

**User Interface Impact:**Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create an Intake Case.
  2. Add an intake participant with a role of 'Alleged Victim' and create an allegation for the intake participant.
  3. Navigate to the Recommendation tab and select a Recommendation of 'Screened In', a Priority of 'Medium', a Respond Within of '10 Days' and submit the recommendation.
  4. Login as an Intake Supervisor and navigate to the approval task under Available Tasks. Select the 'Make Decision' link.
  5. Select the Override link and update the recommendation to 'Screened Out' with some comments and click Save.
  6. Open the Intake case and navigate to the Recommendation tab.
  7. Recommendation page and Recommendation modal display contradictory information.


This has been resolved by adding a new cluster to the Home tab called 'Final Decision'. The 'Decision' field with the supervisor's decision has been moved to this new cluster and a 'Screen Out Reasons' field has been added. The 'Screen Out Reasons' field from the Recommendations tab has been removed.

PO07281, WorkItem:201998 - "Task cannot be closed from this page" is displayed in the Close Task modal when attempting to close Intake case approval task

Issue Description:

When an approval task is created and the intake case is closed prior to approving the intake, the approval task cannot be closed.

User Interface Impact: No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new Intake case with a Participant.
  2. Capture a recommendation of 'Screened Out' and submit.
  3. Approval task is generated for the Intake Supervisor. Select "Close Intake" from Action menu and click Save.
  4. Login as Intake Supervisor and select the 'Add To My Tasks' action for the approval task displayed in the Available Tasks pod.
  5. Select Save and View.
  6. Select Close from the action menu and select 'Yes' in the Close Task modal.
  7. "Task cannot be closed from this page" is displayed.


This issue occurred because a user was incorrectly able to close an intake when it was in a state of submitted. The Close Intake option is now disabled when an intake has a status of submitted.

Known Issues

Cúram Enterprise Framework

Dynamic Evidence

WorkItem:213561 - Failing SQLChecker against DB2 v12 z/OS - Foreign Key 'userName' in 'EvidenceTypeVersionSnapshot' & 'Users' tables do not match

There is an error with foreign key size found in DB2 z/OS during the execution of SQL Checker.

ERROR: Error with foreign key size. The size of the foreign key 'userName' in table 'EvidenceTypeVersionSnapshot' does not match the size of the foreign key 'userName' in table 'Users'. [sqlcheck] [sqlcheck] INF: Parsing Generated XML [sqlcheck] [sqlcheck] INF: Checking SQL Portability [sqlcheck] [sqlcheck] INF: Checking DMX File Portability [sqlcheck] [sqlcheck] INF: Running SQLJ translator [sqlcheck] [sqlcheck] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: ERROR: Please correct the above errors and re-run. [sqlcheck] at
( [sqlcheck] at

This message can be ignored as there is no impact to functionality in production. Furthermore, the Foreign Key 'FK_ETV_SNAPSHOT_USERS' should not be created on development and test environments which are using DB2 z/OS.

Integrated Case Management

WorkItem:231476 - After setting Display Case Clients On Case List Pages to true Recently Viewed Cases & Cases Recently Assigned to Me Views still shows Primary Client in the Clients column

Enabling the system property ‘Display Case Clients On Case List Pages’ results in 'Recently Viewed Cases' & 'Cases Recently Assigned to Me' pages displaying incorrect results in the Clients column.

Cúram Modules

Provider Management

WorkItem:103350 (was previously CPM-2415) - Incorrect underpayment amount created when multiple service invoice line items reassessed due to change in service rate

When there are multiple service invoice line items created and paid for a provider using a fixed amount service rate and payment option of 'pay fixed amount', if the service rate that was used to determine the payment amount is retrospectively modified, e.g. to a higher rate, underpayments are not being generated for all of the affected service invoice line items.

Outcome Management

WorkItem:114547 (was previously CC-1100) - Administration property 'curam.outcomeplanning.referralForAgreementDays' is not working as expected

Outcome Management provides the ability to create agreements where the client(s) can agree in writing to adhere to the activities (services, referrals and actions) that form part of the agreement. A system property exists to filter out referral type activities during the agreement creation process based on a number of days from when the referral was created. This property is currently not being considered when creating an agreement. To work around this issue, the user can view the start date of the referral on the create agreement wizard to determine whether the referral should form part of the agreement.

WorkItem:115188 (was previously CC-930) - Incorrect Activity Responsibility setting when a plan is automatically created by the system.

In certain scenarios, an activity will have an incorrect responsibility setting, in that the responsibility will be set to ‘system’ instead of the appropriate user. The issue occurs for a specific set-up where:

  • ‘Enable Automatic Population of Outcome Plans’ system property is set to true; and
  • Outcome Plan is created automatically from referral processing; and
  • An action which is configured to be automatically added, has been configured so that the responsibility is assigned to a user.

To work around this issue, the responsibility for the actions that are automatically added should be set to 'Any User', so that the planner user can edit the responsibility field when the action is added to the plan and change the responsibility from 'System' to the appropriate user.


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices".

Document Information

More support for:

Merative Social Program Management

Software version:


Operating system(s):

Linux, Windows

Modified date:

17 July 2018